Seven Mortal Sins

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Because she committed the sin of pride against God, the Great Angel Lucifer was cast into Hell and became a Fallen Angel. Also at the lowest level of Hell, the hierarchy of demons have sealed away Lucifer’s powers. Lucifer had lost everything, but along with the Demon King of Envy, Leviathan, that admires Lucifer and a high school girl she met on Earth named Totsuka Maria, she becomes the Demon King of Pride Lucifer and begins her journey to revenge on the Seven Demon Kings of Hell. A book of Revelations with the “Seven Deadly Sins” portrayed by beautiful Demon Kings is about to begin. (Crunchyroll)


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English If anyone thought that Seven Mortal Sins was somehow related to The Seven Deadly Sins anime series, then they might be very surprised! I believe that with the first scene of the couple LxL (Lucifer and Leviathan), everyone would quickly start to understand that this is an anime series with plenty of ecchi and yuri (this really qualifies as an erotic anime series). You also quickly learn that the censored version is completely unwatchable; luckily, the uncensored one will supposedly be better. The plot is not great, even though no one watches erotica because of the plot. So in terms of erotic anime, this looks like a decent show that ecchi, yuri and oppai fans are going to enjoy. Now, the main questions are 1) will there be tentacles? and 2) how far will the anime's creators have the courage to go? Unfortunately, I am probably not going to find out because even though I do not really mind it and find this style of erotic anime quite fresh, I did not find the plot interesting, and I did not find the girls very charming either. Therefore, without some sort of attachment to the characters, the "there is almost-sex" style is actually just boring (I am just an old-fashioned fool). Plus, it was so rushed... Dropped after the first episode, although for the genre, I would award at least three stars and, a slightly better two stars overall. ()

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