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SURVIVOR Season 42-

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    I’ve just caught up on the first three episodes of the season, and so far I think it’s a good one. I feel a little more settled in to the twists that the show carried over from Season 41, so I’m more focused on the personalities and gameplay than I was at this point last season.

    This week’s episode was exciting in that we got to spend a lot of time dealing with the immunity/reward challenge and tribal council, and even though we didn’t spend as much time observing happenings around camp, we did still get a good amount of interpersonal dynamics and seeing how that affected the outcome. I have to say, I was shocked that Chanelle risked her vote, in part because she was clearly going to tribal council later that day and in part because she and Omar seemed to know the basics of the choice they’d have to make and yet didn’t really agree to anything beforehand to make sure they didn’t screw one another. I hate that Jenny got voted out, as she was one of my favorites, but I think Hai came out of that tribal council looking great. (The many faces he made at the lack of more votes were hilarious.) Daniel, on the other hand, seems like the worst person in the game after this episode. Not only did he lose Mike’s immunity idol, but he had a disastrous tribal council. He got outed as betraying one alliance, threw his other alliance totally under the bus, and folded like a card table at the mention of drawing rocks. I know Hai and Lydia promised not to hold all this against him, but how could they not? They know they can’t trust him and he seems like a total coward.

    Also, the show is kind of screwing over the Taku tribe. They’re down one member because the producers of the show decided to put Hector on their tribe and then, two days later, thought better of it. Then in this episode, they won a challenge that neither of the other tribes was able to complete, which to my mind should have resulted in either them getting an additional reward or both Ika and Vati having to vote someone out.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by EmmyLoser.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by EmmyLoser.
    May 20th, 2011

    Daniel is my pick to go fromthis week forward lol

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    May 20th, 2011

    Fun tribal…….with Tori at the bottom of the tribe pyramid I assume

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    That was a fun episode. Man, all I want in any stressful situation is to have Jonathan behind me soothingly telling me what a great job I’m doing.

    A second round of Tori almost vote-out drama was kind of hilarious. That tribe is such a mess. None of them like or trust each other, but this feels like one of those situations where we’ll get past the merge and everyone from that tribe will be thriving.

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    May 20th, 2011

    Daniel out! finally.

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    Jun 7th, 2016

    As soon as they vote Maryanne out, I want her in the corner of the screen reacting to every episode.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    LOL. I’ve been at such extremes with Maryanne, but I do feel like if I were on a tribe with her, I’d be losing my mind.

    It’ll be interesting to see where we are going into what seems like a merge-like situation. There are so many different advantages out there, it’s hard to keep track of them and of how they’ll influence the game.

    I’m very glad they got rid of Daniel, though it was a close call. What was up with Chanelle voting for Mike? That came out of left field. Maybe it was a long-term play to flush his idol?

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    May 20th, 2011

    LOL. I’ve been at such extremes with Maryanne, but I do feel like if I were on a tribe with her, I’d be losing my mind.

    it would be hilarious if you ever got on the show and it was fans vs favs and she was there. Just to see u go full Jim on “the office” lol

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    May 20th, 2011

    i feel like mike, maryanne, romeo, jonathan, omar, and drea are getting a great edit so far. my guess…..one of them is winning

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    it would be hilarious if you ever got on the show and it was fans vs favs and she was there. Just to see u go full Jim on “the office” lol

    HA! I’d probably be edited to seem like a villain.

    This was a good merge episode overall. I love how many of the contestants are really playing this game and not just hanging out. I didn’t think there was any chance Omar was going to convince the group to vote out Lydia and figured one of the Takus would be a goner. Glad that didn’t happen. I still think the show needs to do a better job of making the choice for their edge of extinction castaway more of a dilemma. Right now it’s a good option and a bad option. Why would anyone take the bad option?

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    May 20th, 2011

    The more they keep Jonathan around the more I laugh. I like that they didn’t get rid of Romeo last night….even though they should have

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    May 20th, 2011

    HA! I’d probably be edited to seem like a villain.

    Jeff: Does anyone not get along?
    You: I hate her. SOOOOOOOO Much.
    Jeff with an evil smile: Time to plant an idol for her to find muhahahaha

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Interesting that Tori has now won two immunities. I definitely thought they were going to take out Romeo rather than Chanelle, and unlike Romeo, I really didn’t see much potential for her to get very far. Barring any immunity challenge that protects like half of the castaways, the majority alliance should be able to pick off Tori (eventually) and Romeo, but then things would get hairy. Who knows if they’ll even get that far, though? If Maryanne sticks around much longer, I’m sure people will start to grumble that there are still four Takus and the other former tribes are dwindling, though at current there are also still four Ikas, which is astounding because they really seemed to dislike each other.

    There seems to be a lot of love for Jonathan. Between his close friendships/alliances with Lindsey, Omar and Mike, and people like Hai and Rocksroy thinking he’s a good shield for them, seems like they won’t really worry about getting rid of him until that alliance starts to crumble.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Finally got to see last week’s episode last night. It’s really interesting seeing how a similar race conversation as the one from Season 41 happened here, totally independently of that season. I do totally get how Drea must have felt walking in and seeing Chanelle and Rocksroy sitting on the jury, when they’d all assumed Romeo would be an easy vote-out and suddenly things got flipped. Before Drea really got into it, I was thinking that this would look very bad if the first three jury members were three of the four black players left in the game. Thinking about things from this perspective, along with his comments at tribal, also recontextualizes Jonathan’s plan to get rid of Drea (which made sense for wanting to get the Takus in the driver’s seat) and have Maryanne as a backup (which made way less sense than just targeting Tori, who no one likes or trusts, as a backup). Jonathan has been very dismissive of Maryanne, though to be fair, that’s probably much more to do with her age, behavior around camp, and gender than race. Jonathan seems like a good guy, but being from Alabama, I’m sure this is not the kind of thing he’s used to really thinking about.

    I’m eager to see what happens next episode when the two factions reunite and assess what happened. Probably no one will be sad that Tori is gone, and honestly no one really seemed to like Rocksroy either, but he was in the majority alliance. The editing in the preview made it look like the other Takus are now ready to get rid of Jonathan, but this feels like a pre-immunity challenge discussion that will change by the time they actually have to go to tribal council.

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    May 20th, 2011

    THIS ELIMINATION.He seemed happy to be voted off.

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