• Resolved yankiara


    When I use slim_seo_meta_title filter, I can’t override a title using the meta fields box.
    I think manual fields should always have priority over filters.

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  • Plugin Author Anh Tran


    Hi @yankiara ,

    It’s a common practice that WordPress hooks (actions, filters) have the highest priority because that way developers can control things with code. It’s the same in Slim SEO. In this case, you can check with code to see if it has manual meta title and bypass if it presents.

    Thread Starter yankiara


    OK, thank you. I’ll do that.

    Thread Starter yankiara


    For those interested, this code works:

    add_filter( 'slim_seo_meta_title', function( $title ) {
        $slim_meta = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'slim_seo' );
        if ( $slim_meta && $slim_meta[0]['title']  )
            return $slim_meta[0]['title'];
        /* YOUR STUFF */
    } );

    Might be added to documentation?

    Plugin Author Anh Tran


    Thanks for your suggestion. The docs is now updated!

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