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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (2024) (série) - Trailer 4

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Conclave (2024)

desde 07/11/2024 07/11

Malčik-dělfin (2022)

desde 07/11/2024 07/11

Vive e deixa andar (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

A Substância (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Anora (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Alma Anciana (2023)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Os Indesejáveis (2023)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Um Café e Um Par de Sapatos Novos (2022)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

O Conde de Monte Cristo (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Novas críticas dos utilizadores de TOPO

Segurança Nacional - Season 3

KakaSegurança Nacional - Season 3(2013)

After two phenomenally balanced, carefully constructed and emotionally dense seasons, the third one seems a bit muddled, inconsistent and less suspenseful than we are used to. The frequent twists and turns around Brody's character actually caused him to become quite fundamentally exhausted as a main figure, and the…



A whole lot of nothing. It’s a shame that the screenplay for Wolves wasn’t written by Shane Black or Quentin Tarantino, or anyone who can write a funny line and enrich the dialogue with something meaningful. It's okay to avoid suspense and action when you have something to say, and yes, it can be something as banal as…

Trick or Treats

darkrobykTrick or Treats(1982)

80's horror movies are the best, but unfortunately this is not one of them. Most of the time I felt like I was watching a comedy – the opening chase of Malcolm by the wardens of the asylum was like something out of a slapstick movie. Just when Linda thinks she can make cheap money babysitting a kid, but she finds out…

Apocalipsis Z: El principio del fin

darkrobykApocalipsis Z: El principio del fin(2024)

An average entry into the zombie horror genre, which has recently moved into cheap B-movies. This one was obviously a bit more expensive, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table in terms of story. It’s a character drama set at the beginning of the apocalypse, but it is slow to get going and it's only in the…



A now time-tested classic that relies on great practical effects that easily leave today's CGI crap biting the dust, with giant worms who seem to have come out of the best of Stan Winston's productions. In terms of plot, it's an admittedly monster B-movie, but with A-list production and top-notch practical effects.…


Novas críticas de utilizadores progressistas

O Homem da Câmara de Filmar

darkrobykO Homem da Câmara de Filmar(1929)

An excellent visual poem using various filmmaking techniques including blending, collage and animation. Micro-stories, associations, contrasts, parallels. Composition, perspective, detail. Poverty and wealth, marriage and divorce, man and machine. On one side a girl chastely dresses with her back to the camera, on the…



I've enjoyed Shyamalan's recent films quite a bit, the most so far being Knock at the Cabin. With The Trap, it bothers me a bit he's abandoned mystery (though it's in the genres here) combined with fantasy. It's the unexpected kind of thing that makes you say “damn!” Still, I liked the hunt for the killer, on the one…

Frankenstein's Daughter

darkrobykFrankenstein's Daughter(1958)

Not really a horror film, but excellent as a comedy, especially when the failed female monster is put to work, it makes for a fun time. Otherwise, there are so many clichés to look for. The women are dumb blondes like Suzie, totally, but right behind her is Trudy. The men not only don't trust the women, but Oliver…

Moon Garden

darkrobykMoon Garden(2022)

An allegorical story, a surrealistic journey through a world of unbridled imagination. Emma has to find her way out of a dark prison, and in the process she has a monster on her heels, whose appearance and cunning matches the Xenomorph and the Cenobites. Part of it is animated, so it's impossible not to think of Jan…

Milk & Serial

darkrobykMilk & Serial(2024)

I don't share the obvious enthusiasm of other reviews. At the beginning, it's bollocks about a failed prank, but maybe that's what it was supposed to be in the end. It all looks very amateurish, with the actors cringing and overacting perhaps because they're putting it on YouTube. It does turn into a story of sorts at…


Os atores mais visitados

Margaret Qualley (atriz / realizadoraatriz / realizadora, nasc. 1994)
Mikey Madison (atrizatriz, nasc. 1999)
Joaquin Phoenix (ator / produtor / argumentistaator / produtor, nasc. 1974)
Tom Hardy (ator / criador / produtorator / criador, nasc. 1977)
Kathryn Hahn (atriz / produtoraatriz / produtora, nasc. 1973)
Demi Moore (atriz / produtora / realizadoraatriz / produtora, nasc. 1962)

Os criadores mais visitados

Quentin Tarantino (realizador / argumentista / atorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1963)
Clint Eastwood (realizador / produtor / atorrealizador / produtor, nasc. 1930)
M. Night Shyamalan (realizador / argumentista / atorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1970)
Tim Burton (realizador / produtor / escritorrealizador / produtor, nasc. 1958)
Ridley Scott (realizador / produtor / atorrealizador / produtor, nasc. 1937)
Luca Guadagnino (realizador / produtor / argumentistarealizador / produtor, nasc. 1971)


Hoje faz anos

Amanhã faz anos

Hal Hartley

realizador / argumentista / compositor

65 anos

Pupi Avati

argumentista / realizador / produtor

86 anos

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