Ask the Author: Jimmy Pappas

“Ask me a question.” Jimmy Pappas

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Jimmy Pappas You can discuss your book in the Green Group Authors folder. I would start with that. Make yourself known in the group without pushing your book is a good way to build a following. I will check it out more.
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Jimmy Pappas They are in my book Scream Wounds, Poppy.
Jimmy Pappas I will contact you privately, Carla, since IHOP is a secret group of poets.
Jimmy Pappas My last review was based on an audio tape by a terrific actress who did a great job reading. And I previously read it in college. So yes, I really liked it. I don't let depressing books make me depressed. How else do we learn about depression. That does not mean I would make it required for high school students. That is an entirely different question, Alan. I am a grown man and feel I can read anything with a clear brain.
Jimmy Pappas What you should do, Ian, is go to the Green Group and then check out the folder for Green Group Authors. That is the spot to talk about your book. I think it is also important to make a name for yourself first by just discussing other topics there without trying to sell your book. The only folder for that is the Green Group Authors folder. Good luck with your book.
Jimmy Pappas I wish I did. I will give it a try.

Move around at regular intervals with some simple exercises.

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Set goals and be determined. Nothing can replace hard work.

Start a little at a time and do it daily with small increases.
Jimmy Pappas It is just like any other group. Anyone can comment or reply to a comment.
Jimmy Pappas How did George Fell die. He was one of my best friends in college. I know he died in the invasion of Cambodia in 1970 from "multiple fragmentation wounds." At that same time, I was stationed in Saigon training South Vietnamese soldiers. He must have been in combat. But I want to know more details. Somehow I feel this need to be a part of that experience. It's the only way to let it rest. Here is a link to his photos on the Virtual Vietnam Wall:
Jimmy Pappas Hi Deirdre. I will send you a private message.
Jimmy Pappas Sure, Brian. That would be fine. There is also a folder for suggesting books for the shelf. That way it gets a double look by members checking for books.
Jimmy Pappas Hi Poppy. Lucky guess. You know you can send private messages to me through the Goodreads letter system rather than on the author question site. I recommend doing that.
Jimmy Pappas I would love to do that, Poppy. Send me your mailing address in private through Goodreads. I will get right on it.
Jimmy Pappas Green Group Authors is a folder in the Green Group. Search under folders to find it.
Jimmy Pappas Yes, Joan Colby's husband has died. Joan was an active member of Goodreads and an enormously prolific poet. I certainly share with you, Sarah. my condolences to her and her family.

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