Court métrage
2008, 10 min
Martijn VeldhoenScénario:
Martijn VeldhoenPhotographie:
Jaap VeldhoenMusique:
Martijn VeldhoenActeurs·trices:
Raymond ThiryRésumés(1)
Wordless circular story about a man who loses his lover. In his dark room, surrounded by a chaotic collection of photographs and clippings, he tries to come to grips with what has happened. As in a dream, a series of associations makes him relive the meeting, the relationship and the separation, while fragments from the past repeatedly come dashing into the present. (Nederlands Film Festival)
Raymond Thiry
Meilleurs films :
La Voix d'Aida (2020)
Antonia, la Chef d'Orchestre (2018)
Dennis P. (2007)