M. Night ShyamalanForgatókönyvíró:
M. Night ShyamalanOperatőr:
Andrew LesnieZeneszerző:
James Newton HowardSzereplők:
Noah Ringer, Dev Patel, Nicola Peltz, Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Toub, Aasif Mandvi, Cliff Curtis, Seychelle Gabriel, Katharine Houghton, Summer Bishil (több)Streaming (2)
A világon négy nemzetség osztozik, a Levegő, a Víz, a Föld és a Tűz, melyek néhány tagja képes uralni az elemeket. A Tűz népe magának akarja megszerezni a hatalmat, ezért háborút indít a többiek ellen. Száz esztendeje dúl a harc, és egy régi legenda szerint csak egy Avatar mentheti meg a világot a teljes pusztulástól. Ez pedig nem más, mint az ifjú Aang, az utolsó léghajlító, aki különleges képességeinek köszönhetően képes uralni mind a négy elemet. Aang a vízhajlító Katarával és a lány bátyjával, Sokkával együtt elindul, hogy megpróbálja újra egyensúlyba hozni a világot. (UIP-Duna Film)
(több)Videók (6)
Recenziók (8)
I've always genuinely liked Shyamalan, even when the world was laughing in his face. However, I’m not willing to sit through this theatre show that cost $150 million, even if I happened to like the winds and fire. It ends with divine special effects and a charismatic Dev Patel (!), but the rest of it is one giant mistake because they forgot about the set design (it has barely five locations) and any involvement in the plot. The lack of epicness in the movie theater may have been masked by the 3D, but on the TV screen you want proper characters (and there are some surges in there) and an inflated plot (and the subject matter promises it). Instead, for two hours we watch the yoga poses of a little kid and the most tragic breaks in a villain’s behavior I’ve seen all year. And "Nation of Earth" was just a cameo, right? ()
It’s not that bad. Sure, it’s a bit childish, and it’s definitely not what people expected from Shyamalan, but it’s far from the disaster it’s made out to be. M. Night Shyamalan took a lot of heat for The Last Airbender, but you can tell he made it because he genuinely enjoyed the process, not just for the sake of it. It’s a shame we’ll never get the full trilogy—it deserved a continuation. The music is fantastic, and the story isn’t the worst either. Sometimes people just love to tear a movie down, and sadly, this one got the short end of the stick. ()
- Knock, Knock! - Who´s there? - Sense. - Sense who? - Sense you can´t see. Happening already made me burst out in laughter several times, but you could still see some of Shyamalan’s signatures, and there were moments when I wondered whether the Indian director isn’t making sophisticated fun of us, a possibility that’s unfortunately ruled out in The Last Airbender. The story is so poorly put together that it defies reason. I don’t think I’ve seen worse dialogues this year and the periodic expository monologues were lethal. In those 103 minutes there was only one interesting moment (the giant wave), which is a very sad balance. A ridiculous movie and I’m sorry for Shyamalan. ()
M. Night Shyamalan has indeed lowered his standards for perfectionism significantly, but he can handle a fantasy story with ease. Even so, his screenplay fatally fails in dialogue and presents an intertwined (yet not particularly complex) mythology as the most obvious reality. The essential points, however, are credited to engaging battles and, above all, the final half hour, when I was truly interested in the fates of the characters and the action left me breathless. Three stars may seem somewhat half-hearted, but this still bears the label of Shyamalan's worst film. However, in the context of his previous work, that does not imply anything fundamentally negative. ()
Okay fine, looking forward to the sequel... ^^ I unexpectedly liked it a lot. It's clear to me where it needs cleaning up, and it's clear to me what it probably looks like in the series, and somehow, because it's clear to me, I like it because I can just figure out the rest that you don’t see. It doesn't matter what the bard meant to say. Weird commentary. It's simply got something to it. A better 3 stars. But I want a sequel... :-D ()