Ask the Author: Janeal Falor

“Feel free to ask a question.” Janeal Falor

Answered Questions (6)

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Janeal Falor I did, thank you so much! I love it! MiblArt did a fantastic job. I'm so in love with the Sands of Eppla cover!
Janeal Falor That's disappointing :( I'm sorry you weren't able to go. You can purchase my books off of Amazon or B&N or you can request them in at any brick and mortar store.
Janeal Falor Yay for Comicon. It's such a blast! Yes, "Mine to Fear" will be released in paperback as well. In fact, I'll be at Comicon again this year with paperbacks for both "Mine to Fear" and Mine #4, the final book in the series.
Janeal Falor Two ways. I either try and write through it, keep writing down whatever I can even if it's ridiculous. Or I go do something that's not writing. Almost always have coming back after a break, things go smoother.
Janeal Falor Read. A lot. And write a lot too.

Once you've done both of those, be brave enough to let others critique your work but strong enough to know what suggestions you need to change and what things you need to stay true to. Keep at it! It's a tough journey, but worth every moment.
Janeal Falor Everyday life inspires me. Things my kids saw. Stuff I see in nature. Something a stranger may do. It's why I love getting out and living life and not just trying to write all the time.

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