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British Empire

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British Empire'
– 1980 or 1997
Flag of Britian
Anthem: God Save The queen
Higest Extent of the British Empire
Higest Extent of the British Empire
Common languagesEnglish
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
House of Commons
House of Lords
• Established
After 12th Century
  • 1980 decolonisation completed
  • 1997 Hong Kong's return to China
CurrencyBritish Pound and others

The British Empire was the set of dominions, colonies, protectorates and mandates ruled or administered by the United Kingdom, that had originated with the overseas colonies and trading posts established by England in the 17th century. It was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the foremost global power. By 1921, the British Empire held sway over a population of about 458 million people, approximately one-quarter of the world's population.[1] and covered more than 13 million square miles, almost a quarter of Earth's total land area.[2] As a result, its political, linguistic and cultural legacy is widespread. At the peak of its power, it was often said that "the sun never sets on the British Empire" because its span across the globe ensured that the sun was always shining on at least one of its numerous territories.

During the Age of Discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries, Spain and Portugal pioneered European exploration of the globe and in the process established overseas empires that stretched from the Americas to the Philippines. Envious of the great wealth these empires bestowed on Spain and Portugal, the Northern European nations of England, France and the Netherlands began in the late 16th century to challenge Spanish and Portuguese hegemony. The English, French and Dutch established colonies and trade networks of their own in the Americas and Asia, in conflict with one another and with Spain and Portugal, which had begun a slow decline as imperial powers during the 17th century. A series of wars with the Netherlands and France left England (following the 1707 Act of Union, Britain) the dominant colonial power in North America and India. The loss of the American Thirteen Colonies after the American War of Independence was a temporary blow to Britain, depriving it of its most powerful and populous colony. However, British attention soon turned towards Africa and Asia, where a new empire was established. Following the Napoleonic Wars, Britain enjoyed a century of effectively unchallenged strength, thanks to its rapidly expanding economy, the strength of the Royal Navy, and the lack of serious colonial rivals. During this time, Britain consolidated and expanded its imperial holdings in Africa, Asia, India and the Pacific, and granted increasing degrees of autonomy to its white settler colonies, which were reclassified as dominions.

The growth of Germany and the United States had eroded Britain's economic lead by the end of the 19th century. Subsequent military and economic tensions between Britain and Germany were major causes of World War I which ended the period of relative peace in 1914. The conflict, for which Britain leaned heavily upon its empire, placed enormous financial strain on Britain, and although the empire achieved its largest territorial extent immediately after the war, it was no longer a peerless industrial or military power. Despite Britain and its empire emerging as victors, World War II saw much of the British Empire in Asia occupied by Japan which damaged British prestige and accelerated the decline of the empire. Within two years of the end of the war, Britain granted independence to its most populous and valuable colony, India.

During the remainder of the 20th century, most of the territories of the empire became independent as part of a larger global decolonization movement by the European powers, ending with the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997. Many former British colonies went on to join the Commonwealth of Nations, a free association of independent states. Some have retained the British monarch, currently Elizabeth II, as their head of state to become independent Commonwealth realms. Fourteen territories remain under British sovereignty, the British Overseas Territories.

Origins (1497–1583)

A replica of The Matthew, John Cabot's ship used for his second voyage to the New World. Cabot and his ship were never seen again.

The foundations of the British Empire were laid at a time before the creation of Great Britain, when England and Scotland were separate kingdoms. In 1496 King Henry VII of England, following the successes of Portugal and Spain in overseas exploration, commissioned John Cabot to lead a voyage to discover a route to Asia via the North Atlantic. Cabot sailed in 1497, and though he successfully made landfall on the coast of Canada (mistakenly believing, like Christopher Columbus five years earlier, that he had reached Asia[3]), there was no attempt to found a colony. Cabot led another voyage to the Americas the following year but nothing was heard from his ships again.[4]

No further attempts to establish English colonies overseas were made until well into the reign of Elizabeth I, during the last decades of the 16th century.[5] The Protestant Reformation had made enemies of England and Roman Catholic Spain.[6] In the Anglo-Spanish Wars, the English Crown sanctioned privateers such as Sir John Hawkins and Sir Francis Drake to engage in piratical attacks on Spanish ports in the Americas and shipping that was returning across the Atlantic, laden with treasure from the New World.[7] At the same time, influential writers such as Richard Hakluyt and John Dee (who was the first to use the term "British Empire"[8]) were beginning to press for the establishment of England's own empire, to rival those of Spain and Portugal. By this time, Spain was firmly entrenched in the Americas, Portugal had established a string of trading posts and forts from the coasts of Africa and Brazil to China, and France had begun to settle the Saint Lawrence River, later to become New France.

Plantations of Ireland

Though a relative latecomer to overseas colonisation in comparison to Spain and Portugal, England had been engaged in a form of 'domestic colonisation'[9] in Ireland. The 16th century Plantations of Ireland, run by English colonists, were a precursor to the overseas Empire,[10] and several people involved in these projects also had a hand in the early colonisation of North America, particularly a group known as the "West Country men", which included Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins, Sir Richard Grenville and Sir Ralph Lane.[11]

"First British Empire" (1583–1783)

Plaque in St. John's, Newfoundland, commemorating Gilbert's founding of the British overseas Empire

In 1578 Sir Humphrey Gilbert was granted a patent by Queen Elizabeth I for discovery and overseas exploration, and set sail for the West Indies with the intention of first engaging in piracy and on the return voyage, establishing a colony in North America. The expedition failed at the outset because of bad weather. In 1583 Gilbert embarked on a second attempt, on this occasion to the island of Newfoundland where he formally claimed for England the harbour of St. John's, though no settlers were left behind to colonise it. Gilbert did not survive the return journey to England, and was succeeded by his half-brother, Walter Raleigh, who was granted his own patent by Elizabeth in 1584, in the same year founding the colony of Roanoke on the coast of present-day North Carolina. Lack of supplies caused the colony to fail.[12]

In 1603, King James VI of Scotland ascended to the English throne and in 1604 negotiated the Treaty of London, ending hostilities with Spain. Now at peace with its main rival, English attention shifted from preying on other nations' colonial infrastructure to the business of establishing its own overseas colonies.[13] Although its beginnings were hit-and-miss, the British Empire began to take shape during the early 17th century, with the English settlement of North America and the smaller islands of the Caribbean, and the establishment of a private company, the English East India Company, to trade with Asia. This period, until the loss of the Thirteen Colonies after the United States Declaration of Independence towards the end of the 18th century, has subsequently been referred to as the "First British Empire".[14]

British colonies in North America, c. 1750. 1: Newfoundland; 2: Nova Scotia; 3: The Thirteen Colonies; 4: Bermuda; 5: Bahamas; 6: British Honduras; 7: Jamaica; 8: Lesser Antilles

The Americas

The Caribbean initially provided England's most important and lucrative colonies,[15] but not before several attempts at colonisation failed. An attempt to establish a colony in Guiana in 1604 lasted only two years, and failed in its main objective to find gold deposits.[16] Colonies in St Lucia (1605) and Grenada (1609) also rapidly folded, but settlements were successfully established in St. Kitts (1624), Barbados (1627) and Nevis (1628).[17] The colonies soon adopted the system of sugar plantations successfully used by the Portuguese in Brazil, which depended on slave labour, and—at first—Dutch ships, to sell the slaves and buy the sugar. To ensure that the increasingly healthy profits of this trade remained in English hands, Parliament decreed in 1651 that only English ships would be able to ply their trade in English colonies. This led to hostilities with the United Dutch Provinces—a series of Anglo-Dutch Wars—which would eventually strengthen England's position in the Americas at the expense of the Dutch. In 1655 England annexed the island of Jamaica from the Spanish, and in 1666 succeeded in colonising the Bahamas.

England's first permanent overseas settlement was founded in 1607 in Jamestown, led by Captain John Smith and managed by the Virginia Company, an offshoot of which established a colony on Bermuda, which had been discovered in 1609. The Company's charter was revoked in 1624 and direct control was assumed by the crown, thereby founding the Colony of Virginia. The Newfoundland Company was created in 1610 with the aim of creating a permanent settlement on Newfoundland, but was largely unsuccessful. In 1620, Plymouth was founded as a haven for puritan religious separatists, later known as the Pilgrims. Fleeing from religious persecution would become the motive of many English would-be colonists to risk the arduous trans-Atlantic voyage: Maryland was founded as a haven for Roman Catholics (1634), Rhode Island (1636) as a colony tolerant of all religions and Connecticut (1639) for congregationalists. The Province of Carolina was founded in 1663. In 1664, England gained control of the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (renamed New York) via negotiations following the Second Anglo-Dutch War, in exchange for Suriname. In 1681, the colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn.

In 1695 the Scottish parliament granted a charter to the Company of Scotland, which proceeded in 1698 to establish a settlement on the isthmus of Panama, with a view to building a canal there. Besieged by neighbouring Spanish colonists of New Granada, and afflicted by malaria, the colony was abandoned two years later. The Darien scheme was a financial disaster for Scotland - a quarter of Scottish capital was lost in the enterprise[18] - and ended Scottish hopes of establishing its own overseas empire. The episode also had major political consequences, persuading both England and Scotland of the merits of a union of countries, rather than just crowns.[19] This was achieved in 1707 with the Treaty of Union, establishing the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

The Treaty of Paris, by Benjamin West (1783) depicting (from left to right) John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens, and William Temple Franklin. The British commissioners refused to pose, so the painting was never finished.

The American colonies, which provided tobacco, cotton, and rice in the south and naval materiel and furs in the north, were less financially successful than those of the Caribbean, but had large areas of good agricultural land and attracted far larger numbers of English emigrants who preferred their temperate climates.[20] The American Revolution resulted in de-facto self-government by 1775 for the Thirteen Colonies, who then declared their independence in 1776 creating the United States of America. The new nation was forced to defend that declaration against Britain in the American War of Independence, with victory on the battlefield resulting in recognition of independence in the Treaty of Paris (1783). In the end, this became the first successful colonial war of independence.[21]

From the outset, slavery was the basis of the British Empire in the West Indies. Until the abolition of the slave trade in 1807, Britain was responsible for the transportation of 3.5 million African slaves to the Americas, a third of all slaves transported across the Atlantic.[22] To facilitate this trade, forts were established on the coast of West Africa, such as James Island, Accra and Bunce Island. In the British Caribbean, the percentage of the population comprising blacks rose from 25% in 1650 to around 80% in 1780, and in the Thirteen Colonies from 10% to 40% over the same period (the majority in the south).[23]

For the slave traders, the trade was extremely profitable, and became a major economic mainstay for such western British cities as Bristol and Liverpool, which formed the third corner of the so-called triangular trade with Africa and the Americas. However, for the transportees, harsh and unhygienic conditions on the slaving ships and poor diets meant that the average mortality rate during the middle passage was one in seven. Recent historians have concluded, "Slavery did not create a major share of the capital that financed the European industrial revolution."[24] Indeed, profits from the slave trade amounted to less than 1% of total domestic investment in Britain.[25]


At the end of the 16th century, England and the Netherlands began to challenge Portugal's monopoly of trade with Asia, forming private joint-stock companies to finance the voyages—the English (later British) and Dutch East India Companies, chartered in 1600 and 1602 respectively. The primary aim of these companies was to tap into the lucrative spice trade, and they focused their efforts on the source, the Indonesian archipelago, and an important hub in the trade network, India. The close proximity of London and Amsterdam across the North Sea and intense rivalry between England and the Netherlands inevitably led to conflict between the two companies, with the Dutch gaining the upper hand in the Moluccas (previously a Portuguese stronghold) after the withdrawal of the English in 1622, and the English enjoying more success in India, at Surat, after the establishment of a factory in 1613. Though England would ultimately eclipse the Netherlands as a colonial power, in the short term the Netherlands's more advanced financial system[26] and the three Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th century left it with a stronger position in Asia. Hostilities ceased after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 when the Dutch William of Orange ascended the English throne, bringing peace between the Netherlands and England. A deal between the two nations left the spice trade of the Indonesian archipelago to the Netherlands and the textiles industry of India to England, but textiles soon overtook spices in terms of profitability, and by 1720, in terms of sales, the English company had overtaken the Dutch.[27] The English East India Company shifted its focus from Surat—a hub of the spice trade network—to Fort St George (later to become Madras), Bombay (ceded by the Portuguese to Charles II of England in 1661 as dowry for Catherine de Braganza) and Sutanuti (which would merge with two other villages to form Calcutta).

Global struggles with France

Peace between England and the Netherlands in 1688 meant that the two countries entered the Nine Years' War as allies, but the conflict—waged in Europe and overseas between France, Spain and the Anglo-Dutch alliance—left the English a stronger colonial power than the Dutch, who were forced to devote a larger proportion of their military budget on the costly land war in Europe.[28] The 18th century would see England (after 1707, Britain) rise to be the world's dominant colonial power, and France becoming its main rival on the imperial stage.[29]

The death of Charles II of Spain in 1700 and his bequeathal of Spain and its colonial empire to Philippe of Anjou, a grandson of the King of France, raised the prospect of the unification of France, Spain and their respective colonies, an unacceptable state of affairs for Britain and the other powers of Europe. In 1701, Britain, Portugal and the Netherlands sided with the Holy Roman Empire against Spain and France in the War of the Spanish Succession. The conflict, which France and Spain were to lose, lasted until 1714. At the concluding peace Treaty of Utrecht, Philip renounced his and his descendants' right to the French throne. Spain lost its empire in Europe, and though it kept its empire in the Americas and the Philippines, it was irreversibly weakened as a power. The British Empire was territorially enlarged: from France, Britain gained Newfoundland and Acadia, and from Spain, Gibraltar and Minorca. Gibraltar, which is still a British overseas territory to this day, became a critical naval base and allowed Britain to control the Atlantic entry and exit point to the Mediterranean. Minorca was returned to Spain at the Treaty of Amiens in 1802, after changing hands twice. Spain also ceded the rights to the lucrative asiento (permission to sell slaves in Spanish America) to Britain.

The Seven Years' War, which began in 1756, was the first war waged on a global scale, fought in Europe, India, North America, the Caribbean, the Philippines and coastal Africa. The signing of the Treaty of Paris (1763) had important consequences for Britain and its empire. In North America, France's future as a colonial power there was effectively ended with the ceding of New France to Britain (leaving a sizeable French-speaking population under British control) and Louisiana to Spain. Spain ceded Florida to Britain. In India, the Carnatic War had left France still in control of its enclaves but with military restrictions and an obligation to support British client states, effectively leaving the future of India to Britain. The British victory over France in the Seven Years' War therefore left Britain as the world's dominant colonial power.[30]

Rise of the "Second British Empire" (1783–1815)

Company rule in India

Robert Clive's victory at the Battle of Plassey established the Company as a military as well as a commercial power

During its first century of operation, the focus of the British East India Company had been trade, not the building of an empire in India. Indeed, the Company was no match in the region for the powerful Mughal Empire,[31] which had granted the Company trading rights in 1617. Company interests turned from trade to territory during the 18th century as the Mughal Empire declined in power and the British East India Company struggled with its French counterpart, the La Compagnie française des Indes orientales, during the Carnatic Wars in southeastern India in the 1740s and 1750s.

The Battle of Plassey, which saw the British, led by Robert Clive, defeat the French and their Indian allies, left the Company in control of Bengal and a major military and political power in India. In the following decades it gradually increased the size of the territories under its control, either ruling directly or indirectly via local puppet rulers under the threat of force of the Indian Army, 80% of which was composed of native Indian sepoys. The Company's conquest of India was complete by 1857.

Loss of the Thirteen Colonies in America

Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown (John Trumbull, 1797). The second British army to surrender in four years to the American revolutionaries, and the last significant military attempt to restore the Thirteen Colonies. The loss of the American colonies marked the end of the "first British Empire"

During the 1760s and 1770s, relations between the Thirteen Colonies and Britain became increasingly strained, primarily because of resentment of the British Parliament's attempts to govern and tax American colonists without their consent,[32] summarised at the time by the slogan "No taxation without representation". Disagreement over the American colonists' guaranteed Rights as Englishmen turned to violence and, in 1775, the American War of Independence began. The following year, the colonists declared the independence of the United States and, with assistance from France, would go on to win the war in 1783.

The loss of such a large portion of British America, at the time Britain's most populous overseas possession, is seen by historians as the event defining the transition between the "first" and "second" empires,[33] in which Britain shifted its attention away from the Americas to Asia, the Pacific and later Africa. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, had argued that colonies were redundant, and that free trade should replace the old mercantilist policies that had characterised the first period of colonial expansion, dating back to the protectionism of Spain and Portugal. The growth of trade between the newly independent United States and Britain after 1783[34] confirmed Smith's view that political control was not necessary for economic success.

Events in America influenced British policy in Canada, which had seen a large influx of loyalists during the Revolutionary War. The Constitutional Act of 1791 created the provinces of Upper Canada (mainly English-speaking) and Lower Canada (mainly French-speaking) to defuse tensions between the two communities, and implemented governmental systems similar to those employed in Britain, with the intention of asserting imperial authority and not allowing the sort of popular control of government that was perceived to have led to the American Revolution.[35] The future of British North America was briefly threatened during the War of 1812 resulting in large part from British attempts to forcibly control Atlantic trade during the Napoleonic Wars, and in which the United States unsuccessfully took the opportunity to extend its border northwards. This remains the only formal declaration of war between Britain and the United States.

The Pacific

Since 1718, transportation to the American colonies had been a penalty for various criminal offences in Britain, with approximately one thousand convicts transported per year across the Atlantic.[36] Forced to find an alternative location after the loss of the Thirteen Colonies in 1783, the British government turned to the newly discovered land of New South Wales, later shown to be a single land mass with New Holland, discovered in 1606 by the Dutch but never colonized, and again later altogether renamed Australia.

In 1770 James Cook had discovered the eastern coast of Australia whilst on a scientific voyage to the South Pacific Ocean and named it New South Wales. In 1778 Joseph Banks, Cook's botanist on the voyage, presented evidence to the government on the suitability of Botany Bay for the establishment of a penal settlement, and in 1787 the first shipment of convicts set sail, arriving in 1788. Matthew Flinders proved New Holland and New South Wales to be a single land mass by completing a circumnavigation of it in 1803. In 1826, Australia was formally claimed for the United Kingdom with the establishment of a military base, soon followed by a colony in 1829. The colonies later became self-governing colonies and became profitable exporters of wool and gold.

During his voyage, Cook also visited New Zealand, first discovered by Dutch sailors in 1642, and claimed the North and South islands for the British crown in 1769 and 1770 respectively. Initially, interaction between the native Maori population and Europeans was limited to the trading of goods, but increased European settlement by missionaries and traders during the early 1800s led Britain to seek formal control and in 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed with the Maori. This treaty is considered by many to be New Zealand's founding document, but differing interpretations and expectations between the two sides have meant that it continues to be a source of dispute to this day.

War with Napoleonic France

The Battle of Waterloo marked the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the beginning of the Pax Britannica

Britain was challenged again by France under Napoleon, in a struggle that, unlike previous wars, represented a contest of ideologies between the two nations.[37] It was not only Britain's position on the world stage that was threatened: Napoleon threatened to invade Britain itself, just as his armies had overrun many countries of continental Europe.

The Napoleonic Wars were therefore ones in which Britain invested large amounts of capital and resources to win. French ports were blockaded by the Royal Navy, which won a decisive victory over the French fleet at Trafalgar in 1805. Overseas colonies were attacked and occupied, including those of the Netherlands, which was annexed by Napoleon in 1810. France was finally defeated by a coalition of European armies in 1815. Britain and its empire were again the beneficiaries of peace treaties: France ceded the Ionian Islands and Malta (which it had occupied in 1797 and 1798 respectively), St Lucia and Mauritius; Spain ceded Trinidad and Tobago; the Netherlands Guyana and the Cape Colony. Britain returned Guadeloupe and Réunion to France, and Java and Suriname to the Netherlands.

Abolition of slavery

Under increasing pressure from the abolitionist movement, Britain outlawed the slave trade (1807) and soon began enforcing this principle on other nations. In 1808, Sierra Leone was designated an official British colony for freed slaves.[38] By the mid-19th century Britain had largely eradicated the world slave trade. The Slavery Abolition Act passed in 1833 made not just the slave trade but slavery itself illegal, emancipating all slaves in the British Empire on 1 August 1834.[39]

The imperial century (1815–1914)

Between 1815 and 1914, a period referred to as Britain's "imperial century" by some historians,[40][41] around 10 million square miles of territory and roughly 400 million people were added to the British Empire.[42] Victory over Napoleon left Britain without any serious international rival, other than Russia in central Asia[43] and, unchallenged at sea, Britain adopted the role of global policeman, a state of affairs later known as the Pax Britannica.[44] Alongside the formal control it exerted over its own colonies, Britain's dominant position in world trade meant that it effectively controlled the economies of many nominally independent countries, such as in Latin America, China and Siam, which has been characterised by some historians as an "informal empire".[45]

An 1876 political cartoon of Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881) making Queen Victoria Empress of India. The caption was "New crowns for old ones!"


British policy in Asia during the 19th century centered around protecting and expanding India, which was viewed as its most important colony and the key to the rest of Asia.[46] The East India Company drove the expansion of the British Empire in Asia. The Company's Army had first joined forces with the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War, and the two continued to cooperate in arenas outside of India: the eviction of Napoleon from Egypt (1799), the capture of Java from the Netherlands (1811), the acquisition of Singapore (1819) and Malacca (1824) and the defeat of Burma (1826).[47]

From its base in India, the Company had also been engaged in an increasingly profitable opium export trade to China since the 1730s. This trade, illegal since it was outlawed by the Qing dynasty in 1729, helped reverse the trade imbalances resulting from the British imports of tea, which saw large outflows of silver from Britain to China. In 1839, the seizure by the Chinese authorities at Canton of 20,000 chests of opium led Britain to attack China in the First Opium War, and the seizure by Britain of the island of Hong Kong (then a minor outpost) as a base.[48] The First Anglo-Afghan War was one of the first major conflicts during The Great Game, the 19th century competition for power and influence in Central Asia between Great Britain and Russia.

The end of the Company was precipitated by a mutiny of sepoys against their British commanders over the rumoured introduction of rifle cartridges lubricated with animal fat. Use of the cartridges, which required biting open before use, would have been in violation of the religious beliefs of Hindus and Muslims (had the fat been that of cows or pigs, respectively). However, the Indian Rebellion of 1857 had causes that went beyond the introduction of bullets: at stake was Indian culture and religion, in the face of the steady encroachment of that by the British. The rebellion was suppressed by the British, but not before heavy loss of life on both sides. The mutiny is also an early example of the growing use of communications technology with the electronic telegraph critical in halting the early spread of rebellion [49]

As a result of the war, the British government assumed direct control over India, ushering in the period known as the British Raj, where an appointed Governor General administered India and Queen Victoria crowned the Empress of India. The East India Company was dissolved the following year, in 1858. During the Raj, famines in India, often attributed to government policies, were some of the worst ever recorded, including the Great Famine of 1876–78, in which 6.1 million to 10.3 million people died[50] and the Indian famine of 1899–1900, in which 1.25 to 10 million people died.[50]

The Cape Colony

The Dutch East India Company had founded the Cape Colony on the southern tip of Africa in 1652 as a way station for its ships travelling to and from its colonies in the East Indies. Britain formally acquired the colony, and its large Afrikaner (or Boer) population in 1806, having occupied it in 1795 in order to prevent it falling into French hands, following the invasion of the Netherlands by France.[51] British immigration began to rise after 1820, and pushed thousands of Boers, resentful of British rule, northwards to found their own – mostly short-lived and independent republics during the Great Trek of the late 1830s and early 1840s. In the process the Voortrekkers clashed repeatedly with the British, who had their own agenda with regard to colonial expansion in South Africa and with several African polities, including those of the Sotho and the Zulu nations. Eventually the Boers established two republics which had a longer lifespan: the South African Republic or Transvaal Republic (1852-1877; 1881-1902) and the Orange Free State (1854-1902).

The Suez Canal

In 1875, the Conservative government of Benjamin Disraeli bought the indebted Egyptian ruler Ismail's 44% shareholding in the Suez Canal for £4 million to secure control of this strategic waterway, a channel for shipping between the United Kingdom and India since its opening six years earlier under Emperor Napoleon III. Joint Anglo-French financial control over Egypt ended in outright British occupation in 1882.

Scramble for Africa

The Rhodes Colossus- Cecil Rhodes spanning "Cape to Cairo"

In 1875 the two most important European holdings in Africa were French-controlled Algeria and the United Kingdom's Cape Colony. By 1914 only Ethiopia and the republic of Liberia remained outside formal European control. The transition from an "informal empire" of control through economic dominance to direct control took the form of a "scramble" for territory by the nations of Europe.

As French, Belgian and Portuguese activity in the lower Congo River region threatened to undermine orderly penetration of tropical Africa, the Berlin Conference of 1884–85 sought to regulate the competition between the powers by defining "effective occupation" as the criterion for international recognition of territorial claims, a formulation which necessitated routine recourse to armed force against indigenous states and peoples.[52]

The United Kingdom's 1882 military occupation of Egypt (itself triggered by concern over the Suez Canal) contributed to a preoccupation over securing control of the Nile valley, leading to the conquest of the neighbouring Sudan in 1896–98 and confrontation with a French military expedition at Fashoda (September 1898).

In 1902 the United Kingdom completed its military occupation of the Transvaal and Free State by concluding a treaty with the two Boer Republics following the Second Boer War 1899-1902. The four colonies of Natal, Transvaal, Free State and Cape Province later merged in 1910 to form the Union of South Africa.

British gains in southern and East Africa prompted Cecil Rhodes, pioneer of British expansion from South Africa northward, to urge a "Cape-to-Cairo" British controlled empire linking by rail the strategically important Suez Canal to the mineral-rich South. In 1888 Rhodes with his privately owned British South Africa Company occupied and annexed territories which were called after him: Rhodesia between 1896 and 1980, when it became independent under the name Zimbabwe. Together with British High Commissioner in South Africa between 1897-1905, Alfred Milner, Rhodes pressured the British government for further expansion into Africa. German East Africa would hamper Rhodes’ Cape-to-Cairo-ambition until the end of World War I. In 1903, the All Red Line telegraph system communicated with the major parts of the Empire.

Home rule in white-settler colonies

The United Kingdom's empire had already begun its transformation into the modern Commonwealth with the extension of Dominion status to the already self-governing colonies of Canada (1867), Australia (1901), New Zealand (1907), Newfoundland (1907), and the newly created Union of South Africa (1910). Leaders of the new states joined with British statesmen in periodic Colonial (from 1907, Imperial) Conferences, the first of which was held in London in 1887.

The foreign relations of the Dominions were still conducted through the Foreign Office of the United Kingdom: Canada created a Department of External Affairs in 1909, but diplomatic relations with other governments continued to be channelled through the Governors-General, Dominion High Commissioners in London (first appointed by Canada in 1880 and by Australia in 1910) and British legations abroad.

But the Dominions did enjoy a substantial freedom in their adoption of foreign policy where this did not explicitly conflict with British interests: Canada's Liberal government negotiated a bilateral free-trade Reciprocity Agreement with the United States in 1911, but went down to defeat by the Conservative opposition.

In defence, the Dominions' original treatment as part of a single imperial military and naval structure proved unsustainable as the United Kingdom faced new commitments in Europe and the challenge of an emerging German High Seas Fleet after 1900. In 1909 it was decided that the Dominions should have their own navies, reversing an 1887 agreement that the then Australasian colonies should contribute to the Royal Navy in return for the permanent stationing of a squadron in the region.

World War I (1914–1918)

Britain's declaration of war in 1914 on Germany and its allies, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, also committed the colonies and Dominions, which provided invaluable military, financial and material support during the war. Soon after the outbreak of hostilities, Germany's overseas colonies in Africa were invaded and occupied, though German forces in German East Africa remained undefeated during the war. In the Pacific, Australia and New Zealand occupied German New Guinea and Samoa respectively. The contributions of Australian and New Zealand troops during the 1915 Battle of Gallipoli against the Ottoman Empire had a great impact on the national consciousness at home, and marked a watershed in the transition of Australia and New Zealand from colonies to nations in their own right. The countries continue to commemorate this occasion on ANZAC Day. Canadians viewed the Battle of Vimy Ridge in a similar light.[53] The Dominions raised their own armies, but were under the British command structure, and very much integrated into the British fighting forces. Over 2.5 million men, which included Canada sending 418,000 men overseas, Australia sent 322,000, New Zealand 124,000, and other volunteers from the Crown Colonies. [54] In 1917, the Imperial War Cabinet was set up, with representation from each of the Dominion Prime Ministers, to coordinate imperial policy. The First World War placed enormous financial strain on Britain and its empire with resources, cash and foreign assets being diverted for the war. In 1914 Britain had £750,000,000[55] invested in the United States; by 1918 much of this had been sold in order to pay for the war effort.

Interwar period (1918–1939)

Map showing British Empire in 1921 coloured pink

The aftermath of World War I saw the last major extension of British rule, with the United Kingdom gaining control through League of Nations Mandates in Palestine and Iraq after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East, as well as in the former German colonies of Tanganyika, South-West Africa (now Namibia) and New Guinea (the last two actually under South African and Australian rule respectively).

The 1920s saw a rapid transformation of Dominion status. Although the Dominions had had no formal voice in declaring war in 1914, each was included separately among the signatories of the 1919 peace Treaty of Versailles, which had been negotiated by a British-led united Empire delegation. In 1922 Dominion reluctance to support British military action against Turkey influenced the United Kingdom's decision to seek a compromise settlement. The League of Nations deputed former German colonies to come under the control of the United Kingdom's colonies. For example, New Zealand took over the mandate of Western Samoa, Australia that of Rabaul and South Africa that of German South-West Africa.

Full Dominion independence was formalised in the 1931 Statute of Westminster: each Dominion was henceforth to be equal in status to the United Kingdom itself, free of British legislative interference and autonomous in international relations. The Dominions section created within the Colonial Office in 1907 was upgraded in 1925 to a separate Dominions Office and given its own Secretary of State in 1930.

Canada led the way, becoming the first Dominion to conclude an international treaty entirely independently (1923) and obtaining the appointment (1928) of a British High Commissioner in Ottawa, thereby separating the administrative and diplomatic functions of the Governor-General and ending the latter's anomalous role as the representative of the head of state and of the British Government. Canada's first permanent diplomatic mission to a foreign country opened in Washington, DC, in 1927: Australia followed in 1940.

Egypt, formally independent from 1922 but bound to the United Kingdom by treaty until 1936 (and under partial occupation until 1956) similarly severed all constitutional links with the United Kingdom. Iraq, which became a British Protectorate in 1922, also gained complete independence ten years later in 1932.

The Irish Free State

A memorial to the Irish War of Independence

Irish home rule was to be provided under the Home Rule Act 1914, but the onset of World War I delayed its implementation indefinitely. At Easter 1916 an unsuccessful armed uprising was staged in Dublin by a mixed group of nationalists and socialists. From 1919 the Irish Republican Army fought a guerrilla war to secede from the United Kingdom. This Anglo-Irish War ended in 1921 with a stalemate and the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty. The treaty confirmed the division of Ireland into two states. Most of the island (26 counties) became independent as the Irish Free State, a dominion within the British Commonwealth. Meanwhile, the four counties in the north of the island with a majority Unionist community, along with two counties that had a Nationalist majority,[56][57][58] remained a part of the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland. The Free State evolved into the Republic of Ireland, which withdrew from the Commonwealth when the Republic of Ireland Act was enacted in 1949.

Ireland's Constitution claimed Northern Ireland as a part of the Republic until 1998. The issue of whether Northern Ireland should remain in the United Kingdom or join the Republic of Ireland has divided Northern Ireland's people and was a factor in a long and bloody conflict known as the Troubles. The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 brought about a ceasefire between most of the major organisations on both sides.

The surrender at Singapore to Japanese forces was the largest British surrender in history.

World War II (1939-1945)

Britain's declaration of hostilities against Nazi Germany in September 1939 included the Crown Colonies and India but did not automatically commit the Dominions. Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand all soon declared war on Germany, but the Irish Free State chose to remain legally neutral throughout the war.[59] After the Fall of France in 1940, Britain was left standing alone against Germany and its situation looked precarious. The British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, looked to increase ties with the United States, but the American President Franklin Roosevelt was not yet ready to commit to war. The two leaders signed the Atlantic Charter in 1941, which included the statement that "the rights of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they live" should be respected. This wording was ambiguous as to whether it referred to European countries invaded by Germany, or the peoples colonised by European nations, and would later be interpreted differently by the British, Americans and nationalist movements.[60]

Three months later the United States was abruptly brought into the conflict after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. The outbreak of hostilities in the Pacific and the entry of Japan and the USA into the war globalised the conflict and had an immediate and long-lasting impact on Britain and its empire. With the resources of the United States on its side, the chances of eventual British victory greatly increased, but the Japanese invasion of its empire in the East and the manner in which it rapidly folded irreversibly altered Britain's standing as an imperial power. Hong Kong was quickly captured, and Japanese forces continued south to capture Malaya and, most damagingly of all, Singapore, which had previously been hailed as an impregnable fortress and the eastern equivalent of Gibraltar. The realisation that Britain could not defend its entire empire pushed Australia and New Zealand, which now appeared threatened by Japanese forces, into closer ties with the United States, eventually resulting in the 1951 ANZUS Pact between the three nations, but excluding Britain itself.[61]

Decolonisation and decline (1945–1997)

Though Britain and its empire emerged victorious from World War II, the effects of the conflict were profound, both at home and abroad. Much of Europe, a continent that had dominated the world for five hundred years, was now literally in ruins, and host to the armies of the United States and the Soviet Union, to whom the balance of global power had now shifted.[62] Britain itself was left virtually bankrupt, with insolvency only averted in 1946 after the negotiation of a $3.5 billion loan from the United States,[63] the last instalment of which was repaid in 2006.[64]

At the same time, anti-colonial movements were on the rise in the colonies of European nations. The situation was complicated further by the increasing Cold War rivalry of the United States and the Soviet Union, both nations opposed to the European colonialism of old, though American anti-Communism prevailed over anti-imperialism, which led the US to support the continued existence of the British Empire.[65]

However, the "wind of change" ultimately meant that the British Empire's days were numbered, and on the whole, Britain adopted a policy of peaceful disengagement from its colonies once stable, non-Communist governments were available to transfer power to, in contrast to France and Portugal,[66] which waged costly and ultimately unsuccessful wars to keep their empires intact. Between 1945 and 1965 the number of people outside the United Kingdom itself under British rule fell from 700 million to 5 million, 3 million of whom were in Hong Kong.[67]

The Dominions

After the war, Australia and New Zealand joined with the United States in the ANZUS regional security treaty in 1951 (although the US repudiated its commitments to New Zealand following a 1985 dispute over port access for nuclear vessels). The United Kingdom's pursuit (from 1961) and attainment (in 1973) of European Community membership weakened the old commercial ties to the Dominions, ending their privileged access to the UK market.

In January 1947, Canada became the first Dominion to create its nationals as citizens in addition to their status as British subjects (which was retained until 1977). Canada became legally independent after the passing by the British Parliament of the Canada Act 1982, effecting the patriation of the national constitution.

Initial disengagement

Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi, two of the leaders of the Indian independence movement

The pro-decolonisation Labour government elected at the 1945 general election and led by Clement Attlee, moved quickly to tackle the most pressing issue facing the empire, that of Indian independence.[68] India's two independence movements, the Hindu Indian National Congress, and the Muslim League, had been campaigning for independence for decades, but disagreed on how it should be implemented. Congress favoured a unified Indian state, whereas the League, fearing domination by the Hindu majority, desired a separate state for Muslim-majority regions. Increasing civil unrest and the mutiny of the Indian Royal Navy during 1946 led Attlee to promise independence no later than 1948, but when the urgency of the situation and risk of civil war became apparent to Britain's newly appointed (and last) Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, partitioned independence was hastily brought forward to 15 August 1947.[69] The borders drawn by the British to broadly partition India into Hindu and Muslim areas left tens of millions as minorities in the newly independent states of India and Pakistan.[70] Millions of Muslims subsequently crossed from India to Pakistan and Hindus in the reverse direction, and violence between the two communities cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Burma, which had been administered as part of the British Raj, and Ceylon gained their independence the following year in 1948. India, Pakistan and Ceylon became members of the Commonwealth, though Burma chose not to join.

The British Mandate of Palestine, where an Arab majority lived alongside a Jewish minority, presented the British with a similar problem to that of India.[71] The matter was complicated by large numbers of Jewish refugees seeking to be admitted to Palestine following Nazi oppression and genocide of the Second World War. Rather than deal with the issue, however, Britain announced in 1947 that it would withdraw in 1948 and leave the matter to the United Nations to solve,[72] which it did by voting for the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state.

Following the defeat of Japan in World War II, anti-Japanese resistance movements in Malaya turned their attention towards the British, who had moved to quickly reassume control of the colony, valuing it as a source of rubber and tin. The fact that the guerillas were primarily Malayan-Chinese Communists meant that the British attempt to quell the uprising was supported both by the Malay majority and by the United States. The Malayan Emergency, as it was known, began in 1948 and lasted until 1960, but by 1957, Britain felt confident enough to grant independence to the Federation of Malaya within the Commonwealth. In 1963, the Federation was joined with Singapore, Sarawak and British North Borneo to form Malaysia, but in 1965 Chinese-dominated Singapore left the union. Brunei, which had been a British protectorate since 1888, declined to join and continued to be a protectorate until it achieved independence in 1984.

Suez and its aftermath

British Prime Minister Anthony Eden's decision to invade the Suez Canal ended his political career and revealed Britain's weakness as an imperial power.

In 1951, the Conservative Party was returned to power in Britain, under the leadership of Winston Churchill. Churchill and the Conservatives believed that Britain's position as a world power relied on the continued existence of the empire, with the base at the Suez Canal allowing Britain to maintain its preeminent position in the Middle East in spite of the loss of India.[73] However, Churchill could not ignore the new revolutionary government of Egypt that had taken power in 1952, and the following year it was agreed that Sudan would become independent by 1955.

Simmering tensions between Britain and Egypt were brought to the boil in 1956 when the Egyptian leader, Gamal Abdul Nasser, unilaterally nationalised the Suez Canal. British Prime Minister Anthony Eden's response was to collude with France to engineer an Israeli attack on Egypt that would give Britain and France an excuse to intervene militarily and retake the canal.[74] However, Eden infuriated his US counterpart, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, by his lack of consultation, and Eisenhower refused to back the invasion.[75] Another of Eisenhower's concerns was the possibility of a wider war with the Soviet Union after Nikita Khrushchev threatened to intervene on the Egyptian side. Eisenhower applied financial leverage by threatening to sell US reserves of the British pound and thereby precipitate a collapse of the British currency.[76] Though the invasion force was militarily successful in its objective of recapturing the Suez Canal",[77] UN intervention and US pressure forced Britain into a very humiliating withdrawal of its forces. As a result, Eden resigned.

The Suez Crisis very publicly exposed Britain's limitations to the world and confirmed Britain's decline on the world stage, demonstrating that henceforth it could no longer act without at least the acquiescence, if not the full support, of the United States.[78][79][80] The events at Suez wounded British national pride, leading one MP to describe it as "Britain's Waterloo"[81] and another to suggest that the country had become an "American satellite".[82] Margaret Thatcher later described the mindset she believed had befallen the British political establishment as "Suez syndrome",[83] from which Britain did not recover until the successful recapture of the Falkland Islands from Argentina in 1982.

However, whilst The Suez Crisis caused British power in the Middle East to weaken, it did not collapse.[84] Britain again soon deployed its armed forces to the region, intervening in Oman (1957), Jordan (1958) and Kuwait (1961), though on these occasions with American approval,[85] as the new Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's foreign policy was to remain firmly aligned with the United States.[86] Britain maintained a presence in the Middle East for another decade, withdrawing from Aden in 1967, and Bahrain in 1971.

The wind of change

British decolonisation in Africa.

Under Macmillan, and subsequently Harold Wilson, decolonization proceeded rapidly.

In the Mediterranean, a guerrilla war waged by Greek Cypriots ended (1960) in an independent Cyprus, although the United Kingdom did retain four military bases - Akrotiri, Dhekelia, Episkopi and Ayios Nikolaos. The Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo were given independence from the United Kingdom in 1964.

In Africa, Ghana's independence (1957) after a ten-year nationalist political campaign was followed by that of Nigeria and Somaliland (1960), Sierra Leone (1961), Uganda (1962), Kenya and Zanzibar (1963), Tanganyika (1964), The Gambia (1965), Lesotho (formerly Basutoland) (1966), Botswana (formerly Bechuanaland) (1967), and Swaziland (1968). British withdrawal from the southern and eastern parts of Africa was complicated by the region's white settler populations, and white minority rule in South Africa remained a source of bitterness within the Commonwealth until the Union of South Africa left the Commonwealth in 1961.

Although the white-dominated Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland ended in the independence of Malawi (formerly Nyasaland) and Zambia (the former Northern Rhodesia) in 1964, Southern Rhodesia's white minority (a self-governing colony since 1923) declared independence with their UDI rather than submit to the immediate majority rule of black Africans. The support of South Africa's apartheid government, and the Portuguese rule of Angola and Mozambique helped support the Rhodesian regime until 1979, when agreement was reached on majority rule, ending the Rhodesian Bush War. Under the Lancaster House Agreement, Lord Soames became interim governor in December 1979. The following February, Robert Mugabe won the first premiership of newly independent Zimbabwe.

Most of the UK's West Indies territories opted for eventual separate independence after the failure of the West Indies Federation (1958–62): Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago (1962) were followed into statehood by Barbados (1966) and the smaller islands of the eastern Caribbean (1970s and 1980s), Antigua and Barbuda being the last in November 1981. Guyana achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1966. Britain's last colony on the American mainland, British Honduras, became a self-governing colony in 1964 and was renamed Belize in 1973, achieving full independence in 1981. Anguilla and the Turks and Caicos Islands opted to revert to British rule after they had already started on the path to independence.

The British decolonisation of Oceania was peaceful and consensual. British Pacific Island territories acquired independence between 1970 (Fiji) and 1980 (Vanuatu), the latter's independence having been delayed only due to the reluctance of France, which administered the islands with Britain as a Condominium. Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea chose to remain Commonwealth realms. The United Kingdom being willing to cut the colonial ties with its Pacific Island dependencies, there were no pro-independence struggles.

Newsweek magazine, 19 April 1982

The end of empire

By 1980, decolonisation was largely complete. Aside from a scattering of islands and outposts, and the acquisition in 1955 of an uninhabited rock in the Atlantic Ocean, Rockall, over concerns that the Soviet Union might use the island to spy on a British missile test[87], it appeared that the days of the British Empire were over.

However, in 1982, Britain's resolve to defend its remaining overseas territories was tested when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, acting on a long-standing claim that dated back to the Spanish Empire. Britain's ultimately successful military response to retake the islands during the ensuing Falklands War prompted headlines in the American press that "the Empire strikes back", and was viewed by many to have contributed to reversing the downward trend in the UK's status as a world power.[88]

In 1997, Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, per the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. For many, including Charles, Prince of Wales who was in attendance at the ceremony, the handover of Britain's last major and by far most populous overseas territory marked "the end of Empire".[89][90]


The fourteen British overseas territories

The United Kingdom retains sovereignty over 14 territories outside of the British Isles,[91] collectively named the British overseas territories, which remain under British rule because of lack of support for independence among the local population or because the territory is uninhabited except for transient military or scientific personnel. British sovereignty of several of the overseas territories is disputed by their geographical neighbours: Gibraltar is claimed by Spain, the Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are claimed by Argentina, and the British Indian Ocean Territory is claimed by Mauritius and Seychelles.[92] The British Antarctic Territory is subject to overlapping claims by Argentina and Chile, whilst many nations do not recognise any territorial claims to Antarctica.[93]

Most former British colonies (and one former Portuguese colony, Mozambique[94]) are members of the Commonwealth of Nations, a non-political, voluntary association of equal members, in which the United Kingdom has no privileged status. The head of the Commonwealth is currently Queen Elizabeth II. Fifteen members of the Commonwealth continue to share their head of state with the United Kingdom, as Commonwealth realms.

Many former British colonies share or shared certain characteristics:

Several ongoing conflicts and disputes around the world can trace their origins to borders inherited by countries from the British Empire: the Guatemalan claim to Belize, the Kashmir conflict, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and within Africa where political boundaries did not reflect homogeneous ethnicities or religions. The British Empire was also responsible for large migrations of peoples. Millions left the British Isles, with the founding settler populations of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand coming mainly from Britain and Ireland. Tensions remain between the mainly British-descended populations of Canada, Australia and New Zealand and the indigenous minorities in those countries, and between settler minorities and indigenous majorities in South Africa and Zimbabwe. British settlement of Ireland continues to leave its mark in the form of divided Catholic and Protestant communities. Millions of people also moved between British colonies, for example from India to the Caribbean and Africa, creating the conditions for the expulsion of Indians in Uganda in 1972. The makeup of Britain itself was changed after the Second World War with immigration to the United Kingdom from the colonies to which it was granting independence.[97]

See also


  1. ^ Madisson 2001, p.98,242
  2. ^ Ferguson 2004, p.15
  3. ^ Andrews 1985, p.45
  4. ^ Ferguson 2004, p.4
  5. ^ Canny, p.35
  6. ^ Ferguson 2004, p.3
  7. ^ Ferguson 2004, p.7
  8. ^ Canny, p.62
  9. ^ Canny, p.7
  10. ^ Taylor, p.123
  11. ^ Taylor, p.119
  12. ^ Canny, p.63-4
  13. ^ Canny, p.70
  14. ^ Canny, p.34
  15. ^ James, p.17
  16. ^ Canny, p.71
  17. ^ Canny, p.221
  18. ^ Magnusson, p.531
  19. ^ Macaulay, p.509
  20. ^ Ferguson 2004, p.72-73
  21. ^ Greene, p.352-361
  22. ^ Ferguson 2004, p.62
  23. ^ Canny, p.228
  24. ^ Was slavery the engine of economic growth?
  25. ^ Marshall, p.440-64
  26. ^ Ferguson 2004,p.19
  27. ^ Ferguson 2004,p.19
  28. ^ Canny, p.441
  29. ^ Pagden, p.90
  30. ^ Pagden, p.91
  31. ^ Canny, p.93
  32. ^ Ferguson 2004,p.73
  33. ^ Canny, p.92
  34. ^ James, p.119
  35. ^ Smith, p.28
  36. ^ Smith, p.20
  37. ^ James, p.152
  38. ^ Porter, p.14
  39. ^ Porter, p.204
  40. ^ Hyam, p.1
  41. ^ Smith, p.71
  42. ^ Parsons, p.3
  43. ^ Porter, p.401
  44. ^ Porter, p.332
  45. ^ Porter, p.8
  46. ^ Olson,p.478
  47. ^ Porter, p.?
  48. ^ Olson,p.293
  49. ^ David, p.xxiii
  50. ^ a b Davis, Mike. Late Victorian Holocausts. 1. Verso, 2000. ISBN 1859847390 pg 7 Cite error: The named reference "mikedavis" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  51. ^ Smith, p.85
  52. ^ Wright, Donald R. (2007). "Berlin West Africa Conference". Encarta Online Encyclopedia.
  53. ^ Lloyd, p.227
  54. ^ "WW1 Dominion Armies". Farlex encyclopedia. {{cite news}}: Text "date" ignored (help)
  55. ^ Lloyd, p.258
  56. ^ McLean, p.272
  57. ^ Morland and Cowling (2004). Political issues for the twenty-first century. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 270.
  58. ^ Hollowell, p.480
  59. ^ Lloyd, p.313-4
  60. ^ Lloyd, p.316
  61. ^ Lloyd, p.316
  62. ^ Abernethy, p.146
  63. ^ Brown, p.331
  64. ^ BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | What's a little debt between friends?
  65. ^ Brown, p.330
  66. ^ Abernethy, p.148
  67. ^ Brown, p.330
  68. ^ Lloyd, p.322
  69. ^ Smith, p.67
  70. ^ Lloyd, p.325
  71. ^ Lloyd, p.327
  72. ^ Lloyd, p.328
  73. ^ Brown, p.339-40
  74. ^ James, p.581
  75. ^ Ferguson 2004,p.355
  76. ^ Ferguson 2004,p.356
  77. ^ James, p.583
  78. ^ Brown, p.342
  79. ^ Smith, p.105
  80. ^ Burke, p.602
  81. ^ Brown, p.343
  82. ^ James, p.585
  83. ^ Thatcher
  84. ^ Smith, p.106
  85. ^ James, p.586
  86. ^ Brown, p.?
  87. ^ "1955: Britain claims Rockall". BBC News.
  88. ^ James, p.629
  89. ^ BBC NEWS | UK | Charles' diary lays thoughts bare
  90. ^ BBC - History - Britain, the Commonwealth and the End of Empire
  91. ^ UK Overseas Territories Foreign and Commonwealth Office, retrieved 2007-09-05
  92. ^ British Indian Ocean Territory. The World Factbook. CIA.
  93. ^ Antarctica. The World Factbook. CIA.
  94. ^ Commonwealth Secretariat - FAQs
  95. ^ MacCrum, p.338
  96. ^ Ferguson 2004,p.307
  97. ^ Dalziel, p.135


  • Abernethy, David (2000). The Dynamics of Global Dominance, European Overseas Empires 1415-1980. Yale University Press. ISBN 0300093144.
  • Andrews, Kenneth (1985). Trade, Plunder and Settlement: Maritime Enterprise and the Genesis of the British Empire, 1480-1630. Cambridge Paperback Library. ISBN 0521276985.
  • Brown, Judith (1998). The Twentieth Century, The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume IV. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199246793.
  • Burke, Kathleen (2008). Old World, New World: Great Britain and America from the Beginning. Atlantic Monthly Press. ISBN 0871139715.
  • Dalziel, Nigel (2006). The Penguin Historical Atlas of the British Empire. Penguin. ISBN 0141018445.
  • David, Saul (2003). The Indian Mutiny. Penguin. ISBN 0670911372.
  • Ferguson, Niall (2004). Colossus: The Price of America's Empire. Penguin. ISBN 1594200130.
  • Ferguson, Niall (2004). Empire. Basic Books. ISBN 0465023290.
  • Greene, Jack (2003). A Companion to the American Revolution. Blackwell. ISBN 1405116749.
  • Hollowell, Jonathan (2002). Britain Since 1945. Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 0631209689.
  • Hyam, Ronald (2002). Britain's Imperial Century, 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 033399311X.
  • James, Lawrence (2001). The Rise and Fall of the British Empire. Abacus. ISBN 031216985X.
  • Lloyd, T (1996). The British Empire 1558-1995. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198731345.
  • Macaulay, Thomas (1979). The History of England. Pengiun. ISBN 0140431330.
  • MacCrum, Robert (1992). The Story of English. Faber and Faber. ISBN 0140154051.
  • Maddison, Angus (2001). The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  • Magnusson, Magnus (2003). Scotland: The Story of a Nation. Grove Press. ISBN 0802139329.
  • Marshall, PJ (1998). The Eighteenth Century, The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume II. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199246777.
  • McLean, Iain (2001). Rational Choice and British Politics: An Analysis of Rhetoric and Manipulation from Peel to Blair. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198295294.
  • Nicholas, Canny (1998). The Origins of Empire, The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume I. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199246769.
  • Olson, James (1996). Historical Dictionary of the British Empire: A-J. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 031329366X.
  • Pagden, Anthony (2003). Peoples and Empires: A Short History of European Migration, Exploration, and Conquest, from Greece to the Present. Modern Library. ISBN 0812967615.
  • Parsons, Timothy H (1999). The British Imperial Century, 1815-1914: A World History Perspective. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847688259.
  • Porter, Andrew (1998). The Nineteenth Century, The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume III. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199246785.
  • Smith, Simon (1998). British Imperialism 1750-1970. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052159930X.
  • Taylor, Alan (2001). American Colonies, The Settling of North America. Penguin. ISBN 0142002100.
  • Thatcher, Margaret (1993). The Downing Street Years. Harper Collins. ISBN 0060170565.
  • Wright, Donald R. (2007). "Berlin West Africa Conference". Encarta Online Encyclopedia.
  • "WW1 Dominion Armies". Farlex encyclopedia. {{cite news}}: Text "date" ignored (help)

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