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The unnamed serial rapist, also known through his multiple identities; Charlie Williams, Dean Charles, and Will Dean, is a one-shot antagonist of Moon Knight Annual #1, "Date Night".

He is a vicious, sadistic serial rapist who goes onto preying unsuspecting women he met under occasional situations or at the bar, spiking their drinks until they're drunk, leaving him the advantage to physically and violently rape and abuse them before leaving the next morning. His actions against his victims leaves them in a shattering mess that requires therapy and unbeknownst to him, caught the attention of Moon Knight himself.


The unnamed rapist is defined by his sadism and shady character, taking vicious pleasure onto putting both physical and psychological harm onto women for his own perverted urges, hinting any signs of misogynistic behavior as well as one akin to a sexual predator by how he enacts these incidents. He's proven to be intelligent, managing to cover his tracks and later switching to newer identities to prevent being found out. Despite this, however, the rapist is shown to be vulnerable when put in a situation no longer in his control when his previous victim came to take revenge and cut off his oxygen tank to kill him slowly, causing him to cower and try desperately to prevent his own timely demise until it already done.



There isn't much on what the rapist in question was like nor is there any signs of his real name, however, it can be occurred that the current one he has when first introduced - "Will Dean" - may not be his real name. Though it wouldn't be his first option where it begun as he gone through several identities as well, such as "Leonard Scott", "Andy Leonard", and "Charles Anderson", upon drugging and sexually assaulting several women in the past.

Under the identity of "Will Dean", a proclaimed NASA astronaut in training, he first met his latest victim in a bar and introduced himself. Asking her to join him for a drink, one which he got her drunk enough after spending their time partying at the bar and later conversing at a diner until it was then he brought her back to her apartment, suggesting a "nightcap" drink for her one time. This was the very moment the rapist took advantage of the woman, raping her violently to the point she received sores and bruises all over herself, thus finding out the next morning night on what happened, punching the mirror. In an act of revenge, the woman tries to search for him in an attempt to get back at him for raping her, she searched from bar to bar and even googled his name, only to be notified that there are several people named "Will Dean" none of them matched her sketch of him. Checking the NASA website, it was also confirmed there was no one named "Will Dean" who participated during her search, which by then one of Moon Knight's colleagues informed him of the rapist's presence. The latest victim saw him again in a diner with a prostitute during his latest attempt unbeknownst and proceeds to punch him in the face in a fit of anger, which he only smiled spitefully and brushed the attack off, saying it was over for her when the police arrive to apprehend her.

On his next stroll, the assailant went onto a different identity as a medical surgeon named "Dean Charles" who later targeted a black-haired woman. Acting friendly and slowly getting closer to her, he took her to a movie one night and offered to walk her back to her apartment before the woman declined, almost having his chance. The next night after three past dates, the woman was advised by her mother to invite him over for dinner as their next date at following nighttime. Unfortunately, the rapist strikes again when he pour bits of drugs spiking her wine glass and had her drink it, unaware of the sudden effects that took place, to which the rapist slowly removed her clothes and begins physically and sexually assaulting her. On the next morning she woke up in bruises and being badly beaten, the woman suffers a breakdown that messes up her entire kitchen and thought about "leaving the city for a long while", which was to resort to suicide. Luckily, Moon Knight saved her by the last second after trying to fall off the building ledge and was able to confirm the rapist's pattern, one step closer to finding him.

In his final and last attempt, he targeted a sleazy female partygoer/prostitute under the identity of a cowboy from Montana named "Charlie Williams", whom he managed to woo over with his accent and walk her out of the club, first buying her dinner at a diner before the same woman he raped as "Will Dean" punched him and later walked out after she was apprehended. Upon buying her a drink, he spiked it with drugs and had her go drunk for a while, thus seemingly walking her home in an attempt to rape her like the rest of his past victims until he was caught off-guard and beaten by Moon Knight, however, the drunk woman foolishly in the belief he was assaulting her 'boyfriend' proceeds to user a taser on Moon Knight, allowing the rapist to kick him down a few times until the effects on the prostitute kicked in and was knocked out unconscious. The rapist attempts to have his way with her with Moon Knight knocked out, unfortunately for him, the latter easily got up and injected him with what looked to be paralysis, putting the assailant in a severely critical condition that left him hospitalized. The prostitute from earlier was later brought home safely with rather hazy memory on what actually happened.

At some point, the previous victim - the same black-haired woman - took notice of the newspapers regarding her rapist's current status and upon making her way into his hospital bedroom, she tampered with his oxygen tank that was keeping him alive by pressing down the tube, much to the rapist's shock as he tries to stop her with little to no effort, thus dies with the oxygen cut off.



          Moon Knight Vol 9 Logo Villains

Agony | Amatsu-Mikaboshi | Amutef | Anubis the Jackal | Arsenal | Arthur Harrow | Black Spectre | BlueBeard | Bora | Coachwhip | Collective | Committee | Conquer-Lord | Count Nefaria | Crossfire | D'Spayre | Deadpool | Deadzone | Deathbringer | Elisa Warsame | Dr. Emmet | Grand Mal | The Hellbent | Tutor (Kenneth) | Hunter's Moon | Jester | Jigsaw | Khonshu | Killer Shrike | Living Monolith | Lupinar | Lynn Church | Madame Masque | Master Sniper | Midnight | Midnight Man | Morpheus | Moonstone | Morning Star | Nemean | Nightmare | Night Shift | Penance | Profile | Princess Nepthys | Rampage | Raul Bushman | Raptor | Ringer | Scarecrow | Secret Empire | Serial Rapist | Shadow Knight | Skein | Slasher | Slayers Elite | Société des Sadiques (Ernst) | Snapdragon | Stained Glass Scarlet | Sun King | Sunstroke | Taskmaster | Truth | Vampires | Vermin | Wax-Man | White Angel of Death | White Dragon | Xenos | Zapata Brothers | Zodiac | Zohar

Disciples of Ammit (Arthur Harrow & Ammit) | Khonshu | Anton Mogart | Wendy Spector | Raoul Bushman
