to the limit

莉莉莉莉_的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 15部在看 · 224部想看 · 1014部看过 · 12个片单 )

  • 天使在人间
  • 我家的故事
  • 功夫熊猫4
  • 恋之运
  • 经典杯子蛋糕
  • 凪的新生活
  • 机动搜查队404
  • 四重奏
  • 非自然死亡
  • 重启人生

莉莉莉莉_的评论  · · · · · · · · · ·  ( 评论7 )

莉莉莉莉_的舞台剧  · · · · · ·  ( 4部看过 )

  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  • The Spoils
  • 长靴皇后
  • 摩门经


My first waking thought is: what's dead should stay dead.
Stirring in my grave, pain cracks open my limbs
As they heave off the heavy cloak of deathly lead

And darkness woven expertly around me by deep depression,
A humble funeral shroud for my turbulent mind and body,
Rendered lifeless in this life, and for good reason.

The waking is endless. Each of my extremities
Trembles, tearing part dry muscle from brittle bone,
Never popping as blood quickens, and gritting teeth

I punch past my coffin's cheap wood. I atone
For my sins with ruptured knuckles, for my lies
I breathe in the grave dirt that was my home.

When I breach the surface I hear the poet's lines;
They grip me tight. It fills me with dread
To be alive, looking into a kind man's eyes.
What's dead should stay dead.


莉莉莉莉_的广播  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

莉莉莉莉_ 读过 无人逝去


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