Jules DassinPhotographie:
Henri AlekanActeurs·trices:
Melina Mercouri, Peter Ustinov, Maximilian Schell, Robert Morley, Jess Hahn, Akim Tamiroff, Titos Vandis, Gilles Ségal, Joe Dassin, Amy Dalby (plus)Résumés(1)
Elizabeth Lipp, grande amatrice de pierres précieuses, engage Walter Harper pour organiser le vol de la dague du sultan, incrustée de diamants et d'émeraudes, conservée au Palais de Topkapi à Istanbul. Lipp et Harper recrutent un acrobate, un colosse et un expert en électronique, puis se rendent à Kavala, dans le nord de la Grèce, en quête du " pigeon " qui devra passer la frontière turque avec le matériel nécessaire au cambriolage... (ESC Distribution)
(plus)Critiques (1)
Topkapi felt somewhat outdated. The running time was too long for what the plot had to offer. The perfect Swiss plan was not complex enough to require so much time, and the creators decided to fill the gaps by showing the beauties of Istanbul and Turkish folklore, which I couldn't find it in me to appreciate. Instead of enjoying the clever tricks of seasoned thugs, I was sometimes brought to the edge of sleep. Credit goes to Peter Ustinov, whose performance was the only one I found entertaining throughout. 3*- ()
Photos (42)
Photo © MGM Home Entertainment