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Villain Overview

You know, because I'm strong, people say things like "be gentle" or "help me". Ain't that stupid? I'm a person that likes to break other people. Every weakling is my toy.
~ Marl Baroque's villainous sadist speech.
Ugh, bastard! I won't let you-
~ Marl's last words before Mikagami destroys her brain.

Marl Baroque is a major antagonist in the Japanese Adult manga Reincarnation Colosseum. She is Mary Landorott's best friend, and currently one of Mikagami Kouji's sex slaves. It has not yet been made clear what her relationship is with the other two members of the Holy Four.


Marl Baroque is a member of the Holy Four serving one of the main villains, Priestess Zayd. She is very brutish, beating her opponent (and victims) to a pulp using her buff skills. She is best friends with Mary Landorott.

Marl is the second opponent for the main protagonist, Mikagami Kouji, after he beat her fellow Holy Four member and best friend, Mary Landorott. After Mary's defeat, Marl called her weak, but decides to fight Mikagami next to avenge her friend. As a warm up, she took one of her slaves and broke every bone in her body, before tossing her aside and going to fight her next opponent; Mikagami.

At the start of the match, Marl had the upper hand, but was caught off guard when Mikagami spat in her mouth. Opset, she kicked him in the stomach, dropping him to the ground. As she was about to finish Mikagami off, her body became paralyzed with fatigue and she realized that it was love potion, not saliva, that Mikagami spat in her mouth. Having taken the potion, she could no longer fight Mikagami, as her brain was now telling her to love him, causing her to unconsciously give him her buffer boosts, which he used to punch her across the colosseum. With Marl being unable to resist, Mikagami repeatedly spanked her in front of the entire colosseum to humiliate her. He continued to spanked her until she laid flat on the floor showing hints of submission.

Marl became Mikagami's second slave after Mary. As Mikagami dragged Marl into his room (where Mary was waiting), he proceeded to throw her down. In a last, desperate attempt to kill him, Marl tried to punch him, but the love potion was still in effect, causing her to again give Mikagami her buffer skill powers, which he used to stop her fist. She was then spanked, raped and forced to drink more love potion once again by Mikagami, turning her into a completely loyal servant of Mikagami. Marl even indicates that she was developing feelings for him, stating "I love you" while he spanked and raped her. However, Marl was not alone, Mary also drank love potion and joined her friend in getting raped by Mikagami. Like he had done previously with Mary, Mikagami performed the deed for three whole days, by the end of which Marl was well bred.

After Alice Cotton's defeat, Marl and Mary welcomed him home, both naked wearing nothing but skimpy aprons. Marl quickly forced Alice to drink the love potion, Before throwing her down. As she and Mary held Alice down with one hand, they seductively held up each of their free hands towards Mikagami asking him to come. This made it clearly showed their eagerness to start the breeding session with him. Mikagami made no attempt to resist their charms, immediately getting intimate with them while rapping and breeding Alice into submission. Based on Alice's bruises, it is implied that Marl continued to punch Alice for the full three days to help break her.

After Mikagami defeats Fine Catastrophe, and Fine reveals they are actually a boy that was turned into a girl by Zayd, Marl once again grabs a love potion and forces her former friend to chug it all, forcing Fine into a breedable state despite her pleas to not rape her since she is a boy. Marl, and the other two concubines of Mikagami, ignore her, and hold her down despite her begs. Mikagami proceeds to rape all four of them for three days until Fine becomes an idiot and gets pregnant. Even after the three days, Marl continues to torment Fine, promising to rape her to death next time, before slapping her teary face.

Marl will be assisting Mikagami as his tag team partner in his sixth round of fighting, in which he faces Alexandros Byrne and Chris Ena.


Marl is an extremely muscular woman with a brown hair with a yellow streak. She wore a bathing suit-like outfit. She has bandages wrapped around her arms. She has long leg stocking. She never wore trousers or even underpants, entering combat as such.

After her defeat by Mikagami, she wore a torn rag and a slave collar on her neck. After being drugged and raped, hearts start appearing in her eyes, implying her newfound obsession with Mikagami. After Alice's defeat, Marl wore an apron with nothing else.


Marl is an extremely brutal and blood-thirsty woman who loves pummelling her victims into a pulp as if they were punching bags. She also enjoys breaking every bone in their body as a sadistic form of torture. She look down those who are weaker than herself as well she break them like twigs. She is a very dimwitted muscle-brained person, and often lets her ego get the better of her. Besides beating weaker opponents, she would also rape them after a match, further aggravating their broken bones and bruises, with her gaining additional pleasure from it. She does have good relationship with her best friend, Mary Landorott as she intend to defeat Mikagami to avenge her best friend's defeat but only to fail and ended up becoming a slave like Mary.

Due to the side effects of the love potions after she was spanked and raped by Mikagami, Marl's brain changed and she became completely loyal and developed romantic feelings for Mikagami as well calling him "master". She has no problem letting Mikagami rape her anymore, and in fact likes it. She considers herself to be Mikagami's "precious slave" when she and Mary are naked with aprons, and wants nothing more than to be Mikagami's favourite slave.

Marl's sadism still faintly exists even as a slave, as she forces both the defeated Alice and Fine to drink the love potions when they refuse to do so willingly, despite knowing that by doing so she is permanently damning her friends to be broken by Mikagami, raped, bred, and spend the rest of their lives as slaves. She is also one of the two dumbest characters in the manga, alongside the post-battle Fine Catastrophe, the former genius, who was raped into a permanent dumb state of mind by Mikagami. Marl, however, was just always dumb, as she had considerable brawn, but very little brain.

Prior and after her brainwashing into Mikagami's harem, she wore a somewhat tight body suit, with open lengths at the bottom, while also never wearing trousers or underpants, with her privates only sometimes blocked by the flow of the fabric, thus indicating a lack of shame or perhaps ignorance about the concept of humility. She has bandages wrapped around her wrists and ankles, although never wore shoes, which is perhaps due to her bruiser, animalistic nature.

Abilities and Powers[]

  • Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Marl is a specialist of hand-to-hand combat. She used buff magic to increase her power.
  • Multi-Buff: Marl can give herself three buffs.


  • She is the youngest of the Holy Four, at only 18 years of age.
  • Marl is a confirmed bisexual. She does flirt and prefer with Mikagami, but she has often expressed her interest in women as well, as she tries to join Mary in the shower, and actively plays a key role in the rape of Alice and Fine.
  • Marl seems to have a deep sexual desires for Mikagami. This is shown when she tells him to get back into the breeding room when he leaves it even though he just spent three days with her. This is further enforced when she immediately jumps on to Mikagami after hearing he doesn't have a match that week. Celebrating that she gets to enjoy him more.
  • After Mary, Marl has been Mikagami's slave the longest and has been very aggressive in her DUTY to breed with him even when the love potion is not in affect. While she doesn't seem to be pregnant, it has not yet been specified on whether or not that is the case.
  • Unlike her friend Mary, Marl doesn't seem to feel any jealousy when Mikagami attends to other women. On the contrary, she seems quite cheerful when another woman becomes his slave. Which may be due to her bisexual personality.
  • She was broken by Mikagami in the quickest amount of time, most likely due to the fact that he used her multi-buff to break her brain through abuse in only moments.
    • Marl previously stated that she can usually break a slave with just one Multi-Buff punch. While Mikagami was using Multi-Buff, stolen from Marl, he punched her exactly twenty-one times. Since each punch alone is enough to break a weak slave, even if Marl is stronger than the average slave, her brain was crushed the equivalent of over ten times.


           Reincarnation Colosseum Logo Villains

The Colosseum
Priestess Zayd | Desmos Salamandis | Luna

The Holy Four
Mikagami Kouji

Original Four
Mary Landorott | Marl Baroque | Alice Cotton | Fine Catastrophe

Other Members
Zulu | Suzu

Other Fighters
Musashi Sasaki | Alexandros Byrne | Chris Ena
