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Adam Sandler egy Leo nevű gyíkot alakít ebben a felnőtté válásról szóló zenés vígjátékban, amely az osztály kedvencének szemszögéből meséli el az általános iskola utolsó évét. (Netflix)

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Recenziók (7)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol As far as songs go, it's weaker, but otherwise an excellent Sandler rom with a nice message. Leo is a tired old iguana living the quiet life of a school pet and suddenly becomes a mentor to all the kids after an unexpected change in class teacher. The kids are likeable, no jerks just a simple kids with normal problems that need someone to lean on. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Musically, this film didn't quite hit the mark for me, but that's really my only major gripe. Because when it comes to the story, Leo had me hooked. The chosen themes were engaging, and I appreciated how they were explored. Sure, it boils down to a boomer lizard working as a school psychologist, and the main takeaway could be summed up as "It's best to talk to somebody about your problems," but the delivery was charmingly human and mostly funny. As a family comedy, it worked for me. The animation was also decent. Overall, Leo turned out to be a pleasant surprise for me. 7.5/10 ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Leo didn't seem to me like a groundbreaking animated film, but it must be acknowledged that it is perhaps the best animated film of this year. Pixar and Disney is starting to become tiresome and their fairy tales haven't been worth much lately, whereas Netflix is doing quite well. The Mitchells vs. the Machines was a pleasant surprise, and this is no exception. Adam Sandler is unmistakable. The story is about a iguana and a turtle who live in a terrarium in a school classroom and gradually start getting to know all the children, who are assigned to take Leo home for a day. Once they find out he can talk, he begins to help the children with their problems, which is not only original but also very educational and beautiful. It is partly also a musical, but the songs fit nicely, each child has an interesting problem that they need to solve, Leo is a very likable character whom the audience cheers for, and the turtle is very funny. I laughed politely a few times, it also has a pleasant pace, and it is decent entertainment for the whole family. Yes, this was good. 8/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol At first, I thought to myself, what did I just watch, but to my surprise, Leo is an animated movie with a crossover not only for children, but adults will also find something of their own in it. Adam Sandler has a wonderfully written character and with his aged dubbing, he managed to breathe a great deal of his likability into Leo. A very pleasant surprise that I enjoyed much more than I could have expected, and I had already heard good reviews before. In a time when animated movies completely release me, this is all the more valuable. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sandler seems to really thrive in the animated world. I laughed more here than in his last ten films combined. It's pleasant, funny, and at times, quite original. Plus, it's an animated story that entertains not only adults but especially kids. What more could you ask for on a family night? Oh, and the voice acting is fantastic! ()

Galéria (145)