Poétique / Drame
1960, 76 min
František VláčilScénario:
František VláčilPhotographie:
Jan ČuříkMusique:
Zdeněk LiškaActeurs·trices:
Kateřina Irmanovová, Karel Smyczek, Gustav Püttjer, Václav Irmanov, Hans-Peter Reinecke, Karl Gärtner, František Kovářík, Vladimír Erlebach (plus)Résumés(1)
A sick carrier pigeon en route to its home on the Baltic Sea becomes lost and lands in Prague, where it is rescued and nurtured back to health by a small, frail boy. Soon the boy and the bird develop a friendship that touches all around them. (texte officiel du distributeur)
Critiques (1)
It's an eye-pleasing affair, of course, but as a whole, it feels more like an excellent exercise in composition. ()
Photos (19)
Photo © Česká televize