Barbares - Season 1 (2020) (saison)
2020, 46 min
Steve Saint LegerPhotographie:
Christian StangassingerActeurs·trices:
Laurence Rupp, Jeanne Goursaud, David Schütter, Gaetano Aronica, Jeremy Miliker, Bernhard Schütz, Sophie Rois, Eva Verena Müller, Nikolai Kinski, Diego Riace, Matthias Weidenhöfer (plus)VOD (1)
Ari et Thusnelda font un mariage politique et commencent à unifier les tribus germaniques insoumises. Folkwin, que l'on croit mort, a en réalité été réduit en esclavage. (Netflix)
Critiques (1)
Établir des priorités :
While action took a bit of a backseat this time around, it wasn't a major concern for me as politics and intrigue took center stage, both within tribes and between them. However, I couldn't overlook a technical hiccup during the wedding night preparations. Either the cameraman was feeling the heat, or American "morality" is starting to infiltrate European productions. I'm leaning towards the latter, and it's a worrying thought. ()