Directed by:
Vincent GarenqCinematography:
Renaud ChassaingComposer:
Nicolas ErrèraCast:
Daniel Auteuil, Sebastian Koch, Marie-Josée Croze, Christelle Cornil, Serge Feuillard, Christian Kmiotek, Fred Personne, Thérèse Roussel (more)Plots(1)
This moving true story from France of one man's struggle to bring his daughter's killer to justice is blessed by a spellbinding central performance from celebrated French actor Daniel Auteuil as Andre Bamberski, a brokenhearted father on a desperate quest for justice. A battle that lasted almost three decades, with more than its fair share of twists, turns, and tragedies, Andre's story lends itself perfectly to big screen drama. Renowned German star Sebastian Koch also delivers an outstanding performance as Andre's nemesis, Dr Dieter Krombach. (Edinburgh International Film Festival)
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Reviews (2)
Clear lesson, when a person is lost and keeps choosing worse and worse movies, just reach for something French and ideally with the amazing Daniel and it immediately becomes a full house, or four stars and one extra for his excellent and absolutely believable performance about the stubbornness of a father who sacrifices everything to achieve justice and inner peace and reconciliation. It is also worth mentioning the excellent Koch and Croze. ()
Even though the story is based on a true event, it's a powerful narrative, and the creators managed to convey the strength of this story into the film. Sure, I like it because it's essentially a revenge movie, even though everything remains within the bounds of not fundamentally overstepping justice on the part of the avenger. But sometimes it pays to go after justice, even though it can take almost 30 years. ()