
Rövid / Akció / Dráma / Thriller / Kaland
Egyesült Államok, 2013, 20 perc


Trevor Addie


Trevor Addie
(további alkotók)

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If I were to review it as a regular film, it would get at most two stars from me. However, I view it from the perspective that it's a fan film. First, I want to praise everyone involved in the film, as I really enjoyed it. The main heroine in the role of Lara Croft was quite likable. The enemies, led by the main villain, didn’t amount to much, but I wasn’t expecting any amazing performances, so it was acceptable within limits. What I liked most were the fights, which were excellently crafted down to the last detail. More fan films like this, please. I give it 80%. ()

Galéria (5)