
Svédország, 2024, 105 perc


Elle Márjá Eira


Ann-Helen Laestadius (könyv)


Peter Birro


Ken Are Bongo


Lasse Enersen
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)


A megtörtént események inspirálta érzelmes drámában egy fiatal nő Svédország őslakos számi kisebbségéből személyes okból egy gyilkos nyomába ered. (Netflix)

Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Although I've never been to Lapland, those breathtaking shots of Nordic landscapes made it feel like I was there. Yet, while the visuals were captivating, the story failed to match up. Based on what I read on Netflix, I anticipated an intriguing narrative, but instead, I was met with a sluggishly-paced Nordic drama, and Lapps confronting injustice as aggressively as Mahatma Gandhi with an air of true Nordic melancholy. For someone like me, expecting a different cinematic experience, it was quite disappointing. / Lesson learned: Meddle with someone else's reindeer, and you might find yourself facing the consequences twenty years down the line. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Scandinavians are diving into Sami themes again, and I'm here for it. It's refreshing to see a different perspective on the Scandinavian world, especially from the Arctic Circle, dealing with issues we barely know about. While it's not a cinematic masterpiece, it's a fascinating glimpse into Sami life with a detective twist. ()


Galéria (82)