Johnny Mad Dog

  • Suède Johnny Mad Dog
France / Belgique, 2008, 97 min


Afrique, en ce moment même. Johnny, 15 ans, enfant-soldat aux allures de rappeur, armé jusqu'aux dents, est habité par le chien méchant qu'il veut devenir. Avec son petit commando, No Good Advice, Small Devil et Young Major, il vole, pille et abat tout ce qui croise sa route. Des adolescents abreuvés d'imageries hollywoodiennes et d'information travestie qui jouent à la guerre... Laokolé, seize ans, poussant son père infirme dans une brouette branlante, tâchant de s'inventer l'avenir radieux que sa scolarité brillante lui promettait, s'efforce de fuir sa ville livrée aux milices d'enfants soldats, avec son petit frère Fofo, 8 ans. Tandis que Johnny avance, Laokolé fuit... Des enfances abrégées, une Afrique ravagée par des guerres absurdes, un peuple qui tente malgré tout de survivre et de sauvegarder sa part d'humanité. (UGC Distribution)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais There are worlds that Czechs have no idea about. Here in Europe we complain about things that haven't happened yet, but may happen sometime. In Africa, there are gangs of children who have weapons and love to use them terribly. What's interesting, though, is that they use them against everyone and especially against locals. It doesn't make any sense, but no one needs to shoot them. They think they have the power of their country, their tribe, in their hands. But it's not them, it's their weapons...MP5s, Kalashnikovs, sometimes even M60s. It's tough when ten 12-year-old tough guys come against you, holding one of these weapons in their hand... it's hard to hold it back, and they're already yelling at you that if you don't confess to nonsense, they will shoot you. And they won't give a damn about it, it's clear just from looking at them. Johnny Mad Dog is a surprisingly French film. France itself now has problems in their country that I wouldn't want to be in their place. A Nigerian next to a Muslim and there's not even enough room left for the French. Racial dissatisfaction and the need to think about where all of this will lead. So we don't end up with these gangs even in relatively civilized Europe someday. You never know. However, I cannot give it a full score. Do you know that feeling when you watch a movie and it makes you want to puke in a horrible way? Well, prepare a bucket for Johnny Mad Dog. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Another one of those tough films where kids with guns terrorize the neighborhood, but I found Sin Nombre and City of God much more sophisticated. There are some rough scenes and the local brats don’t mess around. Story-wise a bit weak, but the acting is very good. Definitely a strong film, but it didn't hit me that hard. 70% ()


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