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List of sarcopterygian genera

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This list of lobe-finned fish is a comprehensive listing of all genera that have ever been included in the class Sarcopterygii, excluding purely vernacular terms and Tetrapods. The list includes all commonly accepted genera, but also genera that are now considered invalid, doubtful (nomen dubium), or were not formally published (nomen nudum), as well as junior synonyms.

Extant genera are bolded. All non-bolded genera are extinct.

Scope and terminology

There is no official, canonical list of lobe-finned fish genera.

Authors and Year

The authors column lists the authors of the formal description responsible for the erection of the genus listed. They are not necessarily the same as the authors of the type species as sometimes a species from one genus is determined sufficiently distinct to warrant the erection of a new genus to house it. If this is the case, only the latter authors will be listed. The year column notes the year the description was published.


Naming conventions and terminology follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Technical terms used include:

  • Junior synonym: A name which describes the same taxon as a previously published name. If two or more genera are formally designated and the type specimens are later assigned to the same genus, the first to be published (in chronological order) is the senior synonym, and all other instances are junior synonyms. Senior synonyms are generally used, except by special decision of the ICZN, but junior synonyms cannot be used again, even if deprecated. Junior synonymy is often subjective, unless the genera described were both based on the same type specimen.
  • Nomen nudum (Latin for "naked name"): A name that has appeared in print but has not yet been formally published by the standards of the ICZN. Nomina nuda (the plural form) are invalid, and are therefore not italicized as a proper generic name would be. If the name is later formally published, that name is no longer a nomen nudum and will be italicized on this list. Often, the formally published name will differ from any nomina nuda that describe the same specimen.
  • Preoccupied name: A name that is formally published, but which has already been used for another taxon. This second use is invalid (as are all subsequent uses) and the name must be replaced. As preoccupied names are not valid generic names, they will also go unitalicized on this list.
  • Nomen dubium (Latin for "dubious name"): A name describing a fossil with no unique diagnostic features.


The age column denotes the epoch of geologic time to which the fossils date. The abbreviations are as follows.

Genera that are invalid, misidentified, or otherwise do not represent a valid sarcopterygian are listed as age N/A because there was never a time in which a sarcopterygian by that generic name actually lived.

Location and Notes

The location column designates the geographic region where remains of the relevant genus have been found. The regions used are continents except in the case of smaller landmasses (e.g. Cuba). Political bodies, being non-existent in the Mesozoic are not used to indicate genera locations. Genera that are invalid, misidentified, or otherwise do not represent a valid sarcopterygian are listed as location N/A because there was never a place in which a sarcopterygian by that generic name actually lived. Extant marine sarcopterygians are listed by ocean. Extant freshwater sarcopterygians are listed by continent. The notes column is a collection of annotations on the scientific significance and taxonomic history of listed genera, as well as elaborations on the information presented in other columns.


Genus Authors Year Status Age Location Notes
Achoania Zhu,
2001 Valid. Early Devonian Asia
Alcoveria Beltan 1972 Valid. Middle Triassic[1]
Allenypterus Melton 1969 Valid. Mississippian[1]
Amadeodipterus[2] Young,
2005 Valid. Australia
Andreyevichthys Krupina 1987 Valid.
Archichthys Hancock,
1870 Valid.
Arganodus Martin 1979 Valid. Late Triassic
Asiatoceratodus Vorobyeva 1967 Valid. Middle Triassic-Cretaceous Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Niger, Morocco
Axelia Stensiö 1921 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Axelrodichthys Maisey 1986 Valid. Early Cretaceous
Barameda Long 1989 Valid.
Barwickia Long 1992 Valid.
Beelarongia Long 1987 Valid. Late Devonian
Beltanodus Schultze 1981 Valid.
Bogdanovia Obruchev 1955 Valid.
Bukkanodus Johanson,
2007 Valid.
Cabonnichthys Ahlberg,
1997 Valid. Famennian to Late Devonian
Canowindra Thomson 1973 Valid. Late Devonian
Canningius XXXX Valid. Middle Devonian[1]
Caridosuctor Lund,
1984 Valid. Mississippian[1]
Ceratodus Agassiz 1837 Valid.
Chagrinia Schaeffer 1962 Valid. Late Devonian[1]
Changxingia Wang,
1981 Valid.
Chinlea Schaeffer 1967 Valid. Late Triassic
Chirodipterus Jaekel 1933 Valid.
Chrysolepis Lebedev 1983 Valid. Late Devonian[1]
Cladarosymblema Fox,
1995 Valid.
Coccoderma Zittel 1887 Valid. Late Jurassic[1]
Coelacanthopsis Traquair 1901 Valid.
Coelacanthus Agassiz 1844 Valid. Guadalupian[1]
Conchodus M'Coy 1848 Valid.
Conchopoma Kner 1868 Valid.
Cryptolepis Vorobyeva 1975 Valid. Late Devonian[1]
Ctenodus Agassiz 1838 Valid.
Cualabaea XXXX Valid. Late Jurassic[1]
Devonosteus Jaekel 1927 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Diabolepis Zhnag,
1987 Valid. Early Devonian
Dictyonosteus Stromer 1918 Valid.
Diplocercides Stensiö 1922 Valid. Late Devonian[1] to Mississippian[1]
Diplurus Newberry 1878 Valid.
Dipnorhynchus Jaekel 1927 Valid.
Dipterus Sedgwick,
1829 Valid. Middle Devonian to Late Devonian
Dipnorhynchus Jaekel 1927 Valid.
Duffichthys Ahlberg 1992 Valid.
Dumfregia Lund,
1985 Valid.
Ectosteorhachis Cope 1880 Valid. Early Permian[1]
Elpistostege Westoll 1938 Valid. Late Devonian
Eoactinistia Johanson,
2006 Valid.
Eoctenodus Hills 1929 Valid.
Euporosteus Jaekel 1927 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Eusthenodon Jarvik 1952 Valid. Late Devonian
Eusthenopteron Whiteaves 1881 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Ferganoceratodus Cavin,
2007 Valid.
Fleurantia Graham-Smith,
1937 Valid.
Ganopristodus Traquair 1881 Valid.
Ganorhynchus Traquair 1873 Valid.
Garnbergia Martin,
1984 Valid. Middle Triassic[1]
Gavinia Long 1999 Valid.
Glyptolepis Agassiz 1844 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Glyptopomus Agassiz 1844 Valid.
Gnathorhiza Cope 1883 Valid.
Gogodipterus Long 1992 Valid.
Gogonasus Long 1985 Valid. Late Devonian
Gooloogongia Johanson,
1998 Valid. Late Devonian
Gosfordia Woodward 1890 Valid.
Graphiurichthys White,
1937 Valid. Late Triassic[1]
Griphognathus Gross 1956 Valid. Late Devonian
Grossipterus Obruchev 1964 Valid.
Grossius Schultze 1973 Valid. Middle Devonian
Guiyu Valid. Late Silurian
Gyroptychius M'Coy 1848 Valid. Middle Devonian[1]
Hadronector Lund,
1984 Valid. Mississippian[1]
Hainbergia Schweizer 1966 Valid. Middle Triassic[1]
Hamodus Obruchev 1931 Valid. Middle Devonian[1]
Heimenia Orvig 1969 Valid.
Heptanema Bellotti 1857 Valid. Middle Triassic[1] to Late Jurassic[1]
Holodipterus White
1940 Valid.
Holophagus Egerton 1861 Valid. Early Jurassic[1] to Early Cretaceous[1]
Holoptychius Agassiz 1839 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Howidipterus Lo 1992 Valid.
Hyneria Thomson 1968 Valid. Late Devonian
Ichnomylax Long,
1994 Valid.
Indocoelacanthus Jain 1974 Valid.
Iowadipterus Schultze 1992 Valid.
Iranorhynchus Janvier,
1978 Valid.
Kenichthys Chang,
1993 Valid. Early Devonian to Middle Devonian
Laccognathus Gross 1941 Valid.
Langdenia Janvier,
1999 Valid.
Latimeria Smith 1939 Valid. Present
Latvius Jarvik 1948 Valid. Late Devonian[1]
Laugia Stensio 1932 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Lepidosiren Fitzinger 1837 Valid. Present
Letognathus Brazeau 2005 Valid.
Libys Münster 1842 Valid. Late Jurassic[1]
Livoniana Ahlberg,
2000 Valid.
Lochmocercus Lund,
1984 Valid. Mississippian[1]
Lualabaea Saint-Seine 1955 Valid.
Luckeus[2] Young,
2005 Valid. Early Devonian to Middle Devonian
Ceratodus tooth plates.
Skull of Elpistostege watsoni.
Life restoration of Eusthenopteron foordi
Gogonasus andrewsae
Grossius aragonensis
Holoptychius nobilissimus
Latimeria chalumnae
Lepidosiren paradoxa

M - Z

Genus Authors Year Status Age Location Notes
Macropoma Agassiz 1835 Valid. Early Cretaceous[1] to Late Cretaceous[1]
Macropomoides Woodward 1942 Valid. Late Cretaceous[1]
Mandageria Johanson,
1997 Valid. Late Devonian
Mawsonia Mawson,
1907 Valid.
Megalichthys Agassiz,
1836 Valid.
Megalocoelacanthus Schwimmer,
1994 Valid.
Megapleuron Gaudry 1881 Valid.
Megapomus Vorobyeva 1977 Valid. Late Devonian[1]
Megistolepis Obruchev 1955 Valid. Late Devonian[1]
Melanognathus Jarvik 1967 Valid. Early Devonian
Metaceratodus Chapman 1914 Valid.
Metaxygnathus Campbell,
1977 Valid. Late Devonian
Microceratodus Teixeira 1954 Valid.
Miguashaia Schultze 1973 Valid. Late Devonian[1]
Mioceratodus Kemp 1992 Valid.
Moenkopia Schaeffer,
1961 Valid.
Monongahela Lund 1970 Valid.
Muranjilepis[2] Young,
2005 Valid.
Mylacanthus Stensiö 1921 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Namatozodia Kemp 1993 Valid.
Neoceratodus Krefft 1870 Valid. Present
Nesides Stensiö 1937 Valid. Late Devonian[1]
Nielsenia Lehman 1959 Valid.
Notorhizodon Young,
1992 Valid. Givetian to Middle Devonian
Oervigia Lehman 1959 Valid.
Onychodus Newberry 1857 Valid. Early Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Orlovichthys Krupina 1980 Valid.
Osteolepis Valenciennes 1829 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Osteoplax M'Coy 1848 Valid.
Palaedaphus XXXX Valid.
Palaeophichthys Eastman 1908 Valid.
Panderichthys Gross 1941 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Paraceratodus Lehman 1959 Valid.
Pentlandia Watson,
1916 Valid.
Phaneropleuron Huxley 1859 Valid.
Pillararhynchus Campbell,
1990 Valid.
Piveteauia Lehman 1952 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Platycephalichthys Vorobyeva-Blokhina 1959 Valid.
Polyosteorhynchus Lund,
1984 Valid. Mississippian[1]
Porolepis Woodward 1891 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Powichthys Jessen 1975 Valid. Early Devonian[1]
Proceratodus Romer,
1935 Valid.
Protopterus Owen 1839 Valid. Present
Psarolepis Yu 1998 Valid. Pridoli to Early Devonian
Pseudosauripterus White 1961 Valid.
Ptychoceratodus Jaekel 1926 Valid.
Qingmenodus Jing Lu,
Min Zhu
2010 Valid. Early Devonian
Quebecius Schultze 1973 Valid. Late Devonian
Retodus Churcher,
De Iuliis,
2006 Valid.
Rhabdoderma Reis 1888 Valid.
Rhinodipterus Gross 1953 Valid.
Rhipis Saint-Seine 1950 Valid.
Rhizodus Owen 1840 Valid. Pennsylvanian[1]
Rhynchodipterus Säve-Söderbergh 1937 Valid.
Sagenodus Owen 1867 Valid.
Sassenia Stensiö 1921 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Sauripterus Hall 1843 Valid.
Scaumenacia Traquair 1893 Valid.
Scleracanthus Stensiö 1921 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Screbinodus Andrews 1985 Valid.
Shoshonia Friedman,
2007 Valid.
Sinocoelacanthus Liu 1964 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Soederberghia Lehman 1959 Valid.
Sorbitorhynchus Wang,
1993 Valid.
Spermatodus Cope 1894 Valid.
Straitonia Thomson 1965 Valid.
Strepsodus Young 1866 Valid.
Strunius Jessen 1966 Valid. Middle Devonian[1] to Late Devonian[1]
Styloichthys Zhu,
2002 Valid. Lochkovian to Early Devonian
Sunwapta Thomson 1967 Valid.
Synaptotylus Echols 1963 Valid.
Tarachomylax Barwick,
1997 Valid.
Thursius Traquair 1888 Valid. Middle Devonian[1]
Ticinepomis Rieppel 1980 Valid. Middle Triassic[1]
Tiktaalik Daeschler,
2006 Valid. Late Devonian
Trachymetopon Hennig 1939 Valid.
Tranodis Thomson 1965 Valid.
Tristichopterus Egerton 1861 Valid.
Undina Münster 1834 Valid. Late Triassic[1] to Early Cretaceous[1]
Uranolophus Denison 1968 Valid. Late Devonian North America
Ventalepis Schultze 1980 Valid.
Westollrhynchus Schultze 2001 Valid.
Whiteia Moy-Thomas 1935 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Wimania Stensiö 1921 Valid. Early Triassic[1]
Youngichthys Wanng,
1981 Valid.
Youngolepis Chang,
1981 Valid. Early Devonian Asia
Restoration of Panderichthys
Skull of Platycephalichthys
Protopterus sp.
Psarolepis romeri
Reconstruction of Tiktaalik
Ventastega curonica

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq Sepkoski, Jack (2002). "A compendium of fossil marine animal genera". Bulletins of American Paleontology. 364: 560. Archived from the original on 2009-02-20. Retrieved 2009-02-23.
  2. ^ a b c Young, G. C. & Schultze, H.-P., 2005: New osteichthyans (bony fishes) from the Devonian of Central Australia.