Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
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Eggbird is a Maximal from the Beast Wars portion of the Generation One continuity family.

Eggbird is the airborne Maximal Egg Beast, able to transform from a hawk mode into, uh, a ball. Like his fellow Egg Beasts, he is among the oldest of the Maximals. His small stature belies his bravery and experience in aerial combat.


Beast Wars[]

  • Eggbird (Egg Beast, 1998)
Japanese ID number: EC-2
Eggbird transforms from a mechanical sphere (ostensibly an "egg" mode) into a robotic hawk. He is cast in translucent plastic except for a handful of chromed and die-cast parts. He has a non-removable keychain attached to his robot-mode back.
This mold was also used to make Dark Eggbird and Zangetsu.


  • The molds used for the Egg Beasts originated as toys from the pre-Transformers Takara Microchange line, where they were called "Meteor Robo". The keychains were added for their Beast Wars release, and were retained for the molds' use in Kiss Players.

External links[]
