Pornó / Fantasy
Egyesült Államok,
1998, 86 perc
Michael ZenForgatókönyvíró:
Michael ZenOperatőr:
Frank MarinoZeneszerző:
Jenna Jameson, Asia Carrera, Brad Armstrong, Mark Davis, Chloe, Stacy Valentine, Peter North, Tom ByronTartalmak(1)
Join Jenna Jameson for a journey into an erotic netherworld. A mystical place where angels fear to tread & debauchery runs rampant. The shadows have tails and small horns...a sense of something strange, primitive, almost mythological. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
Recenziók (1)
Fontossági sorrend:
Similar to Forever Night and Dream Quest Satyr is one of the most magical and elaborate fantasy films in its genre. In addition to Jenny, the episode with Stacy Valentine is also a delight. ()