Boaz Yakin

Boaz Yakin

szül. 1966.06.20 (58 éves) New York City, New York, Egyesült Államok

Életrajz (1)

A writer and director with a gift for dealing with controversial issues on personal, human terms, BOAZ YAKIN was born in New York City. Yakin's parents had a creative bent -they met in Paris while both were studying mime and movement for actors with Etienne Decroux. After graduating from high school, Yakin opted to study filmmaking at New York City College. He soon moved on to New York University and made his first deal for a screenplay at the age of 19. Yakin… (több)

Videók (5)

A forgatástól  - Jason Statham, Catherine Chan, Boaz Yakin, Stefan Czapsky, Lawrence Bender

Galéria (6)
