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Syntax-Based Post-Ordering for Efficient Japanese-to-English Translation

Published: 01 August 2013 Publication History


This article proposes a novel reordering method for efficient two-step Japanese-to-English statistical machine translation (SMT) that isolates reordering from SMT and solves it after lexical translation. This reordering problem, called post-ordering, is solved as an SMT problem from Head-Final English (HFE) to English. HFE is syntax-based reordered English that is very successfully used for reordering with English-to-Japanese SMT. The proposed method incorporates its advantage into the reverse direction, Japanese-to-English, and solves the post-ordering problem by accurate syntax-based SMT with target language syntax. Two-step SMT with the proposed post-ordering empirically reduces the decoding time of the accurate but slow syntax-based SMT by its good approximation using intermediate HFE. The proposed method improves the decoding speed of syntax-based SMT decoding by about six times with comparable translation accuracy in Japanese-to-English patent translation experiments.


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  1. Syntax-Based Post-Ordering for Efficient Japanese-to-English Translation



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    ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing  Volume 12, Issue 3
    August 2013
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    Publication History

    Published: 01 August 2013
    Accepted: 01 December 2012
    Revised: 01 November 2012
    Received: 01 February 2012
    Published in TALIP Volume 12, Issue 3


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    1. Japanese-to-English translation
    2. long-distance reordering
    3. post-ordering
    4. statistical machine translation


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