Egyesült Államok,
2015, 79 perc
Michael MedagliaForgatókönyvíró:
Michael MedagliaOperatőr:
Francisco BulgarelliZeneszerző:
Keith SchreinerSzereplők:
Sean McGrath, Mary McDonald-Lewis, Conner Williams, Tabitha Williams, Michael Medaglia, Don Alder, David Loftus, Hank Cartwright, John Nielsen (több)Streaming (2)
Recenziók (1)
Fontossági sorrend:
This is a film that might easily slip under your radar; at first glance, it appears snobbish, but in reality, it's an introspective and rather depressingly intense watch that definitely isn't the right film for a morning pick-me-up, as it might slow you down with its melancholy. Considering how simple the idea was, I have to admit that the execution is good. Not great, not exceptional, but good. ()