Maria SchraderForgatókönyvíró:
Rebecca LenkiewiczOperatőr:
Natasha BraierZeneszerző:
Nicholas BritellSzereplők:
Carey Mulligan, Zoe Kazan, Wesley Holloway, Tom Pelphrey, Samantha Morton, Jennifer Ehle, Patricia Clarkson, Andre Braugher, Elle Graham (több)Streaming (3)
Megan Twohey és Jodi Kantor, a Times két riportere együtt robbantották ki egy generáció legfontosabb sztoriját - azt a sztorit, amely segített beindítani a #MeToo mozgalmat, és megtörte az több évtizedes csendet, amely a hollywoodi szexuális zaklatásokat övezte, és amely örökre megváltoztatta az amerikai kultúrát. (UIP-Duna Film)
Videók (9)
Recenziók (2)
Investigative journalistic dramas are usually very compelling in their procedure and revelations, especially when the viewer has no precise idea about the subject of the film and discovers the facts together with the characters. But this is not the case with When She Said, where a viewer normally interested in the film industry and current events will know very well what is at the heart of the scandal and how the whole affair ended. And 129 minutes is really an unreasonable runtime for a film that plays with exposed cards. With 40 minutes to go, I thought it was time to call it quits. ()
From the same bag as The Insider, Truth, or even The Post, so a David and Goliath battle against corrupt power structures by a group of committed investigators. Moreover, it contains quite important and detailed monologues of survivors about the nature of their abuse, for those who still cannot understand that rape is not just when a hairy sailor with an eye patch jumps out of the bushes at you in the night. Unfortunately, unlike other representatives of the genre of journalistic dramas, this film does not have very interesting characters because their only attribute besides journalistic stubbornness is a demonstration of the need for shared/parental maternity, with which paradoxically the film cannot cope, so both protagonists' spouses are completely devoid of attributes and practically could not even have faces. I found the scene with the annoying idiot in the bar, who is basically this guy, amusing. I admit that I wouldn't want to live in a world like this. ()