How Not to Marry a Princess

(titre de festival) (téléfilm)
  • Tchéquie Jak si nevzít princeznu (plus)
Spot TV


Fates come to the castle with predictions as to the future of little Prince Leopold. Leopold is to marry Josephine, daughter of the neighboring king. But it's hate at first sight and they look for a way to stop their wedding. They steal magical watches from the Fates, which take them back to the time of the Prince's birth and they prevent his divinations. Upon their return, they realize what they've done to themselves and to the kingdom. (Zlín Film Festival)


Vidéo (1)

Spot TV

Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A Christmas Eve defect of butterfly wings that has no chance of impressing anyone, even if the currently slow Děrgel were to eat the fairy Naďa because he mistook her for a vegetable due to her laughter. It was missing many things, but most of all, humor. While the peak of the situational comedy was someone hitting another over the head with something, no one even attempted any verbal wit. And above all, I don’t understand the point of a fairy tale that requires small children to read "The Nature of Space and Time" by Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose beforehand. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Time travel is a concept I always find appealing in movies, so this fairy tale won me over with its premise alone. That twist made it easier to overlook some of the overly childish humor that occasionally felt like a throwback to 90s TV movies. The main duo was a bit hit or miss — Anna Fialová was great, but Marek Adamczyk (despite my general fondness for him) came off as too grating for a prince. Overall, it was a decent bit of holiday relaxation, but not something I’d rush to watch again. A typical Karel Janák fairy tale. ()


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