Peter HedgesForgatókönyvíró:
Peter HedgesOperatőr:
Tami ReikerZeneszerző:
Stephin MerrittSzereplők:
Katie Holmes, Oliver Platt, Patricia Clarkson, Derek Luke, Alison Pill, John Gallagher Jr., Alice Drummond, Adrian Martinez, Sean Hayes (több)Tartalmak(1)
A makacs, fiatal nő (Katie Holmes) elidegenedett a szüleitől. Most azonban szembe kell néznie kapcsolatuk problémáival, mert édesanyja (Patricia Clarkson) rákbeteg és haldoklik. (AMC Hungary)
Videók (1)
Recenziók (1)
A small conversational film with plenty of small jokes, showcasing Hollywood star Katie Holmes in a somewhat different role than her fans usually know her for. While it's worth just a one-time watch, I enjoyed it decently; the humor was mostly effective, and the screenplay doesn't slide into awkwardness at any point. It's a comedy about a crazy culinary attempt that nobody believed would succeed. The film may not excite, but it earned my sympathy. Overall impression: 60%. The film's shortcoming is a certain imbalance, partly due to the tight budget. ()
Galéria (11)
Photo © 2003 United Artists