• Resolved homepagehelden


    Try pasting this code into a page…

    lorem ipsum

    Gutenberg will format part of the text italic, like this:

    loremipsum lorem ipsum loremipsum

    But I do not want Gutenberg to auto format this text in any way.

    I tried to use the combination CMD+Shift+V in order to insert unformatted text, but this does not prevent the auto format from Gutenberg.

    The only workaround that I came across is to insert a classic editor, insert the text there unformatted and convert to Gutenberg blocks.

    I really want to be able to directly insert directly into Gutenberg without the editor to convert part of the text into italic text.

    Is there a way to achieve this?

    Background info:

    In Germany there is a gender neutral writing method that makes use of the asterisk. E.g.: “Mitarbeiter*innen”. So words in a text may contain asterisks, and users should still be able to copy paste texts into Gutenberg that contain such formatted words.

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  • Alvaro Gómez


    This is really good feedback, thank you for your detailed report @homepagehelden.

    The underlying issue is that Gutenberg will try to parse markdown by default, this has already been reported here.

    I am not sure what to suggest here (other than the workaround of using the Classic block that you already described) but I have added a comment in the GH issue to see if we have a way to deactivate markdown parsing completely.

    Hey @homepagehelden, it looks like this might be solved in the latest version of the editor. Could you check, please? Thank you!

    Thread Starter homepagehelden


    Hello @mrfoxtalbot,

    in my test I can confirm inserting the text I mentioned above to be working now.

    Thank you for the update.

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