Eden on Earth

A couple of days ago, I returned from spending some time in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW). It’s been a while since I had the opportunity to return to that particular Eden on earth. I was there as part of a program offered by Wilderness Inquiry, a well-established organization devoted to making wilderness areas accessible to everyone. It was billed as a reader’s retreat with William Kent Krueger. We did some retreating, yes, but mostly we paddled—in one of the most gorgeous places imaginable. One thing I greatly appreciated was that many in our small group (a dozen of us) had never been to the Boundary Waters or paddled a canoe. To a person, they came away from the experience amazed and in love with the North Country. Yes, we battled mosquitoes and I still have lumps all over my body. But the joy far outweighed the itches.

If you’ve never had the opportunity to visit northern Minnesota, keep an eye on the Wilderness Inquiry website next year. They’ve already invited me back for another retreat. And you better believe I’ll accept.

Boundary Waters Canoe Area

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