rarity 5

Changli Build Guide

Fusion Sword

Level: 1






Last updated:

Update Log: Added more FAQ.

Changli Overview

In Wuthering Waves, Changli is a 5 Stars Fusion character and uses Sword during the fight.

When Changli uses the Resonance Skill, Intro Skill, Ground Basic Attack 4, or Mid-air Basic Attack 4, Changli enters a state called True Sight.

During True Sight, Changli’s Basic Attack will be enhanced. This enhanced attack can be used on the ground or in mid-air, and is called True Sight – Conquest (hereafter referred to as ‘Conquest‘) and True Sight – Charge (hereafter referred to as ‘Charge‘).

After using ‘Conquest‘ or ‘Charge‘, Changli will gain 1 stack of ‘Enflamement‘. The maximum stack of ‘Enflamement’ is 4. When ‘Enflamement‘ reaches 4 stacks, Changli can use the Heavy Attack: Flaming Sacrifice, which is Changli’s main source of damage.

In addition to using ‘Conquest‘ or ‘Charge‘, Changli’s Liberation can also gain ‘Enflamement‘, and it can reach up to 4 stacks immediately.

Summary: By using the Resonance Skill, Intro Skill, Ground Basic Attack 4, or Mid-air Basic Attack 4, Changli enters True Sight and can use ‘Conquest‘ or ‘Charge‘ once, gaining 1 stack of ‘Enflamement‘. After using ‘Conquest‘ or ‘Charge‘ 4 times, or by directly using Liberation to reach 4 stacks of ‘Enflamement‘, the Heavy Attack: Flaming Sacrifice can be used.

Changli Review

Changli is a 5-Star Fusion character in Wuthering Waves.

Changli uses her enhanced Basic Attack and Liberation to acquire ‘Enflamement’, and use enhanced Heavy Attack to make burst damage. Changli can also provides Fusion DMG Deepen and Liberation DMG Deepen to the DPS in the team.


  • Quite high damage as a Sub-DPS or Support
  • Provides Fusino DMG Deepen and Liberation DMG Deepen to teammates


  • Characters that can fully utilize her deepen buff are very rare.

Changli Active Skills

Changli Skills Priority

Resonance Skill
Forte Circuit
Resonance Liberation
Intro Skill
Basic Attack

Changli’s skill multiplier distribution is quite balanced. The multiplier from Resonance Skill is the highest, accounting for about 37%. Next are Forte Circuit and Liberation which are very close to each other, at 23% and 21% respectively. Lastly, Intro Skill and Basic Attack have similar proportions too.

Changli Burst Rotation

  1. (Start with Changli) Resonance Skill
  2. Basic Attack (True Sight – Conquest)
  3. (Switch to other character for rotation, then switch back to Changli)
  4. Intro Skill
  5. Basic Attack (True Sight – Charge)
  6. Resonance Skill
  7. Basic Attack (True Sight – Conquest)
  8. Echo Skill
  9. Resonance Skill
  10. Jump
  11. Basic Attack (True Sight – Charge)
  12. Plunge Attack
  13. Heavy Attack: Flaming Sacrifice
  14. Resonance Liberation
  15. Heavy Attack: Flaming Sacrifice
  16. Basic Attack * 4

Changli’s role is similar to Yinlin’s as a Sub DPS/Support. The primary strategy involves using the enhanced basic attack after the Skill and Liberation to gain ‘Enflamement.’ The stacks obtained are 1 and 4 respectively. Once 4 stacks of ‘Enflamement’ are accumulated, use the enhanced heavy attack for a burst.

Changli Damage Types Composition

Note: Please note this chart shows the proportion of different types of damage, instead of the multiplier.

Changli Basic Attack
DMG Multiplier

Base Attack Lv:

Basic Attack
Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG.
After releasing Ground Basic Attack Stage 4, Changli enters True Sight, lasting for 12s.
Mid-air Attack
Consume Stamina to perform up to 4 consecutive attacks in mid-air, dealing Fusion DMG.
After releasing Mid-air Attack Stage 4, Changli enters True Sight, lasting for 12s.
Heavy Attack
Hold Basic Attack on the ground to consume Stamina to perform an upward strike, dealing Fusion DMG. Use Basic Attack within a certain time to release Mid-air Attack Stage 3.
Mid-air Heavy Attack
Shortly after holding Basic Attack in mid-air or using Basic Attack True Sight: Charge, use Basic Attack to consume Stamina to perform a Plunging Attack, dealing Fusion DMG. Use Basic Attack within a certain time to release Basic Attack Stage 3.

Dodge Counter
Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.

Changli Resonance Skill
DMG Multiplier

Resonance Skill Lv:


True Sight: Capture
After releasing Resonance Skill, Changli rapidly attacks the enemy and enters True Sight, lasting for 12s. In the end, Changli releases a Plunging Attack, dealing Fusion DMG.
True Sight: Capture has 2 initial attempts and can be used up to 2 times. The number of attempts is increased by 1 every 12s.
Basic Attack: True Sight – Conquest
When in True Sight, if Changli uses Ground Basic Attack, she releases True Sight: Conquest, rapidly approaching the enemy and dealing Fusion DMG, considered as Resonance Skill DMG. After releasing True Sight: Conquest, True Sight ends.
Basic Attack: True Sight – Charge
When in True Sight, if Changli jumps or uses Basic Attack in mid-air, she releases True Sight: Charge, dashing towards the enemy and dealing Fusion DMG, considered as Resonance Skill DMG. After releasing True Sight: Charge, True Sight ends.

Changli Resonance Liberation
DMG Multiplier

Resonance Liberation Lv:

Deal Fusion DMG to nearby targets obtaining 4 stacks of [Enflamement] and entering Fiery Feather.

Fiery Feather
When Changli releases Heavy Attack Flaming Sacrifice within 10s. her ATK is increased by 25% after which Fiery Feather ends.

Changli Forte Circuit
DMG Multiplier

Forte Circuit Lv:

Heavy Attack : Flaming Sacrifice
When releasing Heavy Attack Changli carries 4 stacks of [Enflamement], she consumes all stacks of [Enflamement] to release Flaming Sacrifice, dealing Fusion DMG,considered as Resonance Skill DMG.

Changli can hold up to 4 stacks of [Enflamement] Changli obtains 1 stack of [Enflamement] for every Basic Attack:TrueSight-Conquest on hit.
Changli obtains 1 stack of [Enflamement]for every Basic Attack:TrueSight-Charge on hit
Changli obtains 4 stacks of [Enflamement] for every Resonance Liberation Radiance of Fealty.

Changli Passive Skills (1.0.21)

Changli Inherent Skill

Changli Inherent Skill

Changli Switch Skills

Changli Intro Skill
DMG Multiplier

Intro Skill Lv:

Changli Outro Skill

Changli Stat Bonus

Changli Stat Bonus 1

Crit. Rate increased by 8%.

*All Bonus unlocked value

Changli Stat Bonus 2

ATK increased by 8%.

*All Bonus unlocked value

Changli Resonance Chain

Suggested Resonance Chain

Sequence 1
Sequence 2
Sequence 3
Sequence 4
Sequence 5
Sequence 6

Primarily provides Changli with anti-interruption. Note that both ‘Basic Attack: True Sight – Conquest’ and ‘Basic Attack: True Sight – Charge’ benefit from this effect.

With Changli’s frequent use of ‘Basic Attack: True Sight – Conquest’ and ‘Basic Attack: True Sight – Charge,’ this buff is effectively always active. This increases Changli’s damage by approximately 19.26%.

Liberation’s damage is increased by 80%. Although the percentage increase is significant, considering Changli’s Liberation does not contribute heavily to overall damage, the actual improvement is about 7.96%.

After using Intro Skill, the whole team’s attack is increased by 20%. This enhances Changli’s support capability, providing approximately a 10.4% boost to Changli’s damage. As Changli is a Sub DPS/Support in the team, the actual benefit from S4 might be significantly higher. For example, in a team with Jinhsi and Changli, this 20% attack increase boosts Jinhsi’s damage by about 7.5%.

The Heavy Attack Flaming Sacrifice’s multiplier is increased by 50%, and the damage dealt is increased by 50%, resulting in a total improvement of about 25.72%.

Changli additionally ignores 40% of the enemy’s defense, resulting in an overall damage increase of approximately 38.11%.

Pulling Recommendations:

Changli Sequence 1

Changli Sequence 2

Changli Sequence 3

Changli Sequence 4

Changli Sequence 5

Changli Sequence 6

Changli Build

Changli Best Fusion Echo set

Molten Rift X 5

Any Cost 3 Echo

Any Cost 3 Echo

Any Cost 1 Echo

Any Cost 1 Echo

Sub Echo

Changli Echo Stats Priority

Cost 4

22% CRIT Rate Or 44% CRIT DMG

Cost 3

30% Fusion DMG + 30% ATK (Slight better than Double Fusion

Cost 1

18% ATK

Sub Stats

Energy Regen(20%) > CRIT Rate/CRIT DMG > ATK% > Resonance Skill DMG > ATK > Resonance Liberation DMG

This build mainly focus on builing Changli as a DPS. Inferno Rider can increase Changli’s Fusion Damage. 

For the main stats of Cost 3 Echo, the difference between Doulbe Fusion and Fusion plus ATK is very small. So just pick the one with better sub stats. However, if Changli is NOT equipped with her Signature Weapon, double Fusion is suggested.

For main stats of Cost 4 echo, Crit Rate is suggested if Changli is equipped with her signature weapon.

Changli Best Support Echo set

Moonlit Clouds X 5

Any Cost 3 Echo

Any Cost 3 Echo

Any Cost 1 Echo

Any Cost 1 Echo

Sub Echo

Changli Echo Stats Priority

Cost 4

22% CRIT Rate Or 44% CRIT DMG

Cost 3

30% Fusion DMG

Cost 1

18% ATK

Sub Stats

Energy Regen(20%) > CRIT Rate/CRIT DMG > ATK% > Resonance Skill DMG > ATK > Resonance Liberation DMG

Changli can also opt to wear the Moonlit Clouds set, serving as a support for Jinhsi or Encore. However, note that Changli’s Moonlit Clouds set requires two Fusion DMG Hot Melt 3Cs, and compared to conventional supports, it has higher requirements for sub-stats. Most supports only need to provide buffs, but Changli herself deals considerable damage.

Therefore, the cost of Changli’s Moonlit Clouds set is relatively high, and the general applicability of Fusion 3C is low. Thus, it is not recommended for average players to specifically farm the Moonlit Clouds set for Changli just to maximize the team’s output.

Changli Best Weapons Damage Comparison

The percentage change in damage output is compared to the weapon designated as 100%.



Base ATK : 587

Secondary Stats – Crit DMG : 48.6%

ATK increased by 12%/15%/18%/21%/24%. The equipper gains 1 stack of Searing Feather upon dealing damage, which can be triggered once every 0.5s, and gains 5 stacks of the same effect upon casting Resonance Skill. Each stack of Searing Feather gives 4%/5%/6%/7%/8% additional Resonance Skill DMG Bonus for up to 14 stacks. All stacks will be removed within 10s after reaching the max stack.



Base ATK : 587

Secondary Stats – Crit Rate : 24.3%

Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%/16%/19.2%/22.4%/25.6%. When Resonance Skill is released, increases ATK by 6%/7.5%/9%/10.5%/12%, stacking up to 2 time(s). This effect lasts for 10s.



Base ATK : 412

Secondary Stats – ATK : 30.3%

When Intro Skill is released, increases ATK by 15%/18.75%/22.5%/26.25%/30%, lasting for 15s.



Base ATK : 412

Secondary Stats – ATK : 30.3%

Equipped Resonator gains 6 stack(s) of Oath upon entering the battlefield. Each stack increases ATK by 2%/2.5%/3%/3.5%/4%, up to 6 stacks. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 12s. Oath reduces by 1 stack(s) every 2s. Equipped Resonator gains an additional 6 stack(s) of Oath upon defeating an enemy.



Base ATK : 387

Secondary Stats – ATK : 36.4%

When Resonance Skill is cast, increases Basic Attack DMG Bonus and Heavy Attack DMG Bonus by 20%/31%/42%/53%/64%, stacking up to 1 time(s). This effect lasts for 10s and can be triggered 1 time(s) every 1s.



Base ATK : 387

Secondary Stats – ATK : 36.4%

When the Resonator’s HP drops below 40%/50%/60%/70%/80%, increases Heavy Attack DMG Bonus by 18%/22.5%/27%/31.5%/36% and gives 5%/6.25%/7.5%/8.75%/10% healing when dealing Heavy Attack DMG. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 8s.

Changli’s Signature Weapon – Blazing Brilliance
Each stack of ‘Searing Feather’ increases Resonance Skill damage by 4%, up to a maximum of 56%. Although accumulating 14 stacks of ‘Searing Feather’ may seem difficult, the cooldown of stacking the buff is short – acquiring one stack every 0.5 seconds and granting 5 additional stacks when performing a Resonance Skill. These 5 stacks are extra, meaning that hitting an enemy with a Resonance Skill will actually grant 7 stacks of ‘Searing Feather’. However, note that enhanced Basic Attack, although a derivation of the Resonance Skill, does not grant the 5 additional stacks of ‘Searing Feather’. Once 14 stacks are reached, the 56% Resonance Skill damage boost lasts for 12 seconds, after which the stacks are cleared.

Before reaching 14 stacks, the damage boost from the stacks is permanently retained.

Here’s a little tip from WuWa: If an effect description says “when performing a certain action”, the bonus is applied to that attack; if it says “after performing a certain action”, the bonus is not applied to that attack. Thus, the first hit of Changli’s first skill will enjoy the bonus from 6 stacks of ‘Searing Feather’, and the second skill will enjoy the full stack bonus.

Due to the quick stacking of Resonance Skills, Changli will rarely miss out on the full buff in actual combat. The only thing to note is to try to ensure that enhanced Heavy Attacks benefit from the 56% full bonus.

If considering Changli’s Signature Weapon – Blazing Brilliance (R1) as the 100% standard:

Other 5-star weapon(s):
Emerald of Genesis (R1) is approximately 87.7% of that.
4-star weapon(s):
Commando of Conviction is about 71.4% (R1) and 75.1% (R5).
Lunar Cutter is about 69% (R1) and 71% (R5).
As for the battle pass weapon Luming Loss, since its weapon skill is completely ineffective for Changli, it is equivalent to a forged weapon, yielding about 68.6% benefit.

Changli Team Comp

Changli Best Team 

Main DPS – Jinhsi

Jinhsi relies on teammates’ coordinated attacks to rapidly stack “Incandescence” and maximize the damage of enhanced skills.

However, in this team, the stacking of “Incandescence” is balanced with Changli’s Liberation Deepen buff and her high damage output.

Sub DPS – Changli

Since both Changli and Jinhsi possess aerial attack skills, adding Verine’s aerial attacks can create an extremely smooth and cohesive aerial combat experience.

Changli can intersperse her attacks with Jinhsi’s to gain the full four stacks of ‘Enflamement.’ Although Changli doesn’t have coordinate attack abilities, frequent character switches can still significantly replenish Jinhsi’s “Incandescence.” Moreover, with Changli’s own substantial damage output, the team as a whole can achieve higher damage than a team relying solely on Jinhsi’s coordinate attacks.

Healer – Verina/Baizhi

Verina’s healing abilities and Concerto Energy acquisition abilities are both greater than Baizhi’s, making her the preferred healer character. Verina’s Inherent Skill provides a one-time death immunity effect. Baizhi also has a similar effect that is even better, but it requires unlocking at Sequence 5.

Verina’s healing amount is based on her ATK, so Verina has a certain degree of damage output. If you build it well, her damage should not be underestimated.

Verina’s Inherent Skill can provide a 20% attack buff to the entire team, while Baizhi can only provide a 15% attack buff to a single character.

Changli Best Team 

Main DPS – Encore

Encore has fewer opportunities to switch to Changli, but Encore’s high stats ensure that the Changli and Encore team can still deal significant damage.

Sub DPS – Changli

Changli can provide a Fusion DMG Deepen buff for Encore, and combined with Changli’s own substantial damage output, this makes Changli the best teammate for Encore.

Healer – Verina/Baizhi

Verina’s healing abilities and Concerto Energy acquisition abilities are both greater than Baizhi’s, making her the preferred healer character. Verina’s Inherent Skill provides a one-time death immunity effect. Baizhi also has a similar effect that is even better, but it requires unlocking at Sequence 5.

Verina’s healing amount is based on her ATK, so Verina has a certain degree of damage output. If you build it well, her damage should not be underestimated.

Verina’s Inherent Skill can provide a 20% attack buff to the entire team, while Baizhi can only provide a 15% attack buff to a single character.

Changli Best Team 

DPS 1 – Chixia

Although Chixia is a four-star character, her burst damage is particularly impressive. Additionally, Chixia’s ultimate can perfectly benefit from Changli’s outro skill buff.

DPS 2 – Changli

Changli’s Fusion DMG Deepen buff and Liberation Deepen buff is extremely suitable for Chixia.

Healer – Verina/Baizhi

Verina’s healing abilities and Concerto Energy acquisition abilities are both greater than Baizhi’s, making her the preferred healer character. Verina’s Inherent Skill provides a one-time death immunity effect. Baizhi also has a similar effect that is even better, but it requires unlocking at Sequence 5.

Verina’s healing amount is based on her ATK, so Verina has a certain degree of damage output. If you build it well, her damage should not be underestimated.

Verina’s Inherent Skill can provide a 20% attack buff to the entire team, while Baizhi can only provide a 15% attack buff to a single character.

Changli Ascension Material

Rank 1
Req Lv 20

Rank 2
Req Lv 40

Rank 3
Req Lv 50

Rank 4
Req Lv 60

Rank 5
Req Lv 70

Rank 6
Req Lv 80

Changli FAQ

Changli’s role is different from the traditional concept of a Main DPS or Sub DPS. She lies somewhere in between. Her individual stats meet the standards of a main DPS, but she lacks a dedicated support (Taoqi’s concerto energy is too slow). Therefore, Changli is designed to be a DPS in a dual DPS team.

  1. Is Changli strong? Yes, her individual performance is actually on par with Jiyan. However, while Jiyan has Mortefi, Changli is more suited to pairing with another DPS. Will she be another Yinlin? No. You can first try her out in Roguelike mode. After experiencing Changli’s mechanics, you can decide whether to pull for her or not.
  1. Since Changli now only needs 125 energy after going live, having 120% Energy Regen is sufficient.

  2. Above Changli’s health bar, there will be a buff indicating the current skill stack of the Signature Weapon. This allows everyone to visually see how many stacks the weapon skill is. As for whether the Signature Weapon is necessary to pull? The difference between the Signature Weapon and the Permanent 5 Star Broadblade is 11%. If you have the capability, go for it; otherwise, you can skip it.

  3. There are rumors in the community that Changli can use Main Echo with Jue, using 2pc Lingering Tunes and 2pc Molten Rift for the set. Changli’s damage boost zones are not as plentiful as Jinhsi’s, and this setup will lose 20% Attribute DMG. Although Jue is a very useful Main Echo, Spectro DMG cannot benefit from Changli’s Fusion DMG passive. While Inferno Rider has a longer activation time than Jue, its high multiplier damage and buffs provide excellent benefits. Therefore, the standard cost 43311 Molten Rift set is sufficient.

  4. Changli can use Moonlit Cloud to assist Jinhsi, Encore, and other strong DPS characters, but Changli herself will lose a lot of DMG output. For regular players, there is no need to invest heavily to specifically farm a 3C Fusion DMG Moonlit Cloud set. Therefore, preparing a Molten Rift set for Changli is sufficient.

Wuthering Waves San'hua

Although Sanhua has burst capabilities, the overall damage is not high. In Sanhua’s output cycle, Resonance Skill damage and Resonance Liberation account for approximately 51% and 41%, respectively.

Although Resonance Skill damage is slightly higher, there is a risk of missing in actual combat. Sanhua has a unique Forte Circuit trigger mechanism similar to rhythm games, and hitting enemies can cause a slight time-stopping effect.


  • Sanhua has the fastest Concerto Energy and Resonance Energy acquisition efficiency in the game, making it the most versatile and best-feeling support in the current version.
  • After using the Intro Skill, Sanhua only needs 3 seconds to fully charge Concerto Energy and trigger QTE, activating the Main DPS for output. Our team composition recommendations for various characters also show Sanhua’s high versatility.


  • Sanhua S1’s activation is somewhat slow, creating a mismatch with Sanhua’s short output cycle rhythm.
  • When using Heavy Attack: Detonate, there is a risk of missing and sudden death, requiring precise timing for output.

The only healer among the 4-star characters, with an Resonance Liberation healing effect comparable to Verina. High Resonance Chain provides resurrection and increases teammates’ Glacio damage.

Although Verina’s Concerto Energy acquisition ability was enhanced in the official release, Baizhi’s ability is still very excellent.

By using the co-axial technique to accumulate passive energy, using the Resonance Skill can gain up to 42 points of Concerto Energy at once.


  • The Resonance Liberation can heal all team members, whereas Verina’s Resonance Liberation can only provide most of the healing to the active character.
  • Although the healing amount is slightly lower than Verina’s, it is still very sufficient.
  • The buff duration of the Outro Skill is up to 36 seconds, longer than Verina’s 30 seconds.


  • The inherent skill can only provide an attack buff to a single character, and it is 5% less compared to Verina.

Possesses comprehensive support abilities, capable of providing shields, healing, and pulling enemies together. The range and intensity of the pulling enemies are currently the best in the version, but still not excellent.

Resonance Skill is a damage-immune defensive counter, making it very suitable for novice players unfamiliar with action games to tackle high-difficulty dungeons.

Although it has damage output capabilities, the multipliers are very low and it lacks burst methods.


  • Can provide high-value shields that are shared across the team, and during the shield duration, continuously restores the health of on-field characters.
  • The pulling enemies effect of Resonance Liberation is particularly helpful in floors with many small enemies, providing support to high-burst but small-area damage characters, saving a lot of time.


  • The efficiency of accumulating Concerto Energy and Resonance Energy is low, and Forte Circuit energy cannot be used in batches.
  • Once Forte Circuit is used, regardless of whether the energy is fully consumed, the Forte Circuit energy will be cleared after exiting the charge state.
  • Jianxin’s pace is relatively slow, creating a sense of disparity with the fast-paced combat characteristic of Wuthering Waves. Moreover, if there is already a healer in the team, Jianxin’s shield and healing abilities seem somewhat redundant.

Choose the appropriate Cost 3 Echo based on the needs of your character.

Molten Rift
[2-set]  : Fusion damage is increased by 10%
[5-set]  : When releasing Resonance Skill, Fusion damage is increased by 30% for 15s

Choose the appropriate Cost 1 Echo based on the needs of your character.

Molten Rift
[2-set]  : Fusion damage is increased by 10%
[5-set]  : When releasing Resonance Skill, Fusion damage is increased by 30% for 15s

Choose the appropriate Cost 3 Echo based on the needs of your character.

Moonlit Clouds

[2-set] : Energy Regen increased by 10%.
[5-set] : After using Outro Skill, the ATK of the next Resonator is increased by 22.5% for 15 seconds

Choose the appropriate Cost 1 Echo based on the needs of your character.

Moonlit Clouds

[2-set] : Energy Regen increased by 10%.
[5-set] : After using Outro Skill, the ATK of the next Resonator is increased by 22.5% for 15 seconds