Oriol PauloOperatőr:
Oscar FauraZeneszerző:
Sergio MoureSzereplők:
José Coronado, Hugo Silva, Aura Garrido, Belén Rueda, Miquel Gelabert, Juan Pablo Shuk, Oriol Vila, Carlota Olcina, Patrícia Bargalló, Manel Dueso (több)Tartalmak(1)
Jaime felügyelő élete legkülönösebb ügyében nyomoz, a hullaházból eltűnt testet kell megtalálnia. Megdöbbentő az egészben, hogy nincs nyom, az egyetlen szemtanú pedig, az éjjeliőr kómába esett az átélt borzalmaktól. A felügyelő – akit saját rémálmai a kétségbeesés felé hajszolnak – egyetlen gyanúsítottja az elhunyt özvegye, aki azonban az ártatlanságát hangoztatja. Ugyanakkor az asszony is belső démonokkal küzd, melyek nem maradnak rejtve. Az elszabadult holttest és a különös jelenségek egybefonják Jaime és Alex sorsát. (HBO Europe)
(több)Videók (1)
Recenziók (7)
This is a film that has a very good atmosphere and nicely guides you the entire way through, keeping you tense pretty much until the very end. This is one of those films that may excite you for the way it's conceived, but it may also have a finale that isn’t quite fulfilling enough. However, it's definitely a film worth your attention. ()
This was an unexpected surprise. It often happens to me with crime and detective stories that I find out who the gardener is before the authors decide to tell me, but the Spanish filmmakers had me fooled. Plus, the film had a great atmosphere and wasn’t lacking in suspense, so I had a great time amidst all that squeaking of the window frames and banging of the refrigerator doors. The English enriched the world's gastronomy by dipping biscuits in their tea, but I had no idea what the Spanish dipped their paper in before eating it. ()
When it comes to Oriol Paulo, I don't know why, but I still can’t shake the feeling that he can get predictable after you’ve seen a few of his films. I guess I'm just selling him short, because while his work has very distinct handwriting and his style is always the same, I have yet to skip through anything he’s done. On the contrary, he always knocks me on my ass and forces me to talk about his films and recommend them to my friends. The Body is no exception. ()
I don’t think I have ever seen a Spanish thriller as interesting as this one. The story is great and nicely complicated, the investigation is interesting and the untangling of the plot has some class and I enjoyed the ending as well. Even the filters they used make it look really expensive. I could easily have mistaken it for a Hollywood piece at first glance. But what surprised me was how terribly melodramatic it was. There’s no doubt the director is an interesting character of Spanish cinematography, but at times he turned his movie into a crazy telenovela. I personally think that it was mainly the music. In connection with some scenes it seemed almost ridiculous. But the screenplay saved the day and confirmed my opinion that The Body is definitely not a bad movie. Plus, Aura Garrido is an incredibly beautiful actress. Yeah, Spanish chicks… that’s something Spain can boast. ()
Ha, ha! The Body is tense and entertaining, mainly thanks to making you wonder who is fucking who. And then you realise that it’s you they were fucking the whole time; and really hard. The Body is exactly what we can expect from modern Spanish thrillers with a pinch of horror. It’s well made, with good performances, atmospheric and original; a film that holds its cards firmly in its hands and shows them at the right time. Belén Rueda is very good, as always. You won’t get scared this time, watch your expectations. As a thriller, on the other hand, it’s brilliant. :-) ()