
Endlich eine Wohnung in Manhattan! Für George (Paul Rudd) und Linda (Jennifer Aniston) ist ein Herzenswunsch in Erfüllung gegangen. Doch ihr Glück ist leider nur von kurzer Dauer. Denn als George seinen Job verliert, müssen sie ihre Traumwohnung räumen und zu Georges Bruder Seth nach Atlanta ziehen. Doch der entpuppt sich als echter Kotzbrocken. Nach wenigen Tagen halten es George und Linda nicht mehr aus und sind wieder „on the road". Zufällig treffen sie auf eine Kommune, die einen alternativen Lebensstil ausprobiert und dabei sehr happy zu sein scheint. Geld? Macht nicht wirklich glücklich! Karriere? Reine Zeitverschwendung! Kleidung? Nur wenn es unbedingt sein muss! Eröffnet das Hippie-Paradies den beiden Aussteigern tatsächlich eine neue, frische Lebensperspektive? Oder gehört zur Selbstverwirklichung doch mehr als „bewusstseinserweiternder Tee" und „freie Liebe"? Diese Komödie wirft einen subversiven Blick auf zwei unterschiedliche Welten: hier das New Yorker Upperclass-Establishment dort das Aussteiger-Camp „Elysium" mit rustikalem Landlust-Flair, bevölkert von durchgeknallten Hippies und einem Nudisten. Ein wahrlich derber Kulturschock, der das Yuppie-Pärchen in unfassbar komische Situationen bringt. Von den erotischen Gelegenheitsentgleisungen ganz zu schweigen. (Universal Pictures Germany)


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Englisch I mostly decided to watch the movie because of Jennifer Aniston. Sure, also because of Alan Alda. I thought that even if the comedy has such a low rating on this site, those actors can’t be disappointing. And I ignored this rating completely because I was excited to watch a nice comedy. But this was the second time that lead actors disappointed me in one day. First it was Adam Sandler in Jack and Jill and now Jennifer Aniston in Wanderlust. It’s not actually that bad, but some of the scenes were more sickening than they were laughable. For example, the “natural” birth. In any case, Jennifer put her all into the movie. She even showed more than just her legs, even if it was hidden behind a shield of pixels. ()


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Englisch There are many dumb American comedies that are unfunny, stupid, and based on utterly nonsensical values. Take the film Wanderlust, for example. What is this film actually trying to tell us? That hippies are actually pretty cool, or that they’re just a bunch of poseurs who refuse to exist in society? The film tells us that the main characters found their true life and true selves within the community, but they won’t stay there because that would contradict the American idea of a truly fulfilling life. The entire film is thus essentially a pose that doesn’t try too hard to critique but simultaneously makes it clear that there’s only one way to live correctly. It’s possible to choose a different path for a while, but it’s not possible to follow it for the rest of your life. It’s just a fling, just a whim. Nothing else is forgiven. That’s not what sinks this film; that’s the problem with most American comedies. It sinks because Aniston is better than Rudd, which means she’s pretty bad, and he’s utterly unbearable. I’m starting to develop an allergy to that guy, and I always thought he was a great actor. But just making faces, saying a few curse words, and once flipping a car isn’t funny. The film is sadly unfunny, which is pretty bad for a comedy from Apatow. NO! This comedy isn’t worth it, even though there’s one person who managed to lift my spirits a bit—Alan Alda. Although he has little screen time, he is still a fantastic actor. ()


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