Palestine / Pays-Bas / Émirats arabes unis,
2002, 90 min
Hany Abu-AssadRésumés(1)
This drama from Palestinian director Hany Abu-Assad revolves around the predicament of a 17-year old girl who, under her father's orders, must choose to marry a stranger within a 10-hour period if she wants to stay in her native Palestine. Like any other young woman, Rana would rather marry the man she actually loves, but must risk everything in order to make this a reality. (texte officiel du distributeur)
Clara Khoury
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Khalifa Natour
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Le Fils de l'autre (2012)
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Bushra Karaman
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Urs al-jalil (1987)
Manal Awad
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Le Chanteur de Gaza (2015)