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Adele  Rose Adele Rose > Quotes


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“Sadly, like many times in life, including winning the lottery, we don’t always get what we wish for.”
Adele Rose, Possession
“As far as I could remember, birthdays had always been filled with love, happiness and joy. They were a time when the whole family would gather in either gigantic or tiny congregations to celebrate the anniversary of a loved one’s birth. They were a time to rejoice in the notion that a person had grown one year older (if they wanted to be reminded that is). Finally, birthdays were a time of laughter, when presents would be shared, songs sung and past memories revisited. Adele Rose, Awakening.”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“Sometimes you need to loose in order to win.”
Adele Rose, Possession
“One person on their own may be able to save the world. But a team of friends, all working together, have a much greater chance of succeeding…providing that no-one succumbs to evil.’ Adele Rose, Awakening.”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“How could they have forgotten the importance of today’s date? My brain screamed at me as, with shaking fingers, I climbed the stairs to the bus, before making my way to the back, out of sight. My birthday, like the norm, happens on the same date every year. Therefore, the confused part of my brain argued, how could they have all simply forgotten this fact and acted so “normal” when I entered the kitchen this morning?
They may have been abducted by aliens in the night? This was a voice from the incomprehensible area of my mind. Consequently, their behaviour would make complete sense then!
Furthermore, answered another voice from the same ridiculous compartment, they could’ve simply gone to bed last night fine and then awoken the next morning with amnesia? Sometimes, these things happen unexpectedly. Adele Rose, Awakening.”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“Hecate smelt the odour of death as clearly as she might smell the wonderful, scented fragrance of blooming flowers in springtime or the delicious smell of dinner wafting down the hallway.”
Adele Rose, Possession
“Believe in yourself and readers will believe with you!”
Adele Rose
“The second reason - I don’t think I’m that unattractive. Alright. So I’m extremely ashen, with a jagged scar that splits my face in half from my temple to my chin. Then, there’s my disfigured nose and skin, which is like the texture of wallpaper paste (I suppose this comment is actually pretty offensive to wallpaper paste) and my crooked teeth, which would surely frighten even the likes of the Cheshire Cat. Really though, all things considered, I actually think I’m kind of hot – hotter than those Victoria Secret models for sure.”
Adele Rose, Damned
“It his mind, they reminded him of ‘Tweedle Dee’ and ‘Tweedle Dum’, with an extra emphasise placed on the ‘Dum’!”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“And I’m sure everyone else would too if you only allowed them to see more of who you really are, rather than pretending to be someone you���re not!”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“As soon as I entered the hall, everyone stopped talking. Clearly, as in most places like this one, gossip had spread faster than I could walk.
That didn’t bother me, not now.
Taking a deep breath, I announced my arrival – ‘Alex’ style”
Adele Rose, Torn
“At the end of the day,” he continued, “although many believe in fate, it’s those who go through life with independent thought alone who are the strongest.”
Adele Rose
“PE! This word was comprised of two single letters, which would normally not cause anyone any trouble. They were two single letters that were usually associated with the further words of “health” and “extended life” and therefore, had a positive reputation. However, for me, the P and the E put together was the worst possible combination. Every time they were mentioned, I would sigh in displeasure, my heart rate would increase and I would feel lightheaded. After all, in my mind, PE = exercise and exercise = torture!”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“Love is like a flame, both fierce and gentle, that can overcome anything.”
Adele Rose, Fallen
“Jeese, I thought, fear choking me. I was being targeted by a ‘tangoed’ psychopath!”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“Hecate dresses in all black, is extremely pale, unearthly beautiful and has the most chilling eyes I’ve ever known. All in all, she comes across as one of ‘The Walking Dead’ – except alive and far prettier!”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“Quiet,” she hissed at me, her voice shockingly aggressive for such a small person. “Otherwise, I’ll shut you up myself.”
Adele Rose, Shattered
“I guess that the goddess Venus wasn’t on my side with this fine specimen of the male gender!”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“Life’s too short to let people walk all over you and be the person you’re not. I’ve come to realise that and I hope that you will too, one day.”
Adele Rose
“Although he was undeniably handsome, at the end of the day, he was still some random stranger, who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, wanted to talk to me and who knew my name. The term ‘Stranger Danger’ flashed before my eyes! Therefore, no matter how hot he was, I wasn’t going to let my guard down…yet.”
Adele Rose, Awakening
“Attack!” I yell, snarling at Adam, who stands there dumbfounded for a few moments, before sense regains the upper hand. All I need down is a helmet and a flag to mark my territory. Yes. I think, cackling like a maniac. You are being chased by a pissed off ghost with a nasty vendetta.”
Adele Rose, Damned
“I was just thinking that it would be nice if, for once in a while, life made things easier,” I told him, feeling annoyed. “Why does life have to throw impossible tasks at us all the time for crying out loud?”
At hearing my debate, Luna huffed.
“Because life’s a bitch,” she growled under her breath, sulking. “That’s why.”
Adele Rose, Shattered
“Clearly, she hadn’t heard of the two words ‘social’ and ‘life’.”
Adele Rose, Possession
“Clenching my fists, his subsequent snore emphasises my suspicions. He has been sleeping on the job. I put my hands on my hips and glide over to him. I have one intent in mind. Picking up the book next to his elbow, I slam it down on the table. There are definitely some perks to being able to manipulate objects. Adam’s reaction is priceless. “W…w….what? W…where? W…why?” He stammers, blinking frantically. One hand flies to his heart, which he clutches dramatically and he raises his other to his forehead, wiping his brow. When he realises who has disturbed him and what I have done, he scowls at me. “Why did you do that?” He snaps, rubbing his eyes. He yawns at the end, meaning that I definitely can’t take him seriously. “I was enjoying that dream.” At hearing his answer, I roll my eyes. Part of me is tempted to interrogate him, to find what he was dreaming about exactly. The other rational and sensible part wins, meaning that I thrust the book in his direction, winding him considerably. He throws me a sharp glare, which ends in a grimace. The book juts sharply into his ribs. “You should be reading NOT sleeping!” I retort, making sure that the book digs harder into his chest. I give it one last push. “So get going.”
Adele Rose, Damned
“What makes us bleed? Come on…THINK.
Love. The answer came to him in a blink of an eye. Love makes you bleed.
Pain. Another answer came to him. Pain makes you bleed.
Death. Death makes you bleed.
They all made you bleed. Not necessarily physically, but emotionally. Just like now. Just like what was happening to him.
The answers kept coming.
The answers were infinite.”
Adele Rose, Torn
“It’s tough, but if you want to survive, sometimes you have to do the seemingly impossible.”
Adele Rose, Shattered
“Chris had been a genuinely nice guy – a guy with a warm heart and friendly demeanour. What’s more, he, Mortimer, had lived and laughed alongside him – something his dead companions didn’t exactly evoke. OK. So they had their uses from time to time and offered him company when he desired it. Even so, that was it. They were dead, not living. Anyway, their conversations weren’t exactly inspiring.”
Adele Rose, Torn
“Well…it’s whether you want to face certain death by taking a risk on the other route or almost certain death by scaling the walls?” she replied. “Therefore, for me, considering our options, it’s a no brainer.”
Adele Rose, Shattered
“I had broken another of her endless rules – never backchat the librarian.”
Adele Rose, Torn
“Of course they were eaten,” he retorted, his eyes flashing in cold humour. “Trolls generally aren’t exactly renowned for being vegetarians.”
Adele Rose

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Awakening (The VIth Element #1) Awakening
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Shattered (The VIth Element #3) Shattered
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