Suoratoistopalvelut (1)
Mukaansatempaavassa dokumentissa seurataan orankiperheen eri sukupolvien huippuhetkiä ja taka-iskuja korkealla puiden latvustoissa. (Netflix)
Videot (1)
Arvostelut (1)
A passable forty-five-minute documentary unjustifiably stretched to feature length. After all, it is a "sequel" to the fate of the family from Our Planet. You won't learn much about Sumatran orangutans, even if you don't know much about them. Apart from some impressive drone footage from the forest canopy, you won't see anything "never seen before". By essentially not getting down on the ground, there isn't a lot of footage of the orangutan’s daily routine, and there should be here, but that was pretty much covered already by the original episode. It's eighty minutes of looking at close-ups of faces of these great apes chewing food, with a Wikipedia reading to go with it. A standard quality nature documentary for the whole family; nothing more and nothing less. ()
Kuvagalleria (17)
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