Yoshihisa OyamaActeurs·trices:
Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Jun'ichi Suwabe, Kōki Uchiyama, Jun Fukuyama, Kenji Nojima, Kenshō Ono, Mamoru Miyano, 小松由佳, Hideaki Tezuka, Tomoaki Maeno (plus)VOD (1)
Tout ça pour un pirojki ! Le Grand Prix des larmes (E01)
Deux Yuri ? Panique au Yutopia (E02)
Si Éros est pour moi, Éros est-il moi ? Onsen on Ice ! (E03)
Apprendre à s’aimer… Programme libre terminé ! (E04)
Tout rouge ! Premiers championnats ! Le Championnat des Régions du sud ! (E05)
Ouverture du Grand Prix ! C’est parti pour la Coupe de Chine ! (E06)
Ouverture du Grand Prix ! Coupe de Chine, programme libre ! (E07)
Yuri contre Yuri ! Programme court de la terrible Coupe de Russie ! (E08)
Yuri contre Yuri ! Programme libre de la terrible Coupe de Russie ! (E09)
Donne tout ce que t’as ! Épisode spécial avant la finale ! (E10)
Donne tout ce que t’as ! PC de la finale du Grand Prix ! (E11)
Donne vraiment tout ! Le PL de la finale ! (E12)
Yuri Katsuki portait l'espoir de tout le Japon sur ses épaules au Grand Prix de patinage artistique, mais y a subi une défaite écrasante en finale. Il retourne alors dans sa ville natale à Kyushu et se cache dans la maison familiale où il se retrouve tiraillé entre son désir de continuer à patiner ou de se résigner à prendre sa retraite. C'est alors que Victor Nikiforov, cinq fois champion du monde consécutif, se présente au domicile familial, suivi de son compatriote Yuri Plisetsky, un jeune patineur qui commence à surpasser ses aînés. C'est ainsi que les deux Yuri, et le champion russe Viktor, s'élancent dans un nouveau Grand Prix, une compétition inédite pour le monde entier ! (All the Anime)
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Critiques (2)
Enchantingly beautiful animation of ice skating, snow, and gracefulness in every movement – which though it suits the captivating fairytale career of the title character, it doesn't quite gel with a few of the sideplots. The reason is that the motivations of the other characters seemed a bit off to me, whether it was the rival romantically longing for a life with his sister or the one who keeps ecstatically sighing (and not just sighing, either) after every successful performance. It made me a bit uncomfortable, even though I've experienced quite a bit of that sort of thing in anime. In the end, I'm really disappointed in the lower rating because I was already a fan of the series with how it came about, how enthusiastic its fan base is, and how rare it is to see a Czech athlete in an Asian work. Emil Nekola is my hero, and the fact that his name is inspired by the legendary Czechoslovak figure skater Ondrej Nepela is such a warm nod that I can forgive the minimal focus on this skater. The initial enthusiasm from each race dies down, and the undeveloped relationships between the two Yuri's or between them and their coach leave me with the feeling that I only saw half of each episode. The only reason I wanted to flash an extra star at the last second when I was doing the scoring was again the audiovisuals. The moment the music matches the image or the audience even starts singing, I get chills in just a second. But compared to my high expectations, it falls a few decimal points short. ()
Photos (360)
Photo © FUNimation Entertainment / AT-X
We were born to make history! That is because this is truly a historic moment and this figure skating anime series takes its well-deserved place under the spotlight. Its qualities are so strong that it might even compel someone who intensely rejects anything that even smacks of any romantic tension between two men to not only finish this season but even give it a high rating. Do you not want to believe that? Give it a go! However, from the top, I am going to start with the opening, which I think is the best of this season (I especially love the energy and intensity of the music), and the ending is pretty good too. Most of the musical motifs (during the numbers), both classical and original, are very good. I must admit, for example, that I liked the song "King JJ" a lot. Then there is the animation, and to be frank, it is gorgeous. I have to say that the depiction of movement, especially figure skating numbers, is very good. Not only does it look fluid, but it also looks realistic, and even the jumps performed (lutz, flip, toe loop) are very nicely quite well portrayed. Yuri on Ice is also quite funny at times; they are not clutch-your-stomach, cry-laughing, fall-off-your-chair, make-it-stop kind of jokes, even though they still make you smile. The characters are also interesting and likable, and the one I think is the best is definitely Viktor. However, I guess each of the gentlemen in this show has their own charm and brief narrative, so everyone will find someone they like, and it does not matter if it is the first Czech anime figure skater, "King JJ" or young Pitchit. There are many characters to choose from. As far as the main characters are concerned, there is a natural development not only in terms of individual characters but also in terms of their relationships with each other. The characters gradually open up more and more, improve, gain various new motivations and work on their relationships with each other. Thus, also in terms of development, a rather complex spectacle. The narrative is pretty predictable on the whole, although the way it is presented, it is impossible not to enjoy and root for the characters. Then there is the overall realism. Have you ever seen an anime series where they actually speak French or even Russian? When I think of the Japanglish that is thrown at me from many other shows and compare it to how the different languages are showcased in Yuri on Ice, then I can see that they just really went the extra mile, and even that should be appreciated, too! The environment of each race and the facilities should also be appreciated. As for the fan service for the girls, yes, some moments are very intense, and there are moments that I personally did not care for and could do without; however, for this anime series, they are essential in my opinion, because that is also part of the character and relationship development. It was a hard decision to make in the end because objectively, it is simply a five-star show in many aspects, although my purely subjective impression comes out to only 8.4/10. () (moins) (plus)