Directed by:
Federico VeirojCinematography:
Arauco Hernández HolzComposer:
Álvaro OgallaCast:
Bárbara Lennie, Marta Larralde, Jaime Chávarri, Vicky Peña, Álvaro Ogalla, Gonzalo Delgado, Joaquín Climent, Fernando Franco, Arauco Hernández Holz (more)Plots(1)
Gonzalo Tamayo (Alvaro Ogalla) is at a point of crisis. In love with his cousin, engaged in dubious errands for his crooked father, and struggling to complete one final credit for his university degree in philosophy, Tamayo resolves that making a break with his family, and his past, will make a solid statement about who he is. To this end, he decides to apostatize: to formally withdraw his name from the Catholic Church and renounce a faith that he feels is a burden imposed back when he was too young to choose for himself. (Toronto International Film Festival)
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Reviews (1)
Personally, I couldn’t find the least bit of anything that would justify this movie being called a comedy. Neither did I see a very interesting screenplay that would help clarify why the protagonist got so terribly excited for the church. My fellow user Vančura likened this movie to an interesting counterpart to Almodóvar’s movies, which I must say I understand. I didn’t like a single movie made by Almodóvar. So, unless you are open to the church, Spanish movies in general or proper artistic approach to ordinary human situations, you will be as annoyed as I was. ()
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Photo © Corazón Films