Open Access

Fig. 2.


From top to bottom rows: GONG Hα, AIA 304, AIA 193, XRT, and HMI images showing co-observations of the pre-eruption (first column), eruption (second), and post-eruption (columns three and four) phase of the CBP. White arrows point at the erupting filament. The post-flare loops can be seen in the third and fourth columns of AIA 193 and XRT images. The black arrows on the XRT images point at the X-ray jet (the images are shown with reversed, negative, colours). The HMI magnetograms are scaled from −50 to 50 G. The orange contour on the magnetograms (first panel) outlines the largest part of the mini-filament. The orange contours (third panel) outline the location of the micro-flare kernels noted with A, B, and C.

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