Directed by:
Donovan MarshScreenplay:
Donovan MarshCinematography:
Lance GewerComposer:
Ed JordanCast:
Tanit Phoenix, John Cleese, Jason Cope, Jeremy Crutchley, Troye Sivan, Bart Fouche, Charlbi Dean, Sven Ruygrok, Alex McGregor, Julie Summers, Lehasa MoloiPlots(1)
South Africa, 1990. Two major events are about to happen: the release of Nelson Mandela and it's John 'Spud' Milton's (Troye Sivan) first year at an elite boarding school. Cursed with parents from well beyond the lunatic fringe and a dormitory full of strange new classmates, Spud has his hands full trying to adapt to his new world - a world where his eyes are opened to love, friendship and complete insanity. (Universal Pictures UK)
(more)Reviews (1)
An enjoyable film about the fact that growing up really isn't easy and that few people make it easier for you. However, you'll find plenty of people that make it complicated. Especially ourselves. Pleasant performances, the excellent John Cleese, an interesting story that only occasionally emotionally stumbles into the unbearable, but otherwise quite bearable with a beautiful mermaid. ()
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