• Resolved wlkoo71



    • WooCommerce supported?
    • multilingual websites supported?
    • possible to use 3rd-party plugins like motion.page, ACF?
    • possible to embed mp4 videos?
    • accordion?
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  • Theme Author Mike McAlister


    Hi there,

    • This is not a Woo theme, but should support basic Woo integration
    • Multilingual friendly
    • Never used or tested motion page, but will work fine with ACF
    • MP4 supported
    • You can use the core Details block as a free accordion

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter wlkoo71


    I plan to use Ollie to create eCommerce sites. Are there 3rd party WooCommerce options available that can work with Ollie?

    Looks like eCommerce is the last piece of my puzzle to use Ollie.

    Theme Author Mike McAlister


    Ollie is not 100% optimized for Woo or e-commerce yet, so if you really need that, you may want to find a theme specifically made for those platforms.

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