Jim SheridanKäsikirjoitus:
Jim SheridanKuvaus:
Declan QuinnSävellys:
Maurice SeezerNäyttelijät:
Paddy Considine, Samantha Morton, Sarah Bolger, Emma Bolger, Neal Jones, Djimon Hounsou, Adrian Martinez, Tom Murphy, Frank Wood, Jer O'Leary (lisää)Suoratoistopalvelut (1)
Kun Johnny ja Sarah menettävät nuorimman poikansa traagisessa onnettomuudessa, he päättävät aloittaa kahden tyttärensä kanssa uuden elämän Yhdysvalloissa. He ylittävät rajan laittomasti Kanadan kautta ja asettuvat nuhjuiseen asuntoon Manhattanin vaaralliselle alueelle, jossa he raatavat luodakseen uuden, valoisamman tulevaisuuden perheelleen. (MTV3)
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Arvostelut (1)
When Irishman Jim Sheridan arrived in New York with his wife and two daughters, the four of them had been severely shaken by the death of their fifth family member, a little boy who had fallen down the stairs. Based on a screenplay about the members of his family, Sheridan made an autobiographical film in which he exorcizes his old demons together with them. It is a very sad and personal account, dedicated to the memory of his son. If I were in Sheridan’s shoes, I would do the same thing, though such an effort would be more of a bandage on my wounds than a full-fledged viewing experience. Cinematically, there’s nothing for which to fault In America. The actors are decent and the psychological aspect is strong, but the content won’t tear you apart unless something similar has happened to you and you found the answers to your questions in the same places Sheridan found them. ()