User:Burning Freebies/Halloween09

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Halloween is approaching! The ghouls are out and about, Abaddon’s tentacles make a return in Kamadan, the Moon decides to look good, and best of all, Mad King Thorn returns! Get ready for treats, sweets, and a ghoulish surprise!

From me

Yes, Halloween, my favourite festival, is here! The ghouls are out and about, Abbadon’s tentacles make a return in Kamadan, the Moon decides to look good, and best of all, Mad King Thorn returns! Get ready for treats, sweets, and a ghoulish surprise!

From the Mad King himself

Mu hu ha ha ha! The skeletons are rattling in their coffins, the ghouls are flying to and thro. Yes, its time for my favourite festival-HALLOWEEN! As the wind whistles through Lions Arch and Kamadan, bringing with it an eerie glow, i promose to bring you some ghoulishly festive treats. Be prepared to be scared!

Key Activities![edit]

A variety of activities await you this Halloween. Here are a few of the smaller ones:

  • Charming…-Find a human that has been morphed into a beast. I will choose one of these beasts. If you are standing next to it, you win!
  • Pumpkin bobbing-Get your Squash serums and get down to the coast for a truly spectacular sight
  • Quiz-A quiz of Halloween past. Swat up!
  • Joke competition-Mad King Freebies needs a new set of jokes. Think of some, tell me, and let the worst joke be crowned the best!
  • Don’t eat me!!-Mortals no this game as tag. I will transform myself into a candy cane servant, and the first person to take a chunk out of me wins!
  • Mad King says-A Halloween classic, but made less deadly because the new King favors his countrymen. However, only the first person to correctly copy the emote shall win! (No body wins if i dont say "Mad King Freebies says...")
  • The Daily Death-The annual Halloween newspaper. Starting from 8 days before Halloween, when the decorations are put up, there will be a daily newspaper style article, where I shall post the riddles, map pieces, and other Halloween related news. The shall be a special issue on November 1st, describing the event and announcing the competition winners.

And some of the larger ones:

Mad King Freebies searching the Mists for the ghosts

The Great Ghost robbery!

Halloween, as everyone knows, is a time for ghouls and ghosts. These festering poltergeists rely on a rift combining the spirit world to the world of the mortals. These rifts are present in Droknars Forge, Kamadan, Tomb of the primeval kings, but the strongest one is in Lions Arch. This is due to the presence of a mystical item, which is believed to strengthen the portal by making it larger. This item hold the delicate equilibrium in balance.

However, this Halloween, all has gone wrong. A NPC character from across Tyria has found the item, stolen it and hidden it somewhere in Tyria. Without it, Halloween will be ruined! Alas, the King is very busy this Halloween, so he will reward you greatly if you can solve the dilemna!

This task falls into 2 sections-finding the criminal and finding the mystical item. In the King's attempt to find both, he managed to uncover a series of clues and map pieces scattered across Tyria. He will post these riddles and map pieces as he finds them from the start of the decorations appearing, with the final clues being released on the big day! Players will then have to find the item or find the criminal, and report it to the King via the infamous private Guru scroll network. Good luck!

Hallowed Hideout

Halloween is taking a turn for the worse this year. Everything seems to be in chaos! For you see, I have decided to add a personal touch to this years Halloween decor. So, i gave myself the duty of finding some of the greatest artists and architects to make the Hallowed towns more spooky! But all has not gone to plan.

The new decorators were due to arrive yesterday, which they did-but without their decorations. They claimed to have been ambushed by a mysterious figure, that seemed to have a large item in a bag. Could this be the same person behing the great ghost robbery? Alas, the King's decorations could be anywhere in the country by now!

Again, the task falls to you! The decorators claim to have found a place of great spookiness, which breaths the very essence of Halloween. The decorators painted this place, and planned to use it for inspiration for the job, but this painting was lost in the ambush. So it is up to you to make Halloween better! You must find the spookiest place in Guild wars, take a picture of it and send it to the King via the Guru private scroll network! The prizes are big, so dont miss out!

The mad King/Queen costume contest!

Another tragedy! The stylists for the King's new wardrobe have also been ambushed by a someone in a caravan with Halloween decorations. The stylists had created some great Halloween designs, and had come to finalise the costumes with measurements. And now it seems, the third attack has taken place. But now it is your oppurtunity to shine!

There will be 2 costume contests-the Mad King and the Mad Queen contests. All you need to do is create a great Halloween costume, and bring it on the day for judging! You never know, the King might use the designs himself!

The great Halloween aquathon

Mad King Freebies is an avid fan of sport, and suffering. So why not combine the two?

The aquathon was a race set long ago in history, in Elona. A commander of the Kournan Military, John Collins, started the race when he was brainstorming ways to train his troops athletic ablities. He decided to send them on a swim through the treachrous waters at the Barbarous shore, followed by a run up through the Dejarin estate, turning at Mahnkelon to Jahai Bluffs, conecting to Venta Cemetery, down to Marga Coast, through Arkjok Ward to Pogahn Passage, then retracing the route to Barbarous shore for the finish. Before the race, John said "Whoever finishes first, we will call the Ironman".

The race was a success for 10 years, until the rise of Palawa Joko. The race was then forgotten under the rule of Turai Ossa, as the Commander was killed in battle. However, the King wishes to revieve the great event and name a new Halloween Ironman!

The course is simple. To start, a plunge into the cold winter waters around the boat scaffolding. After completing this circuit twice, contestans will have to clamber out and start the run around Lions Arch. The run begins by running up the short hill, then continuing past Sergio to the scroll trader. Turn right, then carry on to the Guild Registrar. Down the steps into Merchants row, then up the next set of steps to pass the Xunlai chest. Head for Lionguard Bedo, then turn right, and right again to head onto the coast. Head for the pillars at the top of those stairs leading to the water, then take the left path to arrive at the boats. Carry on to the short hill, and complete the whole circuit again. To finish, carry on up the short hill at the circuit's start, then turn right past Sergio for the sprint finish up the set of stairs, with armen the guide on the right.

The race will be timed, and players can use their Halloween candy. So come on down for some endurance racing, and become an Ironman!


Won a competition or mini game? Here is what you might receive:

  • Trick or Treat bags
  • Halloween treats
  • Cash
  • Golds and greens, in their many hundreds
  • Minipets
  • Scrolls and tomes
  • Cash
  • Zaishen Keys

If interested in making donations, please refer to this list for item ideas.

Join the fun![edit]

Mr Freebies joining in the party mood

Want to come to this ghoulish surprise?

  • When-Halloween (31st October), from 12pm(noon)-7pm, leading up to the return of the King and Queen's Horrorween!
  • Where-International district 1 of Lions Arch


  • 9am-Great Ghost robbery item and criminal hunt begins as staff take their places. No more entries accepted for Hallowed Hideout screenshot competition.

  • 12pm- Opening Ceremony
  • 12.30-Dont Eat me! begins(15 mins) and Mad King Says begins (15 mins)
  • 1pm(13.00)-Mad King Thorn arrives
  • 1.30-King Thorn leaves, Charming... begins
  • 2pm(14.00)-Quiz begins
  • 2.30-Quiz
  • 3pm(15.00)-Quiz ends, Mad King/Queen Costume contest begins
  • 3.30-The Story of Mad King Freebies
  • 4pm(16.00)-Mad King Thorn arrives-Ritual of the Mad Kings begins
  • 4.30-Mad King Thorn leaves, gift giving begins
  • 5pm(17.00)- Winners of "Great Ghost Robbery"(both sections) and "Hallowed Hideout" announced
  • 5.30-Great Halloween Aquathon
  • 6pm(18.00)-Pumpkin Bobbing
  • 6.30-Mad King Says
  • 7pm(19.00)-Horrorween begins!

Note:All times may be changed and shuffled to fit any changes, and to fit the Mad King Thorn arrival times, which are based on last years appearance times which may change.

Blade Radio and the King and Queen Horrorween[edit]

  • Blade Radio are holding another Night of the minipets (thank goodness), but no other valid an reliable information is currently available at this time, so I believe it unfair to mention anything that may change at any particular time.
  • I have some confirmation that Mad King Frost and Mad Queen Malafide, along with the "Lustre Tears" (co hosts) are planning something this Halloween. All i know is that it will probably be big. Page link will arrive soon.

Useful links[edit]

Links to some of the above may be missing because information may not have yet been published.

