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Spellbound (2024) - Trailer 5

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Conclave (2024)

desde 07/11/2024 07/11

Estamos no Ar (2024)

desde 07/11/2024 07/11

O Conde de Monte Cristo (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

A Substância (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Os Indesejáveis (2023)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Alma Anciana (2023)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Vive e deixa andar (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Um Café e Um Par de Sapatos Novos (2022)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Anora (2024)

desde 31/10/2024 31/10

Novas críticas dos utilizadores de TOPO



A now time-tested classic that relies on great practical effects that easily leave today's CGI crap biting the dust, with giant worms who seem to have come out of the best of Stan Winston's productions. In terms of plot, it's an admittedly monster B-movie, but with A-list production and top-notch practical effects.…



Dallas Buyers Club, Marvel edition. The treatment of the moribund Doctor Morbius tries to be dark and intimate in some respects, but what could be worse than an anemic vampire film where the characters take steps you can see in the mirror minutes ahead? On top of that, the confused action at the end, thanks to the…

The Devil's Hour - Season 2

EvilPhoEniXThe Devil's Hour - Season 2(2024)

I didn't enjoy it at all the second time. Everything that was good about the first season is gone. The mystery is completely gone, the cop Alex Ferns is also out of the picture, the horror visions are also irrevocably gone, Peter Capaldi’s character is not as cool as last time and if the finale of the first season…

Krazy House

EvilPhoEniXKrazy House(2024)

An interesting sitcom concept that turns into a fight for your life. I don't like sitcoms, so the first half hour was pretty grueling for me, but once the Russians come into the apartment, things get pretty funny. There are a few gritty scenes and NIck Frost gets pretty pissed off at the end, shits on his Christian…

No Voltees

darkrobykNo Voltees(2024)

For the third time, Alejandro Hidalgo did not disappoint me. A despot father tyrannizing his children, a witch mother and a madman, twins Aurora and Martín suffering night (and day) terrors even in adulthood. The psychological drama of a family that hasn't worked from the start takes a macabre turn when the siblings…


Novas críticas de utilizadores progressistas

The Dark and the Wicked

Gilmour93The Dark and the Wicked(2020)

A week on a goat farm? It would be a devil of a thing if Baphomet weren't among them! Those looking for a digital little devil with red eyes, or at least the smoky silhouette emerging from a cloud, will be disappointed. Bryan Bertino opted for the non-physical presence of an unknown evil, and even though many scenes…

Mar de Chamas

Gilmour93Mar de Chamas(1991)

When valiant firefighters refresh themselves in slow motion, more heroic pathos sprays from the hoses than water, and as polished fire trucks roll out of the station at sunset to poignant music, you just miss a shot of a fluttering flag to start wondering if Bay began realizing his style a few years before Bad Boys.…

Hoje Ninguém Dorme na Floresta

Gilmour93Hoje Ninguém Dorme na Floresta(2020)

Sextet, sex, and exitus according to the given order. The film from the Polish deciduous forests clearly declares throughout that it is aware of genre rules; however, it never finds the courage to defy them. While still stuck in a boring exposition, a superfluous sci-fi insert, and social criticism (ranging from the…

Greenland - O Último Refúgio

Gilmour93Greenland - O Último Refúgio(2020)

What could be better for the depression and anxiety of the COVID era than to show that it could be much worse? The casting of the lead role may lead to the impression that the dashing daddy Gerard will give the comet a header and send it with a drooping tail into another galaxy, but rather than Emmerich's catastrophic…



An ideal theme for Nolan, who would kickstart the engines of nonlinearity and, with a multiple budget, tell the same story in technically perfect ways that aim to make us swap the banal for something higher. But the young man is his own, or rather his father's (in the explicit scenes of violence, one couldn't help but…


Os atores mais visitados

Margaret Qualley (atriz / realizadoraatriz / realizadora, nasc. 1994)
Mikey Madison (atrizatriz, nasc. 1999)
Johnny Depp (ator / produtor / realizadorator / produtor, nasc. 1963)
Kathryn Hahn (atriz / produtoraatriz / produtora, nasc. 1973)
Penélope Cruz (atriz / produtora / realizadoraatriz / produtora, nasc. 1974)
Tom Hardy (ator / criador / produtorator / criador, nasc. 1977)

Os criadores mais visitados

Tim Burton (realizador / produtor / escritorrealizador / produtor, nasc. 1958)
Luca Guadagnino (realizador / produtor / argumentistarealizador / produtor, nasc. 1971)
Sean Baker (realizador / argumentista / editorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1971)
Edward Berger (realizador / argumentista / produtorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1970)
Quentin Tarantino (realizador / argumentista / atorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1963)
Ridley Scott (realizador / produtor / atorrealizador / produtor, nasc. 1937)


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