
Agárrate fuerte que ya llega el eléctrizante episodio final de la serie de Prison Break. El gobierno federal no puede tocar a Michael Scolfield, de modo que van a por la mujer que él ama. Cuando Sara es arrestada por homicidio, sólo Michael puede rescatarla a ella y a su hijo nonato de la prisión de mujeres. Con la vida de Sara en juego, Michael tendrá que depender de sus enemigos para poder lograr unahuida de lo más ambiciosa. (20th Century Studios H. E.)


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inglés Logic was long forgotten and many mistakes are present just out of habit. And yet, I can't really ridicule The Final Break because the whole series deserved a finale that wouldn't force the viewer to hate almost all the main characters and wish for it to end. Any ending. The paradox, then, is that although Michael's relationship with Sara still works wonderfully even after all these years and countless twists, the last few minutes of the regular final part were probably a more dignified and nostalgic farewell. And the biggest pity is that the viewer at the end pauses mainly to wonder if it was necessary to conclude everything like this after all the ingenious and overcomplicated plans. As the decision to revive the series a few years later clearly signifies, it was not. ()

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