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Spellbound (2024) - Trailer 5

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Começa nos cinemas

Conclave (2024)

desde 07/11/2024 07/11

O Sucessor (2023)

desde 07/11/2024 07/11

A Substância (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Os Indesejáveis (2023)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

O Conde de Monte Cristo (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Anora (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Alma Anciana (2023)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Um Café e Um Par de Sapatos Novos (2022)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Vive e deixa andar (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Novas críticas dos utilizadores de TOPO

The Devil's Hour - Season 2

EvilPhoEniXThe Devil's Hour - Season 2(2024)

I didn't enjoy it at all the second time. Everything that was good about the first season is gone. The mystery is completely gone, the cop Alex Ferns is also out of the picture, the horror visions are also irrevocably gone, Peter Capaldi’s character is not as cool as last time and if the finale of the first season…

Krazy House

EvilPhoEniXKrazy House(2024)

An interesting sitcom concept that turns into a fight for your life. I don't like sitcoms, so the first half hour was pretty grueling for me, but once the Russians come into the apartment, things get pretty funny. There are a few gritty scenes and NIck Frost gets pretty pissed off at the end, shits on his Christian…

No Voltees

darkrobykNo Voltees(2024)

For the third time, Alejandro Hidalgo did not disappoint me. A despot father tyrannizing his children, a witch mother and a madman, twins Aurora and Martín suffering night (and day) terrors even in adulthood. The psychological drama of a family that hasn't worked from the start takes a macabre turn when the siblings…

Lioness - Beware the Old Soldier

EvilPhoEniXLioness - Beware the Old Soldier(2024)

The first season balanced between 3-4 stars, with strong moments alternating with weaker ones, but in the second season Taylor Sheridan is firing sharp from the start and I didn't expect such a spectacular opening, which by the way looks like a finale somewhere else. A great mix of “GTA” and Sicario. Amazing action…

Child Eater

darkrobykChild Eater(2016)

Most young children know that there is a bogeyman in the closet and what's does the babysitter do? She hides there. Otherwise, a fine pagan horror movie that's not really about a bogeyman in the closet. Besides the demon from the woods, there's a freak with a gun, so going out in the dark is really dangerous. The…


Novas críticas de utilizadores progressistas

Magyarázat mindenre

dubinakMagyarázat mindenre(2023)

Important political and conscious topic, which, however, got lost in the whole long, dense, over-shot film fluff, which is contrastingly excessively long compared to the serious topics being discussed. The psychology and characters of the film are portrayed excellently. Especially the dad and mom of Abel, who were…

Les Femmes au balcon

dubinakLes Femmes au balcon(2024)

I recognize a good comedy by the fact that I laugh and smile throughout in a full auditorium of people and at that moment I don't worry about whether it was perfect, what was missing, or if something was too exaggerated. I simply enjoyed the unconventional characters, their psychology, craziness, humor, aesthetics,…

Fără suflet

dubinakFără suflet(2024)

At the same time, I both hate and appreciate it. Cinematically, it seemed quite bleak to me, like a very cheap variation of possession horror films, trying to say something, but failing miserably and resorting to unnecessary quotes from philosophy. On the other hand, there was something about the story that kept…

A Cada Passo Teu

dubinakA Cada Passo Teu(2021)

Clumsy performance by Casey Affleck alternates with uninteresting and completely predictable dramatic moments, which are unfortunately extremely mundane and unexciting. The story drags on heavily, essentially just following the characters' coping with their tragic family past and how a "random" stranger wraps them…



Young Cronenberg follows in his father's footsteps and it's clear as day that he is imitating the grotesque style of his controversial father quite credibly. This was supposed to be the event of the year 2020 for me. Well, if I hadn't fallen asleep out of boredom the first time I tried to watch it and didn't postpone…


Os atores mais visitados

Margaret Qualley (atriz / realizadoraatriz / realizadora, nasc. 1994)
Johnny Depp (ator / produtor / realizadorator / produtor, nasc. 1963)
Mikey Madison (atrizatriz, nasc. 1999)
Teri Garr (atrizatriz, nasc. 1944)
Penélope Cruz (atriz / produtora / realizadoraatriz / produtora, nasc. 1974)
Tom Hardy (ator / criador / produtorator / criador, nasc. 1977)

Os criadores mais visitados

Tim Burton (realizador / produtor / escritorrealizador / produtor, nasc. 1958)
Quentin Tarantino (realizador / argumentista / atorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1963)
Ridley Scott (realizador / produtor / atorrealizador / produtor, nasc. 1937)
Edward Berger (realizador / argumentista / produtorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1970)
Luca Guadagnino (realizador / produtor / argumentistarealizador / produtor, nasc. 1971)
Todd Phillips (realizador / produtor / argumentistarealizador / produtor, nasc. 1970)


Hoje faz anos

Amanhã faz anos

Jon M. Chu

realizador / argumentista / produtor

45 anos

Os vídeos mais vistos