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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Apr 22.
Published in final edited form as: Proceedings (IEEE Int Conf Bioinformatics Biomed). 2020 Feb 6;2019:1544–1547. doi: 10.1109/bibm47256.2019.8983167

Clustering and topic modeling over tweets: A comparison over a health dataset

Juan Antonio Lossio-Ventura α, Juandiego Morzan β, Hugo Alatrista-Salas β, Tina Hernandez-Boussard α, Jiang Bian θ
PMCID: PMC9028681  NIHMSID: NIHMS1796991  PMID: 35463811


Twitter became the most popular form of social interactions in the healthcare domain. Thus, various teams have evaluated Twitter as an additional source where patients share information about their healthcare with the potential goal to improve their outcomes. Several existing topic modeling and document clustering applications have been adapted to assess tweets showing that the performances of the applications are negatively affected due to the nature and characteristics of tweets. Moreover, Twitter health research has become difficult to measure because of the absence of comparisons between the existing applications. In this paper, we perform an evaluation based on internal indexes of different topic modeling and document clustering applications over two Twitter health-related datasets. Our results show that Online Twitter LDA and Gibbs LDA get a better performance for extracting topics and grouping tweets. We want to provide health practitioners this comparison to select the most suitable application for their tasks.

Index Terms—: topic modeling, clustering, internal cluster indexes, natural language processing, Twitter

I. Introduction

There are several online social networking platforms and services that allow parties to connect to share information, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, among others. Twitter enables users to publish and read short messages, named “tweets” composed of 140 characters (now, 280 characters). Twitter users often share their opinions, feelings, thoughts, and personal activities. With over 500 million tweets posted each day, Twitter has become a very powerful data source to get real-world insights. In the health domain, Twitter has increasingly been adopted by users to share information and interact with other users with similar symptoms, disorders; attracting the attention of clinical researchers with the potential goal to improve patients’ outcomes [1]–[4]. Moreover, several studies have been demonstrated the use of Twitter as low-cost source for public health surveillance [5], such as for influenza vaccination [6], mental health [7], public mood [8], suicide [9], gender discrimination [10], etc.

These research works have focused on the design of natural language processing (NLP) methods to digest and analyze large amounts of text. Topic modeling and clustering are techniques among the proposed NLP methods, used to infer patients’ interests, track new health-related stories, and identify emerging health topics. Clustering methods aim at grouping documents into clusters [11], [12]. They have different applications in information retrieval such as event detection, text summarization [13], [14]. Generally, the methods are based on representing text as a bag-of-words, and grouping texts on the basis of their lexical similarity. Topic modeling methods seek to extract topics from a set of text documents based on statistical techniques. Each topic is defined as a distribution over a set of words. Topic modeling and clustering have similar characteristics: both are based on unsupervised learning, they need a number of topics/clusters to be specified beforehand, and do not require labels. Also, a major problem in topic modeling and clustering methods is to determine the number of topics/clusters. Although many algorithms have been suggested to tackle the problem of determining the number of clusters, there does not appear to be a single method proven to be the most reliable, possibly due to the high complexity in real-world datasets. Thus, task-specific method for determining the number of clusters is always preferred, e.g., biomedical literature [15]. There are two kinds of cluster evaluation metrics which are called external and internal validation indexes. External indexes measure the quality based on already annotated datasets. Internal indexes evaluate the result on information intrinsic to the data alone. The latter is useful when there is no annotated dataset available. However, despite the abundance of NLP techniques available in the literature, there are several challenges when it comes to the analysis of tweets due to its noisy nature and inconsistent user reliability. This prevents the tweets from being employed to their full potential. Moreover, Twitter health research has become difficult to measure because of the absence of comparisons between the existing applications.

To the best of our knowledge, various studies have been devoted to content analysis of health-related tweets, however, none has carried out a deep content comparison of topic modeling and clustering methods over health datasets. In this paper, we want to address the problem of how effectively several standard topic modeling and clustering methods perform on health-related tweets. We test and compare several state-of-the-art applications on an unbalanced dataset composed of two subsets: Human Papillomavirus (94.6%) and Lynch Syndrome (5.4%). Our experiments are validated based on internal evaluation indexes due to the lack of available annotated datasets.

II. Methods

A. Tweets collection

Our health dataset is composed of two subsets: the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the lynch syndrome tweets. The extraction strategy considered keywords and hashtags containing common generic HPV and lynch syndrome names and slang terms. Table I shows a description of our collection. Our tweets collection are composed of 140 characters.


Details of our health-related tweets.

Subset HPV Lynch syndrome
No. of tweets 271,533 15,438
No. of users 99,227 4,492
Collection period Jan 2014 – Mar 2016 Oct 2016 – Nov 2017
No. of unique hashtags 14,875 1,649
No. of tweets with hashtag 115,859 10,224
No. of tokens before preprocessing 1,767,920 147,144
No. of tokens after preprocessing 1,042,063 96,437

We applied several rules to preprocess the tweets collection: 1) text was changed to lowercase; 2) suppression of repeated tweets; 3) suppression of stop-words; and 4) omission of links from the tweets.

B. Applications

  1. Topic modeling: we set up six well-known available methods used for short texts: (i) Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)1 [16], (ii) Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)2 [17], (iii) LDA with Gibbs Sampling (GibbsLDA)3 [18], (iv) Online LDA4 [19], (v) Biterm (BTM)5 [20], and (vi) Online Twitter LDA6 [21].

  2. Clustering: we used k-means as algorithm on two different dataset representations: (i) TFIDF representation [22] and (ii) Doc2Vec7 [23].

C. Analysis of applications

  1. Configuration: for topic modeling, “k” (i.e., number of topics) will range from 2 to 50. In our work, topic modeling results are used to classify tweets to a particular topic. Each tweet is represented by a feature vector, where each component of the vector is the probability of the tweet to belong to a given topic. For instance, k=2 means the size of the feature vector is 2; for k=50 is 50. We then use an argmax function to determine the most prominent topic of each tweet. The clustering algorithm, K-means, uses two document representations: TFIDF and Doc2Vec. Both set the number of features (bag-of-words) equal to 100 for comparison purposes, with a “k” (i.e., number of clusters) also ranging from 2 to 50. Note that “k” is indistinctively used as number of clusters and topics.

  2. Evaluation: we evaluated all topic modeling and clustering algorithms using 100, 500, and 1,000 iterations. The initial number of iterations is recommended in [24] and is a default value in the applications. To evaluate the performance of the topic modeling and clustering methods, we have employed two internal validity indexes: Calinski-Harabasz index (CH) [25] and Silhouette Coefficient (SC) [26]. Calinski and Harabasz index has demonstrated in several works to be an effective measure for determining the most appropriate number of clusters [27]. On the other hand, Silhouette Coefficient is one of the most well-known measures and one of the fewest measures independent from the number of clusters. In the next paragraphs we explain the principles of the internal indexes.

Calinski-Harabasz index:

Calinski-Harabasz index: also known as the Variance Ratio Criterion, it can be used to evaluate the clustering model, where a higher CH value relates to a model with better defined clusters. The CHk value is given by the ratio between average inter-cluster dispersion matrix (Bk) and intra-cluster dispersion matrix (Wk) as defined in Formula 1.

CHk=BkWk×nkk1 (1)

where n is the total number of points and k the number of clusters. The Bk value is based on the distance between clusters and is defined as:


where ni is the number of elements of cluster Ci, ci is the center of Ci, and c is the center of the complete dataset. Wk is based on the distance within clusters and is defined as:


where x is a point of cluster Ci. Note that to obtain well separated and compact clusters, Bk is maximized and Wk minimized. Therefore, the maximum value of CH indicates a suitable partition for the dataset.

Silhouette Coefficient:

Silhouette Coefficient: studies the separation distance between the resulting clusters. SC computes for each point a width depending on its membership in any cluster. This silhouette width is then an average over all observations. SC value has a range of [−1, 1], where −1 represents poor clustering quality or poorly defined clusters and 1 high clustering quality or well-defined clusters. The SCk value for a single sample is defined in Formula 2.

SCk=1n×inbiaimax(ai,bi) (2)

where n represents the total number of elements in a cluster, ai is the average distance between an element i of the cluster and all other elements within the same cluster, bi represents the average distance between the element i of the cluster and all other elements in the nearest cluster.

In summary, higher clustering quality of a particular algorithm tends to yield higher predictive performance on information retrieval tasks. For this reason, we seek to identify the algorithms that maximize the overall clustering quality (i.e., internal indexes).

III. Experiments and results

As we have stated, the focus of this study is to compare the performance of applications using the internal indexes CH and SC, over the content of Twitter. In this section we show the results obtained for k={2,5,10,50}. CH and SC quantify the performance of a clustering algorithm based on two aspects: the similarity of tweets within the same cluster (cohesion), and the difference between the tweets of different clusters. Tables II, III, IV and V show the CH and SC results of each method for 2, 5, 10, and 50 number of clusters/topics (“k”) respectively. In all cases, the best values are obtained by Online Twitter LDA followed by GibbsLDA.


Internal index results for k=2.

100 iterations 500 iterations 1,000 iterations
LSI 86,260 0.41 86,260 0.40 86,260 0.40
BTM 634,412 0.74 661,242 0.75 604,629 0.72
LDA 515,737 0.68 486,522 0.68 521,198 0.69
GibbsLDA 10,767,060 0.97 10,514,730 0.98 9,932,722 0.97
Online LDA 849,068 0.77 834,351 0.76 938,428 0.78
Online Twitter LDA 50,110,500 0.99 53,291,260 0.99 50,730,260 0.99
K-means+Doc2Vec 31,196 0.20 31,196 0.20 31,196 0.20
K-means+TFIDF 5,764 0.04 5,764 0.04 5,764 0.04


Internal index results for k=5.

100 iterations 500 iterations 1,000 iterations
LSI 50,641 0.40 51,961 0.40 51,961 0.40
BTM 165,515 0.60 171,041 0.60 175,937 0.61
LDA 69,526 0.37 71,240 0.38 71,741 0.38
GibbsLDA 967,683 0.91 1,016,640 0.93 1,010,773 0.92
Online LDA 173,255 0.61 170,659 0.60 185,005 0.62
Online Twitter LDA 6,554,339 0.98 10,117,270 0.98 10,989,530 0.99
K-means+Doc2Vec 13,998 0.04 13,998 0.04 13,998 0.04
K-means+TFIDF 4,722 0.07 4,722 0.07 4,722 0.07


Internal index results for k=10.

100 iterations 500 iterations 1,000 iterations
LSI 25,346 0.34 25,539 0.34 25,532 0.35
BTM 55,110 0.41 61,790 0.43 67,856 0.53
LDA 24,498 0.27 24,102 0.27 24,860 0.27
GibbsLDA 239,457 0.83 266,065 0.85 272,035 0.86
Online LDA 70,824 0.54 69,418 0.55 69,892 0.55
Online Twitter LDA 1,400,045 0.96 1,925,903 0.97 2,035,547 0.97
K-means+Doc2Vec 7,617 0.02 7,617 0.02 7,617 0.02
K-means+TFIDF 3,758 0.07 3,758 0.07 3,758 0.07


Internal index results for k=50.

100 iterations 500 iterations 1,000 iterations
LSI 3,894 0.21 3,925 0.22 3,907 0.19
BTM 9,501 0.35 10,089 0.37 10,507 0.37
LDA 3,006 0.14 2,801 0.12 2,960 0.14
GibbsLDA 18,188 0.65 21,256 0.68 22,014 0.69
Online LDA 9,835 0.44 10,322 0.45 10,299 0.46
Online Twitter LDA 39,014 0.79 62,749 0.85 66,051 0.87
K-means+Doc2Vec 2,028 −0.02 2,028 −0.02 2,028 −0.02
K-means+TFIDF 2,200 0.17 2,200 0.17 2,200 0.17

IV. Discussion

Although the dataset is an unbalanced corpus, the results suggest that Online Twitter LDA followed by GibbsLDA characterize well the tweets in topics. Therefore, the clusters formed are more compact in terms of CH and SC, since they have a higher density (within the cluster) and a greater degree of separation. Also, variations of LDA perform better since they are improvements based on LDA. Note that when the number of topics increases, the metrics obtained tend to decrease as also shown in Fig 1. The reason is that our tweet collection is composed of two subsets: lynch syndrome and HPV tweets. Thus, two topics are quite marked and differentiated. Therefore, it is reasonable that clusters will be denser and more defined for a smaller k (which adheres to the nature of the dataset).

Fig. 1:

Fig. 1:

Silhouette Coefficient and Calinski-Harabasz metrics with 100 iterations, for “k” ranging from 2 to 50.

On the other hand, clustering results are lower than topic modeling. Hence, topic modeling algorithms might be providing more interesting and sophisticated insights than the single vectorial representation of tweets. Also, clustering with Doc2Vec representation has better results than TFIDF for smaller k. Nevertheless, as the number of k increases, this behavior is reversed, and TFIDF shows better metrics.

Finally, we can see the greater number of iterations in the experiments the better results obtained of the internal indexes. Therefore, the results obtained with the experiments of 1,000 iterations are usually better, and especially with topic modeling that are trained and perform better as the number of iterations increases.

V. Conclusions

In this paper, we conducted a deep comparison of different topic modeling and document clustering applications on a Twitter health-related dataset composed of two subsets: HPV and lynch syndrome tweets. We set up LSI, LDA, LDA with Gibbs Sampling, Online LDA, Biterm, Online Twitter LDA, and K-means based on TFIDF and Doc2Vec document vectorizations. They were evaluated considering two internal indexes: Calinski-Harabasz index and Silhouette Coefficient. The best results were obtained by Online Twitter LDA, which was able to group better the tweets in the extracted topics. Overall, this comparison provides encouraging results towards the application of topic modeling over health-related tweets.

As future work, we plan to complete our evaluation with external indexes. Currently, we are computing the Adjusted Rand index, Normalized Mutual Information, Homogeneity index, Completeness, and V-measure over the same dataset. Our ultimate goal is to do a complete evaluation of the available applications and identify whether they are able to answer healthcare questions such as: most discussed health topic in a tweet collection, the interaction of healthcare professionals with patients, most discussed topic of patients, among others.


Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01CA183962. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.



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