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Surviving Raine #1

Surviving Raine

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As the captain of a schooner catering to the elite on the Caribbean Seas, Sebastian Stark does his best to avoid any human encounters. Interacting with people isn’t his thing, and he prefers the company of a bottle of vodka, a shot glass, and maybe a whore. There’s no doubt he’s hiding from a checkered past, but he does well keeping everything to himself…

…until the night his schooner capsizes, and he’s stuck on a life raft with one of the passengers.

Raine’s young, she’s cute, and Bastian would probably be into her if he wasn’t suffering from alcohol withdrawal. As the days pass, DTs, starvation, and dehydration become the norm. Even the most closed person starts to open up when he thinks he’s going to die, but when she realizes their traumatic pasts are connected, it’s no longer the elements that have Bastian concerned.

He has no idea how he’s going to Survive Raine.

351 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 19, 2013

About the author

Shay Savage

44 books3,764 followers
Shay Savage is an independent author from Cincinnati, Ohio, where she lives with her family and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. Her hobbies include off-roading in her big, yellow Jeep, science fiction in all forms, and soccer. Savage holds a degree in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.

From the author: “It’s my job to make you FEEL. That doesn’t always mean you’ll feel good, but I want my readers to be connected enough to my characters to care.”

Savage’s books many books span a wide variety of topics and sub-genres with deeply flawed characters. From cavemen to addicts to hitmen, you’ll find yourself falling for these seemingly irredeemable characters!

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Profile Image for Debra.
474 reviews2,449 followers
May 11, 2013
♥ 5 STARS. ♥

"Your body can survive in amazing situations; you just have to convince your mind to do what you tell it to do."

What. A. Story.

Surviving Raine was an amazing, heartfelt, emotional, gripping and unforgettable story that simply blew me away. For the day and a half it took me to read this book, it completely consumed my thoughts. And even now, after having finished it, I often still think about it. Yes, that's just how good this book was.

Surviving Raine is a story about two people having to survive together on a tiny life raft after their ship has capsized. They have to suffer through all the harsh conditions that come with surviving a shipwreck: starvation, dehydration, infections... but the toughest aspect to survive might not be the physical conditions, but the emotional journey both survivors have to go through.

Sebastian Stark --

Sebastian {Bastian} Stark is the captain of The Oblivion, a ship that sails it's passengers on their vacation throughout the Caribbean Seas.

Bastian is rude, crude, crass and the perfect epitome of badass.

He's not a people's person, not at all. He much prefers the company of a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of vodka and a whore every now and then.

He's used to caring about no one but himself, but when his ship capsizes and he is stuck on a life raft with one of his female passengers, his sense of responsibility kicks in and he becomes quickly aware that from now on his safety isn't the only one he needs to care about anymore.

"For once, it wasn't just me I needed to look after. There was the annoying, questioning, tiny little piece of seriously feminine, soft, brown-eyed, doesn't-take-my-shit, fucking beautiful young woman who didn't stand a chance on her own that I needed to protect."

At first, Bastian and Raine don't get along very well. They argue, a lot. Bastian suffers from alcohol withdrawal and since there's no else to take it out on, Raine is often the victim of one of his outrages outbursts...

"Well, is there something I can do to help with that?" she asked, "or are you just going to yell at me all the time?"

That was it. I couldn't hold my temper back any longer.

"Yeah, there is something you can do," I said coldly, turning my glare at her. "Come here and blow me. That would probably ease a bit of my tension - especially if you swallow."

Yeah, I know. I couldn't believe I said it either."

Well, at least, Bastian knew what an ass he could be at times and I have to admit, despite him being mean and cruel in the beginning, after a while he grew on me. I liked his direct approach of things and the fact that, despite his hard exterior, deep down he's actually a nice person with a big hart; he just doesn't know how to show it.

And then there's sweet, innocent Raine Gayle...

She's pretty much the complete opposite of Bastian; she's caring, compassionate and just downright a good person. Everything Bastian is not.

Still, she finds herself drawn to him and when both of them start opening up about their past, they start to grow closer to each other.

And you know, two people spending days alone with each other, thinking that they might never make it out of their messed up situation alive, that's bound to create some sexual tension. (and trust me, there were some serious HOT and sexy scenes between the two of them!).

"I could do it, you know," I heard myself say. My voice had dropped low, but I knew she still heard me. I leaned over only a little, bringing my mouth closer to her ear. "I could make you come without touching you."

But despite the fact that they start to grow more comfortable around each other, Bastian finds it hard to let himself be vulnerable around Raine. His past makes it hard for him to trust anyone other than himself and he's afraid that if he opens himself up to her, he'll never be able to survive Raine if he ever were to lose her...

"Please stop shutting me out."
"I never let you in, baby."

"I want to, Raine," I said quietly. "I want to let you in. I just don't know if I can."

Bastian is such an interesting character and I loved that the entire story was written in his point of view. He's made a lot of mistakes in his life but it was touching to see how being with Raine changed him and how it made him want to be a better person.

Luckily, the story ends with an implied HEA, but the very last chapter does give the impression that Raine and Bastian's adventure isn't over yet and that there might even be a follow up to the story...


"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."

"I give you my life, my love, my soul," I swore to her. "As long as I'm breathing, I'm yours. Even when I'm nothing more than a fucked up dick, I still love you."

Shay Savage has written a unique, captivating and intriguing story that will stay with me for a very long time and that I would highly recommend everyone to read. Surviving Raine is the first story I've read by her and I already know it won't be my last!

**ARC kindly provided by the author and happily received in exchange for an honest review**

Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
August 30, 2021
Re-read: 8/29/21

I just love this book. I love asshole Bastien and how much he loves Raine. Still as good every single time.

Original Review:

There have been tons of awesome reviews on this so I'll keep it short. What a GREAT book. I loved every second of it. The storyline flowed along so fast and smooth and the characters were really fleshed out. It is obvious the author did a lot of research for this and yet the facts and background details never muddled the story the way they sometimes do - a testament to a true storyteller.

I loved the main characters and really enjoyed the story being told from the lead male character's POV.

You know that moment when you are reading a book and you actually have that epiphany "wow I'm reading a really great book?" I totally got that reading this, which I love.

Definitely on my keeper/re-read shelf. Can't wait for number two to come out.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
April 20, 2015
5 Bastian loving stars!!!

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Surviving Raine is a book that was released over a year ago. Yes. Over a year ago. And I have just now read it. I have no clue why it’s taken me so long. This book was just my type of read. The hero is damaged and a complete jerk most of the time. The heroine is lovable and not at all annoying. The writing is fantastic. It’s witty, steamy, full of adventure and romance. It’s quickly made it’s way on my favorites list. And it’s all because of one man. Sebastian Stark.

Sebastian is kind of an asshole. Alright, there is no kind of. He spends his days sailing a ship, getting drunk, smoking cigarettes and sleeping around. That is his day to day. Until one day, something changes. His ship goes under and he’s almost doesn’t make it out. But he does. Along with one of his passengers. A girl named Raine. They end up alone on a life raft after he saves her from drowning. He doesn’t know what to do with her, from the moment they first meet, she drives him crazy in the best way.
“How the fuck was I going to survive with this annoying, smoking hot bitch that I simultaneously wanted to fuck and kill?”

Bastian may not know what to do with Raine, but he knows how to survive. So he’s at sea, minimal supplies, this girl is with him...he’s detoxing, she’s freaking out and wants to help, and this is his advice... (do you see why I love him so much???)

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Bastain could be crude and rude, but he made me laugh out loud so many times. I was surprised with how funny parts of this book were. It wasn’t all laughs. There were lots of serious moments. The more Bastain and Raine get to know each other, the more they start to open up. Getting Bastian to open up to her is like pulling teeth. He has a sorid past and doesn’t talk about it for a reason. But when you spend day after day with the same person, you are bound to open up some. I loved that Raine really got to know Bastian. The real guy behind the asshole. Even after she learned a lot of his bad, she still cared for him and saw the good.
“I’ve seen you, Bastian. I’ve seen you. Not who you pretend to be, not who you try to hide behind... I’ve seen the real you. Please, Bastian. Don’t hide him from me anymore.”

It’s been a long time since Bastian has let anyone in. Especially a woman. But Raine is different. She’s special. Even though he knows he doesn’t deserve her, she is his.

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Raine and Bastian don’t have a traditional love story. It’s a slow burn, but once they're together that slow burn turns scorching hot.
“I could do it you know...I could make you come without even touching you.”

Bastain and Raine have intense chemistry. But their relationship is so much more than that. Bastian makes Raine feel safe. This man who has such a violent past, makes her feel safer than she’s ever felt. For the first time in Bastian’s life. He feels wanted. Needed. He wants to be a different man for Raine, a better man. She makes him want to be better.
“I don’t know how else to be. If I could be... something.... someone else... for you, I’d do it.”
“I know you would.”

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As much as I enjoyed the amusing and seductive parts of this story, what I really loved was the character growth and the emotional element. There were so many parts of this story that touched me- moved me to tears. This was one of my favorite scenes-

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These two couldn’t be any more perfect for one another. They both give each other strength in different ways. I loved how patient and understanding Raine was with Bastian. She knew he needed someone to listen, understand and love him through all his bullshit and she did that.

And Bastian... my vulgar, sexy and broken guy. Wow. I fell hard for Sebastian Stark. So hard that he put himself right towards the top of my favorite book boyfriends list. He was just something else. He made me laugh, made me cry, made me melt and broke my heart. I couldn’t get enough of this possessive, protective, strong and damaged man.

This is a story about survival. Not just surviving the elements, but surviving life. Once I started this book I was hooked. It captivated me from the first chapter. Once I finished, I was sad it was over. There is so much more I want to say, so many things I highlighted that I left out, but there’s no way I can put it all into this review. If you get one thing out of this, don’t do the same thing I did. Don't put off reading this amazing book! If you haven’t read Surviving Raine- pick it up asap!

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Profile Image for Jamie.
1,022 reviews967 followers
December 4, 2013
This Book Owned Me!!!!
One Of My Favorite Books This Year!

If there were more stars to give- this book would have them..

I read a lot of books and I've read a lot of good books.. you know how sometimes when you're reading something and all of a sudden you are like.. wow!, this is just crazy good! And your heart starts beating faster and you can't turn the pages fast enough? You feel like you are right there in the book and your emotions are just all over the place? You can't wait to read the next page but at the same time you want to slow down and savor it because you don't want it to end? That my friends was this book for me.

This story is about Bastion and Raine....

My Bastion....

Bastion owns a ship..

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He sails the carribean with a boat full of people that can afford his cruises.. He's 29 and has lived a much harder life then you or I could imagine.. He's grown up tough and has a very violent past. He's also and alcoholic and a chain smoker. He's a jerk of epic proportions and screws whores because he'd rather pay to get off then worry about having to kick someone out of his bed when its over. He's as much of an asshole as I've read in any book.. but of course our Bastion has many many layers to him....This story is told from Bastion's POV and I loved that! He's so complicated and is such an asshole.. I loved knowing all of this thoughts! He was so crazy sometimes and just to be able to be in his mind was so incredible.. Bastion is unlike any other character I've ever read. He is the ultimate anti-hero.

Raine is on his ship, The Oblation, on her own. Bastion does notice her since its his ship but doesn't really think anything of her..until an accident with the The Oblation throws them together and they must depend on each other for their lives.

I don't think I'm spoiling anything by telling you for a good while they are on a life raft together before they finally reach an uninhabited island. Bastion is an alcoholic and a chain smoker.. put that together with being a total ass and you know Raine has got her hands full with him. He's not nice and he's no gentleman.

The story revolves around them and how they learn to survive together. Thankfully Bastion knows pretty much everything about survival and for very very good reasons. He has to step up and be there for Raine because day by day he falls for her. She sees him through some enormously difficult times with his alcohol withdrawl and him just being a general dickhead most of the time. But she sees through him.. she is able to cut through all those dark brooding layers to get to the man hidden so deep within himself. They also learn that they have a very strong connection from both of their past.. and this leads you to wonder if it was coincedence that Raine just happend to be on Bastion's ship. I personally do not think this was a conincedence at all...

Although they are by themselves, there is plenty of things going on and the story never dragged at all. There was deep sadness at times as well as some very dangerous situations. I was on the edge of my seat several times freaking out wondering what was going to happen. There is also some serious steam.. they were so hot together. I re-read a few scenes several times due to how sexy they were. *fanning self*

This is my favorite book this year for sure and honestly, probably last year too. I have definitly read some good books.. but even now, after I've already finished this one, my heart still clenches just thinking about Bastion and Raine. I loved this book.. To me, this was everything a book should be. It completely swept me away.

This book does have an implied HEA and it ends with Bastion and Raine being right where they should be and I had a huge smile on my face at the end. However, the epilogue does lead me to believe there might be another book in the works that deals with someone with possible sinister intentions from Bastions past that could be very dangerous for Bastion and Raine. I really hope there will be more Raine and Bastion. My heart literally aches for more of them.

I cannot recommend this book enough!! It needs to be on your TBR list for an immediate read as soon as its released. If you love sexy jerky assholes, romance, serious steam, suspense , danger, and a love so strong in makes your heart ache.. then you do not want to pass this book up. I promise you that.

One of my favorite quotes from this book...

“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”

"I give you my life, my love, my soul,” I swore to her. “As long as I’m breathing, I’m yours. Even when I’m nothing more than a fucked up dick, I still love you.”

The End

I was provied an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review and that's what I've given here. In return, I was given the gift of one of the best books I've ever read...
Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,061 followers
January 15, 2023
🎧 2nd Read, Oct. 2021 — 4.25 Stars
🎧 Bastian’s Storm — 3.5 Stars

Sebastian Stark is the man you pick to get stuck with on a stranded island and not the man you walk down the isle to on your wedding day (unless it happens on said island and you live your HEA away from civilization). The man is a child, and I feel like dating him in the real world would be too much work.

This somewhat proved true in the sequel—which I have totally read but am NEVER going to add to GR cause I’d drown first before I show this Bastian's Storm (Surviving Raine, #2) by Shay Savage on my online shelves (yes, I’m THAT vain and too cool for hideous covers). But I digress. I didn’t like Sebastian’s lack of control, his self-pitying nature, and his lack of faith in himself. The way he loves Raine is pretty damn ‘RED’ and beautiful though.

Alas, instead of showing how he and Raine could work as a couple, I feel like the sequel showed how they shouldn’t be together—at least until Sebastian’s managed to work on himself. But back to this book, EVERYTHING (sans the part they finally got rescued from the island) was the BEST part about this book.

🎧 1st Read, Jun. 2020 — 4.5 Stars

Who would say no to an inestimable period of self isolation if it meant getting stranded on an island with Sebastian Stark who was the very definition of a damaged good with pockets of sweetness and who would give you special treatments, such as:

- giving you free lessons on how to survive on a lifeboat and keeping you alive with his resourcefulness
- protecting you from any kind of danger with his deadly fighting skills
- helping you maintain your feminine hygiene (including but not limited to )
- fulfilling your (and his) other needs by indulging you in titillating sweat inducing activities???

That was a long ass question, but the answer is, NOT ME!!! Despite his extremely difficult, unlikeable, downright despicable personality and questionable morale, Bastian grew on me little by little and became an easy character to love.

✓ Soft and hard
✓ Troubled and tortured
✓ Foul mouthed but fluent at Shakespeare
✓ Caveman possessive but endearing instead of overbearing
✓ Bad tempered but sweet and gentle when in love

God, I’m obsessed with him!

The book was told from the male’s POV. The story was absolutely engrossing, heartfelt and funny at times, whilst also bursting with chemistry, tension, and sexiness at others. Raine was the perfect match for Bastian with her being everything he was not. I was almost sad when they were rescued and had to leave the island.

More than half a decade since Surviving Raine was published, and I’d just now discovered what a ride this was. Thank you Bee for sharing Bastian with me. My review sucks and is insufficient to how I actually felt, but I treasured every second of this book.
Profile Image for "That's All" Ash.
158 reviews1,873 followers
April 30, 2013
There’s a moment when it comes to amazing books.

Whether you find it in the middle of a sentence, the last page of a chapter, or when that titanium, paper-like wire of sexual tension *finally* gives.

It’s the moment where you realize that the book you’re reading completely and irrevocably owns you.

So I’m going to do the one thing I hate doing: I’m going to spoil this book for you, by telling you that this book?

It has that moment.

You’re going to set it down. And then you’re going to find yourself picking it right back up five minutes later (if you can last that long… personally, I only made to about 4.5). Because you just can’t be away from it for any long increments of time.

It’s the kind of book that’s going to make you have a *very intimate* relationship with your coffee maker, while simultaneously making you divorce your sparkly alarm clock.

This is your only warning.

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The antagonistic protagonist we all love.

Let’s see… how can I best describe him…?


Let’s say Bastian was thrown into the Hunger Games with every alpha/most badass/hottest character you’ve ever stumbled across.

Fifteen minutes later, Bastian would be the last one standing with a still full bottle of vodka intact to his hand, a cigarette in the other, and a slightly annoyed look on his face.

Yep. That basically sums him up..

He’s mean and crude and mean and crass and mean and


“I could do it, you know,” I heard myself say. My voice had dropped down low, but I knew she still heard me. I leaned over only a little, bringing my mouth closer to her ear. “I could make you come without even touching you.”

He’s also a captain of a small ship, which he and his best friend use to charter rich people around the world.

Until said ship sinks.

And all he’s left with is a seemingly lone young and very female survivor and a safety raft.


The polar-opposite of Bastian.


And she has utterly no idea how to handle the beast of a guy she’s suddenly stranded with.

Because without
• a bottle of precious alcohol
• a pack of cigs
• any form of a kind word

That’s exactly what good ol’ Bastian is: a beast.

However despite Bastian’s past career as a “fighter”, and despite his darkest secrets… Raine may be the only one who ever understood him and stood up to him.

“I held you,” she said. “I held you, and you cried, and you asked me why no one had ever wanted you. You asked me why your own mother didn’t want you. You asked me why it hurt so much and if I could make it stop hurting. I may not know a lot about you, but I know you aren’t as much of a badass as you want people to think you are.”

So what becomes of Bastian and Raine, the lone survivor of his sunken ship, who he can’t decide if he wants to kill or f**k?

Can he learn to trust the one person who now knows all of his secrets?
Can he even love her?
Or does he ruin the one chance at his own mental survival?

“Stop shutting me out.”

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“I never let you in baby,” I sneered.

*** This ARC was kindly provided and happily received in exchange for an honest review. ***

Release Date: May 21st. ;)
Profile Image for ♡Karlyn P♡.
604 reviews1,265 followers
August 3, 2016

Not my cuppa. Honestly, I am really getting sick of this formula!

Bastian was yet another asshole hero, much like Travis from Beautiful Disaster, who drinks too much, smokes too much, curses too much, fights too much, feels he doesn't deserve to be loved, and alternates treating his heroine like a piece of shit or a priceless golden statuesque goddess.

Raine was yet another doormat, doe-eyed, virginal innocent, giggly heroine with a speech impediment, (this one couldn't talk without inserting an "...uhm..." every few sentences), who believes in rainbows and unicorns, that love will conquer all, and that heroes like Bastian are just 'being silly' when they repeatedly treat them with abusive language and actions.

The relationship is essentially them fighting, fucking, fighting, fucking, fighting, then more fucking and more fighting. Toss in a few "I love you's" and a boatload of the heroine telling the hero he is worthy of love, and you have just summed it all up.

And to round out the formula, this story is going to be dragged into yet more books.

The shipwreck and survival aspects were my favorite part of this story, and it is why I bothered to finish the book. Despite not liking or believing in these two, I enjoyed seeing how they worked to survive, and I did want to know if or how they were rescued.

I know this book is really popular, and I understand that. I think this book is well suited for readers who like their romance characters similar to ones found in Beautiful Disaster and Fifty Shades, which I do not. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend this one.
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
May 28, 2013

My casting for Bastien ^^^


This was one of those random reads that just totally grabbed my attention and made me shift my TBR. I went into it not really knowing what to expect but came out of it pleasantly surprised!

It was refreshing to read such a different plot line than the usual. It was basically the story of two people stranded together on a life raft in the middle of the Caribbean struggling to survive and dealing with their growing feelings for each other.

But… it wasn’t that simple. The hero, Bastien, (who was the captain of the ship) was a rude and crude yet lovable jerk who was also in the process of detoxing and the heroine was sweet and quiet and just his complete opposite in every way so dealing with him detoxing and them trying to survive on top of the fact that their ship just sank definitely made for an interesting story set up.

The entire story was told from Bastien’s POV. So, basically we get the perspective of the broken, drunken (now detoxing), manwhoring, badass ex-fighter. I loved it!

“Throw her overboard or stick my tongue down her throat? I could decide and it fucking ticked me off.”

He went through a lot of change in the book. He did have some pretty low, utterly asshole moments but it was all on the outside. On the inside he was just this broken totally tortured guy who had just been completely fucked over by life and was tired of trusting people… deep down he really just wanted to be loved and I could really sense that right from the start. But… on the outside, seriously there were definitely times when I wanted to slap him. What. A. Jerk.!!

“Please stop shutting me out.”

“I never let you in, baby.”

But I’m a sucker for guys with tortured pasts… oh, and did I mentioned he was scarred? Ex-fighter… Really protective… Swoony in a really rough way. Yeah, I kinda fell for him.

I really like Raine too. Despite being sweet and shy and rather innocent, she was also quite strong and I loved that she just did NOT take his shit! I loved that she wasn’t a pushover.

But really, you couldn’t have had two more different people stuck on that raft together.

Ok, I will say this in the interest of honesty.. there were a few things that suspended my belief a little — like how quickly he opened up to her about his past given how incredibly dark it was but still, it wasn’t anything that made me disconnect from the story, more just something I noticed.

As far as the things they went through to survive, I’ve never been stranded on a boat in the middle of the ocean, but it all seemed pretty realistic to me so I liked that everything at least felt very believable from that respect.

I liked the bit of a twist to his back story. It certainly wasn’t your average ‘past’.. in fact it honestly might have been the first time I’d heard of a character being a part of something like that and I liked the way it made sense as a backstory of what had built him into the man we were seeing in the story. But seriously. It was fucked up. No wonder he drank himself into oblivion!

“I want to let you in, I just don’t know if I can.”

The book is basically very focused on two things: their survival and their growing relationship. There were a lot of survival tips and tricks. Some of them actually really interesting, and some of them seriously gross (dear freaking Lord may I never have to be in the position of needing to suck the liquid out of a fish’s eyeballs for hydration *shudders*)

“Survival 101… You can live three minutes without air, three hours without shelter, three days without water, and three weeks without food. It’s not exact, obviously, but it tells you where to put your priorities.”

But there was also a lot of focus on the relationship which eventually turned into a romance. I liked that it was slow-building and that they didn’t just fall into each other’s arms. It took its time so that by the time they got together, I believed it. I loved this part:

“I love your arms,” she said, almost too quietly for me to hear. Her fingers trailed all the way down to my wrist, then back up to my shoulder where she outlined the muscles there.

“I thought you loved my dick,” I teased.

Raine chuckled and sighed at me.

“I like that, too, but your arms are my favorite part of you. They make me feel safe.”

“I’ll always keep you safe,” I told her. I tilted my head to the side, looked into her eyes, and smiled down at her.

“I know.”

Some parts of the book felt a little “out there”, others were really sweet, and some were just downright HOT!!

“I could do it you know… I could make you come without even touching you.”

I loved the whole angle of the broken hero, utterly fucked over by life, a true survivor, and yet with zero self worth being shown how to trust love by this girl who saw right through his facade into the real him and brought out the best in him and made him feel safe, loved and worthy.

“As long as I’m breathing, I’m yours. Even when I’m nothing more than a fucked up dick, I still love you.”

What is it about the grouchy crude, rude, lovable badass jerks that just melt our hearts?? There were times when I couldn’t help but smile.

“What did you do before sailing?”

Here was a topic best avoided.

“Not much.”

“You must have done something.”

“Not necessarily.”

“Well you had to have done something to be able to buy your boat, right?”

“It’s a ship. Or it was. Boats are small, and size fucking matters.”

LOL. I loved that Raine was strong, but just in a very quiet way. Yes, she had moments of naivete but not stupidity and I respected that difference.

Emotionally, this was really a journey of feeling worthy of and finding love. Physically, it was a journey of survival.

There is no relationship cliffhanger however there are still really big bad guys out there who will likely try and come after them so I’m looking forward to the next one but have no doubt that they’ll remain strong together as a couple.

“I love you… I’ll never walk away from you, Raine, I swear — I’ll be with you as long as you will have me.”

I really enjoyed my read and if you just want something really different, this would definitely be one to consider. There were a few slow parts but at the same time, looking back on it, there weren’t any parts I’d want to take out either and during my read, I couldn’t put it down.

It was just a total chance of pace from my normal reads and sometimes that’s exactly what you need :-)

4+ stars (maybe 4.5 in certain places)

For more of my reviews, visit Aestas Book Blog
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As the captain of a schooner catering to the elite on the Caribbean Seas, Sebastian Stark does his best to avoid any human encounters. Interacting with people isn’t his thing, and he prefers the company of a bottle of vodka, a shot glass, and maybe a whore. There’s no doubt he’s hiding from a checkered past, but he does well keeping everything to himself…

…until the night his schooner capsizes, and he’s stuck on a life raft with one of the passengers.

Raine’s young, she’s cute, and Bastian would probably be into her if he wasn’t suffering from alcohol withdrawal. As the days pass, DTs, starvation, and dehydration become the norm. Even the most closed person starts to open up when he thinks he’s going to die, but when she realizes their traumatic pasts are connected, it’s no longer the elements that have Bastian concerned.

He has no idea how he’s going to Survive Raine.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
June 17, 2013

This is the story about Raine and Sebastian (Bastian) … Bastian is the captain of a boat, The Oblation. The boat hits some sort of storm and it sinks but not before Bastian gets the emergency raft afloat. He sees a body in the water and hauls it on board. It is Raine, sweet Raine and their journey takes them onto the open seas to a deserted island where they have to survive the elements. Bastin is an alcoholic so we see him going through withdrawl symptoms, DTs, etc. It is fairly heartbreaking. Raine is there with him every step of the way. He has been a loner much of his life. They open up to each other – there is an underlying side story also regarding her father. She is, I think 20 years old, to his 30. I loved this story. I loved the love scenes, I loved the survival tactics they had to use. Loved how Sebastian opened up to Raine…. A wonderful read and I suppose it was sort of an abrupt ending but it definitely paved the way for another story from these two wonderful people. I see that there is another book due out in 2014 so look forward to reading further about Bastian and Raine…. Get the feeling it will not be an easy road they will have to travel.

For once it wasn’t just me I needed to look after. There was the annoying, questioning, tiny little piece of seriously feminine, sort, brown-eyed, doesn’t-take-my-shit, fucking beautiful young woman who didn’t stand a chance on her own that I needed to protect.

Damn, if she wasn’t going to be the death of me. I was pretty confident I could survive in a life raft for quite some time, but survive Raine without my cock jumping straight out of my shorts like a divining rod? Not so sure.

"I don’t do relationships," I told her. "I try to keep things a little easier. No flowers, no commitments. Just fucking "

"Tell me you got me!"

"I’d die without you Bastian. Even if I lived, I’d die inside."

"Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet which still clings fast to the heel that crushed it."

With her I could have a real life, without the constant threat of pain. I’d lived through a lot of shit. I’d survived abandonment, betrayal, endless violence, and the elements, but could I survive Raine? Could I live with her, in her world like a regular person? Was I strong enough to do that?


Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews64 followers
December 19, 2020
I must have rolled my eyes a million times. From Bastian's abusive behaviour to Raine's numerous too stupid to live questions, I wanted to capsize their dinghy then jump into the ocean and drown with them.

Additionally, I was disappointed that Shay Savage decided to describe the 2 Black characters as "dark-skinned". Why do authors feel the need to differentiate the POC characters with derogatory descriptors when they could simply say 'Black'? 🙄
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,544 followers
May 28, 2013
"Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet which still clings fast to the heel that crushed it. "Raine's eyes met mine again, her tears still staining her cheeks. "I'm a heel, Raine," I told her. "You're my beautiful violet and I'm always crushing you..."

Hey...little disclaimer here...I know there is talk of this book having a cliffie (most of you know how I feel about cliffhangers), but I really don't think this ends in a cliffie AT ALL! The story told within this book is complete....I put it down with a nice sigh and a finished feeling. That being said, the epilogue is a bit of a teaser for the next book...almost as if the author added a teaser chapter from the next in the series.

Surviving Raine: I survived it! It was more of a Surviving Sebastian Stark for me, though...my lips are bitten to shreds and I think my heart stopped a couple of times, but I'm still here.
"I'm a nutcase, Raine," I told her. "I'm a murderer and a drunk. I use women as a place to stick my cock. That's who I am. You don't want to delude yourself into thinking I'm something else."

This is told entirely from the male point of view....which I LOVED!!!!! I don't think being inside of Raine's head would have lent me to being able to understand Sebastian the way I needed to in order to empathize with him.

Sabastian Stark is living a hard life of drinking and f*cking, sleeping, and captaining his ship that totes around rich party people from tropical paradise to tropical paradise. But he enjoys none of it, living his own personal hell of a daily grind and nights filled with nightmares. Only these nightmares were once reality for him.

When he is awakened one night from his drunken slumber by literally crashing into the ceiling of his cabin, his first thought is to get the life rafts afloat for his passengers. Finding the rafts gone and the passengers gone as well, he hopes for the best and takes for himself the tiny emergency raft that he and his shipmate had added on a whim a few months ago.

But as he watches his ship sink into the ocean, he spots a figure sinking into the waves right along with it.

Here is our first glimpse of the true nature of the conundrum that is Sebastian Stark... He jumps out of the safety of his raft and saves a life, allowing Raine to survive. Now, if only Sebastian can survive Raine...

Wow...pretty much sums it up...I tend to like the antihero to begin with, and if you like sweet guys who are tender with their woman, I don't suggest reading this...or at least I suggest reading this with an open mind and FINISH it before judging Sebastian too harshly. He's pretty much fifty shades of messed up...his past is just about as horrible as it gets for a kid, but you don't get to know him for quite awhile, so you only get the nasty, mean, and selfish Sebastian. As the story wears on...and the alcohol wears off...he slowly opens up to Raine.
"I didn't know how to stop. Everything in my body was so tight - so tense and hard - I couldn't even stop if I wanted to - I was on complete, reactionary autopilot. I managed to wrap my arms around my knees and lean forward a little, bt that was it. I couldn't look at her because if I did my reaction would be - undoubtedly - violent. I would either lash out more with verbal abuse or I would grab her and violently...beg her to hold me. Fuck..."


She's such a sweetheart! At first, almost too sweet for Bastien, but we come to learn that she has one hell of a backbone...this girl takes Sebastian's crap over and over again, and yet she still sees the good in him, forgives him almost instantly, because she can see his inner turmoil, and she knows he's a good person. I loved Raine! I loved how she starts off very scared and timid, and slowly gains confidence and spunk as the story wears on and her circumstances force her into dealing with more than she ever thought she could. And yet she still breaks down...a couple of times, and I love that too...women can be vulnerable and yet still be strong. And Raine exemplifies that, especially as her love for Bastien continues to be stronger and stronger. It's that steadfast nature of hers that slowly brings out his humanity. It's at once painful and beautiful to read.

"I'd fucked thirty year veteran whores and barely out of high school virgins. Some felt better than others, but it wasn't the physical that made it different. When I connected with Raine physically, I could feel every bit of her soul within my own...It had never occurred to me before that I might have a soul..."

One big redeeming quality for Sebastian is that he never, ever puts his life before Raine's...it's paramount to him that she survive, even in the beginning, before he loves her. He's a good person, somewhere in the dark recesses of what his life SHOULD have been, he's a good person. And he KNOWS that he's messed up...what he learns from Raine, and what he has to learn to accept, is that there is good in him as well...that he's worthy of love and affection just as much as she is.

"I knew she wanted me. I knew she loved me. The single, brightest point in the universe wanted and loved me."
Profile Image for Tears Of Venus.
133 reviews1,747 followers
July 8, 2020
4,5 you're-my-home ⭐️'s

Song: Mr. Probz - Nothing Really Matters . This song is so them it's scary!!!

“You got me?”
“Yeah, I got you.”

From now on :
Anyone : If you were stranded on an island what would you bring ?
Me : Easy. Sebastian Stark.
Anyone : WHAT not WHO!
Me : like I said, Sebastian Stark. 🙃
Anyone : You obviously don't understand the question 🤬
Me : You obviously don't know Sebastian Stark. 😅

Starting this book, I was promised the asshole of all assholes.
Sebastian Stark definitely more than delivered on that end. He was a straight up dick, with a despicable personality and a huge chip on his shoulder.
But what you, cruel cruel people, obviously forgot to tell me was how broken and tortured he was, how much my heart would break for him and how sweet and gentle he could be. 🥺

I'm not gonna go into details about what happens because :

1. This book released 7 years ago, I'm basically one of the last people to read it. That rock I was living under was really heavy, btw.
2. There are many incredible reviews that go into detail about everything.
3. All you really need to know is in the blurb, anyway.

When I got to this part

“There was something wrong with me, and none of them ever wanted me to stay.  They’d keep the other kids.”

I was really

And to him

and to whoever dared to make him feel unwanted and unlovable

Before he fell for Raine, Sebastian was a sarcastic, funny but really mean jerk. Once he fell in love, he was still kind of a jerk, but the sweetest, gentlest, most clueless but lovable jerk. 🥺
What pre-love and post-love Sebastian had in common tho, was the deep underlying vulnerability that jumped off the pages at me and held me by the throat for a good chunk of the book.
My heart shattered for him and he kept pulling at the remaining strings, as if me just laying there brokenhearted and plotting the demise of an entire fictional organisation wasn't enough for him.

“ This didn’t feel like I was fucking you…it was something else.  I don’t know what it is.  I want to be with you, and touch you, and hold you.  I have this overwhelming desire to protect you and make sure you’re safe.  Every time I look at you, it’s like my chest gets crushed, and I just want to stare at you and hold on to you and tell you everything is going to be all right.  I don’t know what this is, Raine.  I don’t understand what you’re doing to me.”
“I love you too, Bastian.”

While the highlight of this book for me was definitely him, Raine still stood her own against him. She was resilient, soft with a backbone of steel, but not the in-your-face kind.
She really was perfect for him, the calm to his storm.
And he was perfect for her, her anchor in the rain (like really heavy rain, deluge/storm but I'm lame and I'm trynna word play so rain it is).

Now, I've read the spoilers for the second book (don't look at me like that, we've already established I'm a cheat) and someone needs to tell Shay Savage that the fact that they don't have kids is NOT OKAY. AT ALL.

Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
August 15, 2017

★★★★! Surviving Raine, book 1. Two lonely & broken people waiting to be rescued from ship-wreck face danger & dismal conditions, yet their biggest obstacles are their demons within.

Surviving Raine is the story of Bastian and Raine who end up shipwrecked on a 10 foot emergency raft after Bastian’s schooner, Oblation capsizes in the Caribbean Sea. Dire weather conditions and limited supplies of food, water, alcohol and cigarettes put them on a collision course with disaster as an injured Bastian is forced to detox leaving Raine to take care of him and keeping them alive. Both Bastian and Raine have trouble pasts. Once Bastian wakes up a friendship is forged and a romance ensues while their past comes back to haunt them. They are faced with danger and many set-backs while they are waiting to be rescued. But they are also rewarded as secrets are uncovered. Their story is a journey of self-discovery, making peace with one’s demons and taking a chance on love.

Bastian Stark aka Daniel is the Captain and owner of Oblation. For the last couple of years his life has been spinning out of control with him constantly drunk. He’s lucky to have the help and support of his two friends to run his cruise business. He has reasons for his self-destructive behavior and we learn more about his heart-wrenching childhood and his demons as the story unfolds Bastian the child had nothing handed to him and the lost child is still apparent in Bastian the man.

Five words to describe Bastian: Sarcastic, broken, sexy, brooding and protective.

Raine Gayle also has demons to deal with, albeit more recent. She was a lost soul just drifting through life and taking this cruise was supposed to be the start of a new beginning. As odd as it may sound, ending up ship-wrecked with Bastian might have been the best thing that could have happened to her.

Five words to describe Raine: Sweet, unassuming, loyal, lonely and private.

My only grievance was that the middle of the story was at times a little too detailed and longwinded.

Surviving Raine is told from Bastian’s POV and the book title indicates his frustration and fear surviving the shipwreck and his struggle with Raine, who he feels an instant attraction to. As they are waiting to be rescued, Bastian is focused on survival while Raine becomes more and more determined to save Bastian from the demons of his past.

“Don’t touch me,” I clarified.
“Why not?”
Because I want it and I don’t deserve it….”

“Your…acceptance of me,” I said. “That’s really my favorite thing about you. I don’t know why you put up with my shit, but I’m glad you do.”

For me it was a treat to get a story written from the hero’s POV. Both Bastian and Raine are wonderful and you’ll find yourself rooting for them to make I through and to get their HEA.

I am happy to report that this is not the end of their story. Book 1 leaves them in a good place, but in the epilogue, unbeknownst to them both, there is danger lurking. Book 2 is expected to be released sometime in 2014.

Hero rating: 4.5 stars
Heroine rating: 4.5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Storyline concept rating: 4 stars
Storytelling skills rating: 4 stars
Story ending rating: 3 stars
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 4 stars

Would I recommend this book: Yes.
Would I re-read this book: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

Be sure to check out this ReCap, DICKtation of the May 30th SPOTlight on Shay Savage LIVE chat on Shh… [Smut, Heroes & HEAs…] with Alessandra!

ARC provided to me by author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,070 followers
August 5, 2016

Let me tell you my thoughts and feelings about this magnificent story....

Sebastian Stark likes to lose himself in his vices.... A whore and a bottle, or ten, of something alcoholic. That's his life: women, alcohol, nicotine and living on the sea, in his beloved ship, The Oblation. He wants nothing more from his existence.....

"I was what I was - violent, crude, and utterly unlovable." Well lets just see about that shall we?

One day it all goes wrong, the ship capsizes and Sebastian finds himself alone, on a raft, with Raine, a female passenger.

How will she deal with Bastian??? How will he cope without his vices???

They’re in an unusual situation and everything is heightened. Time emotions, tempers, feelings. Everything is intensified and it makes for an extremely powerful story. They have so much time to learn about each other.... To make discoveries.... So much more time to think, so many inner thoughts. Because of the scenario, their confinement.... Everything slows down.

Sebastian is quite an amusing guy. I love his sarcastic mouth; his personality shines through the writing in immeasurable ways. He's macho, stubborn, determined. He would fight to the death until he won. He has an “incredible will to survive.” He's not all hearts and flowers, and romance.... Far from it. He's done some terrible things in his life, seen and experienced violence, betrayal and abandonment....His life story is intense. It's dark, it's gruesome, it's mind blowing, and insanely dangerous. There are things he needs to lose from his mind, there a dreams he needs to ward off. Bastian had a hideous start to life and, frankly, it never really got any better. He has a very quick temper, he's beyond irritable without his vices and it causes a lot of problems.

There are Dreams…..
"I held you, and you cried, and you asked me why no one had ever wanted you."

Raine is a beautiful girl, she's strong and resilient and courageous. Everything she says is honest and pure, so when she speaks, you know she means it with every fiber of her being. That line just got to my heart and squeezed. She's amazing at drawing him out, tending to him.... Bringing out the best.

Sebastian's voice
Surviving Rain is all told from Sebastian's point of view and, for almost the entire time, it's just Sebastian and Raine on the page. It's magical genius….. Simply sublime. In her voice he may have seemed harsh and cruel…. But we hear how he feels about everything. We see glimpses of his past… The reasons why???

So many beautiful moments...
His words sometimes took my breath away…..

So many….OMG..Why moments???

His inner thoughts are just that, his mind pouring out, limitlessly, his thoughts, his dreams, his feelings. There's no filter and this is the beauty of the story. He's a brute on the outside, he sometimes does and says things that aren't nice but we, the reader, see into his soul and his soul is wonderful.... He has so many facets to him. So many qualities, some are hidden but Raine draws them out. He's strong, powerful, raw, harsh but the author gives us light and shade. Makes him individual. Gives his tough guy image an alter ego. It's stunning characterization.

It gave me goosebumps...

When they are together physically it’s not only smoking hot **I was fanning myself** but powerful in the extreme. It was deep, sexy, erotic and intense… Their connection and intensity towards each other is palpable.

How will their situation be resolved???

Surviving Raine took me through a range of emotions. Happy, sad, fearful, intrigue. It made me smile and cry. It's intense and gripping. There’s heartfelt discussions... But it never once felt overly sentimental. The tone is perfect, the characters so authentically developed, the dialogue stunningly naturalistic. The effortless writing is classy and powerfully moving; it filled me with so many feelings.

Sebastian is a survivor in life but....

How will he Survive Raine

Read this epic book and find out for yourself. You will love!!!

My heart melts when he speaks.....

I can't wait for more

♥BR with Andrea, thanks for a great buddy read, lady xxx
I can't wait for the next book. I wonder if any of our thoughts and wishes will come true???

May 20, 2014
Re-reading 5-20-14 in prep for sequel.

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Dear Bastian,
Wow. Words cannot express the feelings your story evoked in me. It was your story to tell and I thank you for sharing. Your childhood was obviously horrible. I cannot fathom how your parents left a poor child alone in this world. Why the foster care parents abandoned you one by one was even further disheartening. I can see why this caused you such feelings of worthlessness and made you the fighter you had to be in life. You did horrible things, Bastian, but, believe it or not, I understand you. It was survival of the fittest from day one but that mentality made you the man you needed to be to survive the shipwreck of your schooner. How you knew how to survive in that little lifeboat with very little,food and water is beyond me! You not only saved yourself, but saved Raine time and again those sixty-some days after the boat capsized. Your only instinct was to save Raine...and you didn't even know who she was at the time. You would've given your life for her survival, wouldn't you Bastian? That makes you a GOOD guy. Yes, you're crass, foul-mouthed with emotional walls built up so high. I get it. You thought Raine couldn't climb those walls.....but there's something you should know- NEVER underestimate a woman, Bastian. I do think you can Survive Raine.

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Dearest Raine,
You are awesome! You were strong, took the shit that was delivered when your father was killed and moved the heck on. When life threw you another blow on that luxury schooner trip, you survived. Your tenacity in times where anyone else would give up is remarkable. The fact you didn't throw that beastly Bastian over that life raft was remarkable in itself. Good self control, my dear. But you saw beyond that hard, scarred exterior....you saw the child that was left alone in this world. You saw his need to protect himself from that fear of abandonment...of worthlessness. You let him lash out, got him through his alcohol withdrawal, worked as a team until finally, finally you were found. You loved Bastian for the person he was deep down and I truly feel you saved his life. He used to live for his next drink but now he lives for you. His quote "If you call forth what is in you, it will save you. If you do not call forth what is in you, it will destroy you." The was for you. You gave him the strength to power on. This was Bastian's story...a story of bad times, poor choices, horrible mistakes....and second chances to make for good times and good choices. He will still make mistakes, say hurtful things, and you know it but amazingly, you understand him. Your strength is commendable Raine.

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Dearest Shay Savage-
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this story with me. I loved it. It was seriously like a movie in my head- an action packed thriller/romance in one! Your character development of both Bastian and Raine was stellar! Bastian did HORRIBLE things in his past, acted like a complete ass the first quarter of the book and you still managed to make me fall in love with that tortured soul.
Thank you for giving me a STRONG heroine in Raine. With the loss of her father, her ship capsizing and being stranded with a raving lunatic/alcoholic, she cried, but she got tough. This book was about survival not only physically but I'm coming away with a feeling of good things for these two. I see major danger in their midst with your epilogue but I have faith they'll make it through anything. Again, the book was awesome. It had everything I crave in a good solid plot- and the anti-hero aspect is my favorite. Thank you for the opportunity to read an arc, Shay.

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Applause gifs photo: applause applause.gif

***Story ends in a HFN (happy for now) but the epilogue had some issues lurking in the shadows. Not a cliffy!

Arc provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
July 10, 2014
4.5 I guess I really do love the assholes after all Stars

I'm not...a nice guy, Raine." I didn't know how to make her understand that there wasn't anything else to me despite what she wanted to believe. I was what I was- violent, crude, and utterly unlovable."

First, if you haven't yet read any books by this author, you need to get out from under the rock you've been living under and GET ON IT. Really. Shay Savage is the queen of male POV and this book just further proves it.

Meet Sebastian Stark:

Chain smoker


And a grade A asshole

Intrigued, aren't you?

Bastian is trying to put his past behind him, but the only way to drown out the voices of demons past is with alcohol and countless faceless women...even if he has to pay for them

He doesn't want to know anyone, and he certainly doesn't want anyone to know him. So he spends his days a the captain of a schooner that caters to the rich and elite, and his nights drinking himself into a oblivion

But then he wakes up to a storm, a sinking ship, and finds himself stuck on a lifeboat with one of the passengers who also happens to temp him in two different directions
Toss her overboard or stick my tongue down her throat? I couldn't decide and it fucking ticked me off.

Now me being the huge fan of the assholes that I am, I fell head over heels for Bastian from the very firs page. But if you're the sort that needs convincing, allow me to present exhibit A:
I told you before. I'm fucking tense"
"Well, is there something I can do to help with that? Or are you just going to yell at me all this time?
"Yeah, there is something you can do," I said coldly, turning my glare at her. "Come here and blow me. That would probably ease a bit of my tension- especially if you swallow."

or exhibit B
...my cock was in danger of busting right through the buttons of my shorts and maybe taking a little trip all on his own. I had the feeling he was already contacting "AAA" for a Triptik and probably trying to book a hotel in pussyland.

Stuck with a woman that equal parts soothes his damaged soul and reminds him of everything he can never be is a constant state for Bastian. Your heart will absolutely break for him. He may be a growly, vulgar asshole, but beneath all that is the heart of man that is just begging for love.
I didn't want her to touch me even if my brain was screaming for it. She shouldn't want to have her hands on me. I was fucking toxic- ask any woman who knew me.

Little by little Bastian begins to open up to Raine and divest more and more of his past. And holy shit, his past!
Raine, in her understated way slowly chips away at all his defenses and walls. And let me tell you, when this man finally allows himself to fall? Damn.
I felt everything as I let her take me- mind, body and soul. I did't know if she wanted it or needed it like I did, but I gave it to her anyway.

But don't worry, even when he falls and his possessive and sweet side comes out, he never quite loses that edge of vulgar asshole that I've come to love about him
Vulgar?" I mocked surprise, placing my hand over my chest. "You're implying my speech might include vulgarities? You fucking take that shit back right now!"

Surviving Raine is told solely in Bastian's POV and it's a book that you'll be unable to set down. Or at least I wasn't. Shay Savage has this way to her writing that never fails to suck you into the story and keep you riveted until the last page. She also writes some of the best anti-heroes I've had the pleasure of reading about.

I can tell you I'm very glad I waited until book two was out to read this. The cliffhanger isn't terrible, but it is there, and it's obvious there's a whole lot more to be found out. And I. Cannot. Freaking. WAIT!

Thank you to the lovely Joanna for finally giving me the push I needed and challenging me to read this little gem <3

For more reviews visit

Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,184 reviews515 followers
July 24, 2020
3.5 STARS!
"Don't cry, Raine. Not for me."
"Someone should."
Sebastian Stark!! His possessive and obsessive ways stole my heart.
"As long as I'm breathing, I'm yours. Even when I'm nothing more than a fucked up dick, I still love you."
Plot in a nutshell: this quote sums it up perfectly . . .
We were in a life raft, for the love of God, in the middle of the fucking Caribbean, and I was getting a hard on from a half-drowned stranger lying on top of me. Well at least we know I'm still a guy.
I love a good survival story! Honestly, I don't know how I hadn't stumbled onto this book before now.

And I did enjoy it . . .

However, I wished that Raine had been given a bigger part. Since the book focused on Sebastian and his backstory, I felt like I didn't get to know her. It was as if her only purpose was to showcase the Hero.

And I kept getting distracted by the details that didn't sit well with me . . . here are just a few examples . . . minor spoilers ahead:

Things like salt water, no showers, no toothbrushes, SAND, being half-starved and half-DEAD from dehydration don't lend themselves to arousal. And Bastian was And .

And the overall plot didn't fit together - though I totally get that there's a second part.

I know, I know, you're going to say that I've missed the point of the story . . . Sebastian Stark himself.
You could stab me, shoot me, beat me beyond recognition - I could cope with that kind of pain. You couldn't make me feel for you - couldn't make me care because caring meant hurting in a way that I couldn't handle.
And I would have LOVED him even more if the author had made his backstory less OTT. I felt like every detail of Bastian's past was pushed too far into the realm of improbable in order to very deliberately yank at my heartstrings.

I'll leave you on the high note that is Bastian though.
"I like the way you look at me," I said seriously. "Sometimes when you do, your eyes light up, and I think maybe I could be lucky enough for you to care about a fucked up asshole like me."
Happy reading!
Profile Image for Anna.
484 reviews370 followers
February 7, 2014
Loved this book !!!

What can I say about this book !?! Holyyyyy mother of clams, oysters and pearls ....this one was a Sizzler and it got me right in my heart !

BASTIAN ........my new breed of jerk-assholes-that-i-loveeeeeeee. My heart just non-stop swooned !!!

“I held you,” she said, her voice was tense and gaining in volume.  “I held you, and you cried, and you asked me why no one had ever wanted you.  You asked me why your own mother didn’t want you.  You asked me why it hurt so much and if I could make it stop hurting.  I may not know a lot about you, but I know you aren’t as much of a badass as you want people to think you are.”

Another tear fell down her cheek.

“Don’t cry, Raine.  Not for me.”
“Someone should,” she said.

“I want to, Raine,” I said quietly.  “I want to let you in. I just don’t know if I can”

“Will you try to let me in, Bastian?” Raine asked.  Her fingers traced over my jaw.  “Just try?  I won’t hurt you – I swear I won’t hurt you like that.”
“You’re already in,” I confirmed.”

“I love you, and I need you to love me.  I want it…so, so much…I need it.  Even though I think it would be better for you not to care about me, I need you too much to turn away from it.  I’ll never walk away from you, Raine, I swear – I’ll be with you as long as you will have me.  If any motherfucker ever tried to take you from me, I’d fucking fight to the death for you.”

“Oh, Bastian!”  Raine let out another long, exasperated sigh.  “Going home is going to be really hard for you, isn’t it?”
“You’re my home,” I said quietly.  A big fucking knot crawled up my throat and lodged itself there.  I tried to take a deep breath, but it hurt.

“Then you know where your home is”

Profile Image for Corina.
780 reviews2,488 followers
December 13, 2020
For anyone loving JERKS - this book is for you!!!!

Also if I ever drift across the ocean in a tiny lifeboat I would want my own Sebastian.

Ok, this book is not for everyone, Sebastian is going to be TOO MUCH if you are used to sweet heroes, because he is pretty much the opposite of sweet, but boy did it work for me.

I loved his filthy mouth and bad attitude. And his survival skills were just amazing!! Kudos to the author for all the research she did - outstanding!!

After a rocky beginning, Sebastian turned into the most dedicated and protective hero I've every came across. He would have done anything, and he did literally do anything to protect and keep Raine alive. Also he had such a sweet core when it came to Raine, but that was pretty much it, to everyone else he was an ASS. :D

Also their time on the island was EVERYTHING!! And nothing could have prepared me for Sebastian's confession that the island and Raine was his home. And that he did not want to be rescued. Because for him, the island and his girl was all he would ever need to be happy. SWOON!!!
Profile Image for Crystal~BIG book addict~.
279 reviews216 followers
February 10, 2014
4.5 Save Me, Bastian Stars!!

Gosh, where to start with this.....I FREAKING LOVED THIS BOOK! Bastian can save me from drowning, dehydration and starvation any time he wants!

Sebastian has had a tough life. Right now he just wants to enjoy his retirement on his boat hauling around rich society snobs, drinking his vodka and enjoying the occasional whore. Things were going well until a storm capsized his boat and he is left in a life raft with one other person, Raine, whom he saved from drowning.

Raine just wanted a relaxing vacation. Life lately hasn't been easy on her either. She needs some time to regroup before going back to college. She didn't expect to have to be rescued by the ship's surly and grumpy captain.

Bastian is an alcoholic and along with all of their other troubles, is going through detox, which makes him even more of a prick. Raine is able to break through some of his barriers, only to discover that their pasts are intertwined.

"Your…acceptance of me,” I said. “That’s really my favorite thing about you. I don’t know why you put up with my shit, but I’m glad you do." ~Bastian

He doesn't trust easily. but somehow being with Raine has become everything to him. He knows as long as he has her, even though he thinks he doesn't deserve her, he can get through his nightly nightmares and the past the continually haunts him.

"I give you my life, my love, my soul,” I swore to her. “As long as I’m breathing, I’m yours." ~Bastian

Profile Image for Rain.
2,108 reviews28 followers
January 29, 2023
This story stands up to multiple re-reads.

"Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet which still clings fast to the heel that crushed it.”

Raine’s eyes met mine again, her tears still staining her cheeks.

“I’m a heel, Raine,” I told her. “You’re my beautiful violet, and I’m always crushing you. You take away my nightmares, and I probably add to yours.”

Shay Savage writes some of the BEST male POV out there. This entire book is told in Bastian’s voice. Be prepared to completely hate him until mid-way.

Bastian saves Raine when a ship they are on sinks. They are forced into a raft with very little provisions. As if things couldn’t get any worse, Bastian is coming off a four-year alcohol binge and will be detoxing in that tiny raft with Raine. Hot and cold sweats, vomiting, and seizures will be a few of the things Raine has to help him through. Raine’s description of caring for pit bulls who have been conditioned to fight was so apt for Bastian. He is horrifically cruel, emotionally abusive and verbally strikes out at Raine anytime she gets close. Over and over again until I wanted to toss him out of the raft for Raine! He is a HUGE asshole.

Raine so steady, so calm, so caring. She doesn’t have much choice but to put up with Bastian as he saves her life repeatedly. I loved watching them communicate, learning each other and how they navigate Bastian’s multiple fucked-up issues. This is a shipwrecked, stuck-on-an-island, romance for those that don’t mind lots of verbal abuse, horrifically descriptive violence (not towards Raine) and an alpha male that is over-the-top controlling and protective once he figures out what love means. This isn’t a girl saving the damaged guy story, but she can show him what it feels like to be unconditionally cared for.
Profile Image for Aisling Zena.
634 reviews507 followers
January 27, 2016
5 solid stars

I absolutely loved this book. I can't even put in words how it made me feel.

Shay Savage keeps your full attention throughout the book. The interactions between Bastian and Raine are almost mesmerizing. He is the damaged soul, the ultimate bad boy all girls want to save. Isn't that the hope of every girl that loves a bad boy? To help save him? Well Raine does it beautifully. There was not a single moment where I thought "Oh that shouldn't have happened" or "I wanna slap her/him". The book portrays the growing relationship between two people,all in Bastian POV, (we don't really get to see how Raine thinks but her actions alone speak volumes) and it was written quite beautifully. The book does not end in a cliffhanger regarding Bastian and Raine but other problems emerge (spoilers sweetie) and I'm guessing that's what the next book covers.

This book was utterly captivating, a definite must-read. I want the next book like right now!

Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews676 followers
October 22, 2015

♥♥♥ 5 'I LOVED IT' STARS ♥♥♥

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“Don’t touch me,” I clarified.

“Why not?”

"Because I want it and I don’t deserve it.”

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

I freaking loved this book. From start to finish, I could not put it down. I don't know why it took me so long to read this but I'm so glad that I finally did.

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“Your…acceptance of me,” I said. “That’s really my favorite thing about you. I don’t know why you put up with my shit, but I’m glad you do.”

"You aren't that hard to accept, Bastian."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Sebastian Stark, a.k.a. 'Daniel' is the captain of The Oblivion, a vacation ship for the rich that sails the Caribbean seas. Bastian is a complete and utter jackass. When he isn't sailing, he spends his time drinking booze, sleeping with whores, and smoking cigarrettes. He just plainly doesn't give a crap about anything and loves being alone. On one trip, he notices a female passenger that is by herself reading a book. He usually doesn't notice his passengers nor does he interact with them. But for some reason he notices her. After, the ship is in a wreck, he awakes to a ship in ruins and the only way to survive is to get on the raft that was left behind. When he gets on the raft, he sees someone in the water, it the female passenger he noticed before. He goes after her and saves her life. This is when they spend many weeks on a raft trying to survive.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"I'll never give up," I told her. "I'll fight for you, no matter what. I don't deserve you...I'll never believe that...but I want you so bad...I need to be with you. I just have to be, Raine...I don't think I could live any other way anymore."

"Bastian," she whispered, "I'll always love you, and there's nothing that can change that."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

I've got to say, I did not like Bastian one bit in the beginning. He was such a jerk that he would piss me off. And he was so crude, the things he said to poor Raine. I was SO freaking glad that this whole book was in his POV, otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten him. At. All. Bastian is hiding behind this mask so he doesn't show how hurt he is by his past, which I've got to say is really painful. I felt bad for the child and youth he was, even for the man that once loved. My heart broke for him. Soon, I inevitably fell in love with Bastian. He was so much more than he first appeared. He had a heart, he just needed to take the risk to put it out there again and let himself feel. I loved the way he later came to treat Raine. He was a total Alpha when it came to her. He was very protective, and caring. Seriously, loved him and his dirty mouth. But he also did frustrate me at times with his temper outburts. I am so happy that Bastian had Raine to help him with his demons, one being alcoholism. He wasn't perfect, but he definitely improved and became a better person towards the end.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"I knew she wanted me. I knew she loved me. The single, brightest point in the universe wanted and loved

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Raine Gayle is a young woman trying to move on from her devastating past. Her friend tells her to vacation on this ship for a while so she can relax a bit after all the problems she has had. She never thought she would end up getting stranded with the grouchy and rude Captain. The total opposite of what she is like. He saves her time and time again. He teaches her vital things that can be a matter of life and death. She doesn't know what would have happened to her without him. As time goes by, she wants to know more about Bastian, even if it annoys the hell out him. She knows he is a kind person, despite how he likes to portray himself. She knows there is something good in him, and she helps him bring it all out. She also loves him, despite all of his flaws.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"Tell me you got me," I heard her whisper through her cries.

"I've got you, Raine," I said. "I've got you."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Even though, we didn't get Raine's POV, I feel like I got to know her well and was even at times able to connect with her. I think the author did a great job in being able to do that. Raine was strong and I absolutely LOVED that she didn't let Bastian stomp all over her. She was really caring, affectionate, and understanding. She somehow managed to get Bastian to open up to her. It was really lovely to read how she slowly broke down that fortress that Bastian had erected around himself. Once she bulldozed it, they were so sweet together, I love it! There were times where she didn't know things about survival, but I wouldn't call her stupid at all. She was actually quite wise at times. I just loved the fact that she never gave up on Bastian, which was exactly what he needed.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"You saved me in another way." I looked into her eyes, wanting her to understand what I meant so much. "You gave me something...no
someone...to live for. There was no reason for my existence before you."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

The sexual tension in this book was quite high in the beginning. Bastian was confused by how much he was attracted to her when he didn't even like her. Then as he got to know her, he wanted more than to just sleep with her. He craved her touches and their random talks. There were many steamy moments, I couldn't believe how HOT Bastian was. I loved the dirty things he would say and how he took care of Raine. What I enjoyed about this book, was how Bastian was able to trust again. And how the love between them developed. I couldn't get enough of them, once I started, I kept turning the page. When the ending finally came, I didn't want it to end, I wanted more. Everything is resolved and there was no cliffhanger involving their relationship, but there seems to be somethings in the past that might threaten them in the future. I CAN'T wait for the next book to come out. I seriously hope that it stays in Bastian's POV as well. I really loved this book and I would recommend everyone to give this a read.

Profile Image for Kelena.
213 reviews
July 7, 2013
Butterflyingly Soul Deep 5 Stars

"I want to, Raine," I said quietly. "I want to let you in. I just don't know if I can."
Surviving Raine is loosely based on the fanfiction "Surviving Bella"
which I loved alot. But here... Surviving Raine is a bona fide, profound,
enduring and exceptional
tale that'll left you wander
away in Lala Land with Bastian and Raine


Did I Just Got My Heart Thud Thud Thud like Million times?
Sure I Did `Cause I just encountered with the Sexy As Hell Badass
Sebastian Stark
Hmmmm lets try to describe him in a very decent manner ;)

He's Crude, Ignorant, Rough, Smutty
among all these Five Star Qualities He happens to be The Biggest Badass
Hottest Caption of The Oblivion . A ship that sails it's Passengers on their vacation throughout the Caribbean Seas.

In-short Bastian don't give a F* about anyone but himself throughout his life when
The Oblivion got plunged and he`s stuck with the female passenger who changed every
aspect of his life from inside out to upside down....

"For once, it wasn't just me I needed to look after.
There was the annoying, questioning, tiny little piece of seriously feminine,
soft, brown-eyed, doesn't-take-my-shit, fucking beautiful
young woman who didn't stand a chance on her own
that I needed to protect."


that's where Raine Gayle comes into the picure.
Raine the Sweet, Dainty, Angelic and Captivating
doesn't she sound like the complete Polar-Opposite of the Barbaric Beast Bastian!

And indeed Bastian isn’t the most agreeable guy Raine could have finished up with in the
middle of the marine waters with no likelihood of liberate, but he has an uncanny knack for survival.

but still she delves through the dividers surrounding the intractable and confronting man, she finds a thing unexpectedly divergent placed in a dangerous inside…

…and he can answer the question she’s asked for years.

At the beginning Bastian & Raine just act liked a married couple who only knows how to argue and piss eachother like there's no unicorns and butterflies for`em. And somehow the reason behind it was that,
that Bastian suffers alcohol abdication and having no fill of Alcohol,pack of cig and whore now and than, makes Raine a vitcum
at the receiving end of his out bursts..

"Well, is there something I can do to help with that?" she asked, "or are you just going to yell at me all the time?"

That was it. I couldn't hold my temper back any longer.

"Yeah, there is something you can do," I said coldly, turning my glare at her. "Come here and blow me. That would probably ease a bit of my tension - especially if you swallow."

Yeah, I know. I couldn't believe I said it either."

It's not like Bastain is full of crude personality who only knows to hurt, when he gives you a glimpse of his heart you find a blueblood gentle person with a Heart as big as The Ocean he sails.

As Raine learns many approximately what has carried him towards this providence, Raine is desperate towards drag this self-destructive man back from the edge of the wave. Isolation is her alone likelihood towards tear the man out from interior of the animal, but this one has been abused for a long time.

She also has to live long enough to get through to him.

The connection between them is so striking and deep that it was hard to avoid it especially when you have no where else to go and have to spend a quality alone time together that cause the steamy intensity you can't just ignore and walk away.

"I could do it, you know," I heard myself say. My voice had dropped low, but I knew she still heard me. I leaned over only a little, bringing my mouth closer to her ear. "I could make you come without touching you."

They get along with eachother just like they meant to be,
every fight, heartbreak, desperate emotions, agony,torment,
arguments, anguish
mean all fucked up`s worth it at the end

"I give you my life, my love, my soul,” I swore to her. “As long as I’m breathing, I’m yours. Even when I’m nothing more than a fucked up dick, I still love you.”

The ends with implied HEA which means we'll be having more Bastian and Raine adventure, maybe someone from Bastian's past. But still it's going to be Bastine Story.

"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."

Shay Savagework has habitually lived out-of-doors of Twilight and I could habitually glimpse the wonders of her work with initial characters. Her first novella extent initial article "Otherwise Alone" was a work of attractiveness whereas somewhat miserable for the romance admirer in myself.

I relished the fight from the Bastian's beyond as he wrestled with dipping within relish with person whilst battling it every pace of the way. And relished the inner intensity from the Raine.

It is no doubt a MUST READ novel that i can't recommend enough :)

Profile Image for Elizabeth (Liz).
649 reviews408 followers
May 16, 2013
Review posted at: Swept Away By Romance

5 Stars

Shay Savage's website almost cockily proclaims that she writes "Fiction with Teeth". HA! Nothing cocky about the truth, my friends. I guarantee, that is maybe the *only* accurate way to sum up the dark, unsettling, exciting, unapologetic, fascinating, shocking, frank, graphic, primal, crude, sexy, at times horrific, consistently compelling experience that is Surviving Raine!!

Truly, there is just no adequate way to summarize this story. There may not even be any way to review this book and do it any kind of justice. Attempting to convey just what Surviving Raine is and does and makes you feel? No, really. I don't believe it's possible. If that's a cop-out, then it's a cop-out, but it would take a far better reviewer than myself to be able to express....this....bizarre, violent, emotional, sexy mess of a story.

Here's the official blurb:

As the captain of a schooner catering to the elite on the Caribbean Seas, Sebastian Stark does his best to avoid any human encounters. Interacting with people isn’t his thing, and he prefers the company of a bottle of vodka, a shot glass, and maybe a whore. There’s no doubt he’s hiding from a checkered past, but he does well keeping everything to himself…

…until the night his schooner capsizes, and he’s stuck on a life raft with one of the passengers.

Raine’s young, she’s cute, and Bastian would probably be into her if he wasn’t suffering from alcohol withdrawal. As the days pass, DTs, starvation, and dehydration become the norm. Even the most closed person starts to open up when he thinks he’s going to die, but when she realizes their traumatic pasts are connected, it’s no longer the elements that have Bastian concerned.

He has no idea how he’s going to Survive Raine.

Sebastian is....indescribable. I know what you're thinking. You write reviews on a daily basis. Can you not do ANY BETTER THAN THIS?! But, how do you describe a character that is so horrifying one minute and so loving the next? In the real world, and even in this fictional world, I would call him mentally ill. This man is ALL. OVER. THE. MAP. He needs therapy. He needs medication. He probably needs a prison sentence. He may even need a psychiatric ward. Here's the real kicker. I found him fantastically compelling and absolutely mesmerizing. Yeah. I may need a room in that psychiatric ward right next to Sebastian Stark!

Then there's poor, innocent, slightly stupid Raine. Well, that may not be fair. She's very young. And Sebastian is....maybe more than a little bit of a psychopath. She puts up with A LOT from him. She begins to feel she understands him and where his behavior originates from. She believes there is something worth loving in the man. There were times when I wouldn't have disagreed with her.

Anyone who can write a story like this and elicit the kinds of reactions I've had, and continue to have, has serious talent. I don't even know where the idea for a story like this comes from. I sure as sheep don't know where a character like Sebastian Stark comes from! But, what I do know is that there are very few authors I'm aware of who could have written Surviving Raine. Scary talent. As in, YOU SCARE ME....and you're talented, too ;-)

If this story is “Fiction with Teeth”, then those teeth sunk deep into my gut, my head, my heart, my soul. They grabbed on with everything they had and didn't once let go! Surviving Raine will shake you up, toss you around, play with your insides, and then convince you that you MUST HAVE MORE!!

I know for a fact I can't be the only person out there who has been and will be blown away by Shay Savage and her scary talent. All my dark, gritty, twisty story lovers? Step up, sit down, and READ! This one's for you, with love, from Shay Savage.

**ARC provided by author/publicist in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,034 followers
June 4, 2014
75% - $.99


In case of a shipwreck here is a:
1) Bastian ✔
2) Food and water ✔
3) Seasickness medicine ✔
…..16) Take steps to maintain morale.

THREE is an important number for survival.
"You can live 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food.”

Bastian is the captain of a ship that takes private groups on cruises. He lacks in people skills and has self destructive ways; alcoholic, smoker and misogynistic. He has spent a lifetime feeling unwanted and he used his pent up energy to fight.

Raine is a young lady who is trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life after the losing her father. Helping people and animals is deeply rooted in her soul.

Floating in a raft out in the middle of nowhere brings out the best and worst in these two stranded characters. As the days drag on and there is no hope in sight Bastian opens up about his former life.

Raine summed up the ending:
"Oh my God. I can't believe it's over. It's really over." Now, I want the next book.

Surviving Raine (Surviving Raine, #1) by Shay Savage Bastian's Storm (Surviving Raine, #2) by Shay Savage
Continuing story.

155th book of 2013
Profile Image for Shurrn.
560 reviews896 followers
July 11, 2014
Shay Savage does it again - a story of love and redemption from the most unlikely of souls...
“I’m a heel, Raine,” I told her. “You’re my beautiful violet, and I’m always crushing you. You take away my nightmares, and I probably add to yours . I don’t think I will ever believe I deserve you, but I love you more than I can even describe. I don’t know if I can ever… be better for you, but if you’re willing to keep forgiving me for being a complete idiot, I’m willing to keep trying.”
This was romantic suspense at it's best -
lost at sea...

When you're pretty sure there's no way you could survive, you start confessing your sins...

Sebastian Stark
I had never run from anything in my life. What was it about this miniscule little girl that scared the shit out of me? Once she understood everything, she was going to hate me, and the thought was extremely unnerving. I didn’t want her to hate me.
Let's be honest, Bastian is an asshole... His dark and sordid past includes violence and death - just knowing the details could get Raine killed... But they're castaways, who is she going to tell? Besides, there's something about the beautiful young girl which sirs something inside Bastian...

Raine Gayle
"...I've seen you, Bastian – the real you. I know what's inside that thick skin you try to use as a shield. I've seen you at your worst, and I'm pretty sure I saw you at your best just a few minutes ago. If not then, it was when you told me not to be scared. You can't fool me anymore, Bastian. I know too much. I know you've been hurt, and I know you're scared."
Raine was hiding from the darkness of her own past... Taking a cruise on Bastian's ship before the storm came. He pulled her out of the water and saved her life. Now she must face all of the challenges of survival AND deal with Bastian's sparkling personality.

The harder Bastian tries to push Raine away, the more she gets under his skin... As the sordid details of Bastian's life come to light, the pair will discover that their histories are connected by one gruesome night...

A story of survival, forgiveness, acceptance, and love...

Perhaps you're asking yourself if you should read this book?
I'll let asshole Bastian answer that for you:
“Are you fucking serious?” I asked her. “Have you ever heard the phrase ‘there aren't any stupid questions?’”
“Well, there are. That was one of them.”
Right, you heard the man! I guess you better read the book!

Some of My Favorite Moments
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
June 20, 2014

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Bastian Stark, is the Captain of a ship called "The Oblation".
Raine Gayle, is a beautiful young woman, who is one of his passengers.
Her best friend had convinced her to take a nice vacation with some money she came into from her father's death. He was murdered in the line of duty by a crime lord.

During this charter, there is an earthquake, which causes the ship to capsize.
Bastian and Raine end up the only two on one of the rafts from the ship.
And so begins the first 54% of the most BORING part of this story!!!!
Bastian should have been named BASTARD during this portion of the book. He was such a complete DOUCHE!!
I get that he was going through detox, since he was an alcoholic and being that his ship was now beneath the sea, he didn't have access to any alcohol, but he was pretty tough to take!!
Raine was a saint for putting up with his bullshit.

I really wish that we hadn't spent more than half of the story on that raft, adrift at sea.
Maybe if just four chapters had been dedicated to the two on the raft, I would have rated this book a SOLID FIVE stars, but I had to deduct a star for making me bored to tears for two nights in a row!!!!

This is me during the first 54%...

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I was promised by Melissa, that once we got to the island, the HOT SEX would commence and Bastian would have me swooning!!
So when Bastian sees land ahead, this was me...

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Holy Hell was Melissa right!!!!
I LOVED LOVED LOVED the second half of the book.
Oh how I loved Bastian and his overactive Libido and caveman ways!
I was comparing him to "EHD" from "Transcendence" a lot!
Bastian and Raine seemed to be the modern day Ehd and Beh.
Things heat up rather quickly between them once they are settled on the island, and Bastian is also very scared of his feelings for Raine.
He's not had the best childhood and had his heart broken by one woman.
Bastian has gone through life, in recent years, getting drunk and having plenty of sex with prostitutes.
He starts to have deep feelings for Raine.
She is "HIS", and all he wants to do is provide for her, protect her, AND "MAKE LOVE" to her!
Oh my GOD, this man was INSATIABLE!!

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There is some action during the story, which will have your heart pounding and you'll feel on edge. Bastian totally KICKS ASS here. This is the kind of man a woman needs to feel safe and loved!
However, he also has very little self worth.
He struggles with Raine's feelings for him. He doesn't believe he is worthy of her and tortures himself with thoughts of how she will leave him once they are rescued and back in civilization.
He tries being a douche to push Raine away, but she's such a kick ass heroine, that she doesn't fall for his act.
She definitely deserved a medal for putting up with his crap.
I swear he had PMS mood swings!!!
Eventually it does sink in his thick skull, that Raine truly does love him.

I had no purpose before her, no life, no reason to be - only existence in an empty, meaningless shell. I was useless, pointless, inadequate...the list goes on. I hated myself then, and I still did. The difference was that I knew she wanted me. I knew she loved me. The single, brightest point in the universe wanted and loved me .

Towards the end my heart broke for Bastian.
He was letting his insecurities get the best of him.
This man needs A LOT of love and reassurance and Raine seems to be the woman who just might be able to give that to him.
If she's not, I'm willing to step in her place!!!

October 10, 2013
My Thoughts:

♦ This is like a darker/more grown up On The Island. He was pretty harsh in the beginning.

♦ Poor "Daniel"...my heart really went out to him.

♦ Fish & bird spinal fluid? No thank you.

♦ Hot times on the Island...(he is an energizer bunny!)


♦ It's a small world...wonder how much is a coincidence?

♦ Loved how they saved each other.

♦ Him and Mister Fluffy...LOL!

♦ Hated the Epilogue!! And that the second book isn't out till 2014!!

Favorite quotes:

♥ "Images of little Hershey’s Kisses melted over her breasts started to taunt me."

♥ “I don’t understand this,” I said softly.  “I wanted to fuck you that first night on the raft, but that was just because I wanted to get off and you were there.  I still want to fuck you, but the reasons are all different. I’ve never felt like this after sleeping with someone…or during it…shit.  This didn’t feel like I was fucking you…it was something else.  I don’t know what it is.  I want to be with you, and touch you, and hold you.  I have this overwhelming desire to protect you and make sure you’re safe.  Every time I look at you, it’s like my chest gets crushed, and I just want to stare at you and hold on to you and tell you everything is going to be all right.  I don’t know what this is, Raine.  I don’t understand what you’re doing to me.”

♥ “I love you because you are worthy of my love,” she continued.  “I love you because you show me every day how much you care about me and how much I mean to you.  You show me when you worry about me getting sunburned, when you make sure I eat a bunch of different things to stay healthy, and when you make love to me.  I love you because under all that brawn, you are gentle and caring.  I love your internal strength and willingness to persevere, no matter what life has thrown at you.  I love you because when you recite poetry to me, I can hear in your voice how much you mean it.  I love you more than anyone and anything in the world, and I can’t imagine my life without you now – not here, not anywhere else.”

♥ "You're my home."
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2,949 reviews1,522 followers
November 28, 2014
4 Stormy Stars

I’ve been Surviving Raine on the back burner for a while. I think it’s because of the plot. Two people stranded by sea? But you know what?! It worked for me. My only complaint is that it was a tad bit too long, but other than that, I was swept away by this one.


Sebastian Stark is captain of a ship that gets caught up in a storm. Everyone is tossed overboard and before he finds himself a life raft, he saves a beautiful woman. Together they must endure the sea before they can get rescued.


Sebastian is the star of the show. I would say, this is basically his book. He’s a complex man and I wouldn’t have him any other way. You will hate him and love him at the same time. I would describe him as someone very passionate. He’s a passionate jerk and a passionate lover.


Raine is beautiful, young and not a typical girl. She’s very smart, opinionated and level headed. I loved that she isn’t your typical damsel in distress. She is kind of the perfect counterpart to Sebastian. I also like how she doesn’t put up with Sebastian’s crap.


So they are both stranded by sea and you would think the story drags but it doesn’t! Sebastian is an alcoholic and he detox and it’s so juicy to read. Sebastian teaches a lot of things to Raine and both try to survive.

Towards the middle, the relationship between Sebastian and Raine go deeper and we get a little back story to who Sebastain is and it’s pretty dramatic and dark. I loved reading it. It really explains his actions.

Surviving Raine will keep you on your toes and always question what’s going to happen next. If you want something a little different and a little tragic and a little dark, then this one is for you.

Surviving Raine (Surviving Raine, #1) by Shay Savage AMAZON
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