The Good Dinosaur

  • USA The Good Dinosaur (meer)
Trailer 3


The Good Dinosaur geeft antwoord op een eeuwenoude vraag: wat als de meteoor die het leven op aarde voorgoed veranderde niet was ingeslagen? De enorme dinosaurussen zouden nooit zijn uitgestorven maar juist het meest intelligente ras op aarde zijn. Pixar Animation Studios neemt je mee op een spannend avontuur in een wereld van dinosaurussen waar de rollen volkomen zijn omgedraaid. Een dino genaamd Arlo sluit voor het eerst vriendschap met een mensenkind en noemt hem Spot. Samen gaan zij op een ontdekkingsreis door een wild en mysterieus landschap. De onzekere Arlo leert zijn angsten te overwinnen en ontdekt waar hij daadwerkelijk allemaal toe in staat is. (The Walt Disney Company Benelux)


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Trailer 3

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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels It's definitely not the best Pixar film, but as I watched it, it put me in a good mood, even though my the day wasn't anything special. It's nice, sometimes overly straightforward, and it's clear what will happen; the emotions just come at you. But just for the breathtaking animation alone, this film is worth giving a chance. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The Good Dinosaur is an example of an animated film in which the story is held back at the expense of meticulous animation work. The film features very beautiful natural scenery and overall is visually nicely detailed, but the story is pushed aside, as it sometimes happens with films of this kind. Yet, I was probably expecting something more and therefore decided to give it an average rating. I found that the film didn't try to be funny, but neither was it enlightening, which is striking in this genre. In short, one of the many films where, with time, you remember the form rather than the content. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Pixar's 16th Feature Film In this, it seems like they want to fix the older Disney Dinosaur and do it right this time. The question is whether it was necessary. The Good Dinosaur is a combination of strange elements, an almost photorealistic nature, extremely contrasting (almost primitive) stylized dinosaurs, and people who behave uncivilized while the dinosaurs have their own farm. The initial premise of "what if..." could have been made into something more meaningful. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The animation! Breathtaking! Magnificent! Perfect! One must simply marvel at how Pixar managed to create such 100% believable nature. When I saw the first trailer, I thought the animators had sent the digital characters into the real world this time. And I'll tell you, if I didn't know how things were, I'd probably think that now, having spent 100 minutes in that landscape. Not only does it match ILM's perfect Rango, it probably surpasses it. All those mountains, meadows, trees, wind, sun, rain, water... How is that possible? And the fact that there are deliberately unrealistic dinosaurs in such an environment doesn't matter at all - on the contrary, it's a pleasantly refreshing contrast. But what is not pleasant at all is the story. None of Pixar's films have had (and I hope they won't have) such a plain, simple and hackneyed plot. So far, in none of Pixar's films have I fought boredom tooth and nail so many times, which occasionally, fortunately, was chased away by a brisk scene or a hilarious joke (saving the fox clearly leads the way). So three and a half stars, which I may round up when I see the subtitled version. Because so far none of Pixar's films had such desperately bland Czech dubbing. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Self-sufficient adventure with an interesting setting and likeable characters, but with twists that couldn’t be more predictable and with little of the much loved creativity of Pixar. The idea about the surviving dinosaurs is not bad and the individual scenes are visually flawless and almost exhilarating (the fight with the pterodactyls), but the moments of surprise are clearly lacking and the whole thing, save for a couple of entertaining and cunningly bizarre exceptions, is just for kids. That said, an easygoing Pixar flick for 70%. ()

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